UncleBucks Bet

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Well-Known Member
you're not very good at this.

you can't even guess the correct sock puppet, much less dig up all their personal information, like i did to you!

give my regards to your morbidly obese wife if she isn't already passed out on a box of franzia.
Dude, she's not THAT fat, you are being cruel now......


Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
i think you mean reagan phones. reagan started the lifeline act. bush extended it to cellular phones.

but thanks for exposing yourself as a racist.

not that it wasn't completely obvious by your trump love.
Bah ha ha ha!
I was sure UncleCuck would call you a racist. Everyone who disagrees with him is a racist with a tiny penis.
One-trick pony for sure.
Same old shit, over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over...


Well-Known Member
but yeah, emails.
.....and accepting Saudi Arabia/Qatar money while SoS and hiding the proceeds w/ a fraudulent 501c and Teneo for those that had purchased political favor, etc.

Go hunt up all the corroborating info for what you infer in your post and post it.
Shouldn't be hard you being so much more evolved and intelligent than the rest of us (according to you). ;)


Well-Known Member
Tubepot" is filth. Scroll through some of it's posts, if you've got the stomach for it.

Another waste-o-flesh that tarnishes the image of this fine site.
Post them up lowlife, I'll wait.

are you gonna cry a little for the guy who had a neo-nazi tattoo,
And how is one to know what tats he has or doesn't? All I saw was you wishing someone's death again.


Well-Known Member
Don't pay up on the bet.

Make them take you to court for it and then only pay 10%.

It's the Trump way.
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