UncleBucks Bet

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and she's still not president.. how's it feel to have the entire site know that you're not a man of your word buck?? you were counting down the minutes that you were going to force panhead off of the site bcuz you swore you were going to win the bet, and you lost, yet you remain here?
all of that smack you talked to everyone who said that she wasn't going to win.. that awkward moment when trump takes pennsylvania.. i just can't believe that you're not man enough to hold up your word.. weak sauce.. i'm sure if the other's you bet had lost, you'd make sure they walked away..

after i left, i was informed that everyone i made the bet with got banned.

how's it feel knowing you are getting 'likes' on your posts from neo-nazis?
after i left, i was informed that everyone i made the bet with got banned.

how's it feel knowing you are getting 'likes' on your posts from neo-nazis?

lolz, that's about the weakest excuse of not holing up your word i've ever heard of...
i could care less who like's my posts, at least i know that when i say something, that means something in this world.. my word is very important.. i don't make bets with people and not pay up, unlike some others i can name..
lolz, that's about the weakest excuse of not holing up your word i've ever heard of...
i could care less who like's my posts, at least i know that when i say something, that means something in this world.. my word is very important.. i don't make bets with people and not pay up, unlike some others i can name..

i left. not my fault they all got banned.

well, unless you have the same conspiracy theory as all those neo-nazis currently 'liking' your posts, which is that i secretly run the site.
Disappear you piece of shit like you promised. When I leave it will be because I made an agreement and I will honor it on dec 8th . So go crawl back in your shit hole you punk ass fucking lair. Don't responded just get fucking lost.
after i left, i was informed that everyone i made the bet with got banned.

how's it feel knowing you are getting 'likes' on your posts from neo-nazis?
i left. not my fault they all got banned.

well, unless you have the same conspiracy theory as all those neo-nazis currently 'liking' your posts, which is that i secretly run the site.

if you left, how do you know everyone that you had a bet with got a ban? you get an airplane flying over your house with big sky letters telling you that the people whom you had a bet with were banned?
and secondly, what does it matter if the people you bet with are banned or not?? a man of his word wouldn't care.. lastly, were they banned before or after you lost the bet? i know i say pan head here after the elections were over, meaning, after you had already lost the bet..
i just think it's funny that everyone here gets to see that you're not man enough to uphold a bet.. i'm not the only one who sees it i'm sure.. it'is out there for the entire site to see.. i just find it funny that you had talked so much shit to anyone and everyone and even bet your account on the fact that she was going to win, and she lost, and yet here you are.. can't say i'm shocked by it to be honest, just thought that someone who had such strong convictions to bet their account would also have strong enough convictions to keep their word is all.. i don't know why i'd ever think such a thing..
also, the reason the so called neo nazi's are liking my posts at the moment is that they're the ones who were here and saw that you had indeed bet your account with members here, and lost that bet..
after i left, i was informed that everyone i made the bet with got banned.

Orly? A very simple quick site search reveals a member, still here @MrStickyScissors , that you bet with. You have officially been misinformed. Now leave.

lol, you are stupid.

trump is gonna lose. i will bet my membership here against yours, and you won't take the bet, because you know this too. but you are too stupid. just way too stupid.

I take that bet, No bitching, No crying, screen name is gone.

i accept as well.

except you frankly and honestly admitted to your racism, so i do not even want to see you gone.

just an "i told ya so" will do. but if i'm wrong, i will go.

Or shall I simply search other members that are not banned that you made the same exact bet with?
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