unclebuck's outreach to white people

here's a quick hint,61% of democrats voted for & 39% against.

Republican support was 87% for & 13% against .

and that's with a Democrat as president,so much 4 the big switch,democrats have always been the party of slavery,voting laws,segregation and Jim crow,every one of these human rights crimes had to be beaten away from democrats hands by use of force , trump ain't Lincoln for sure but Hillary is a KKK admiring Nazi loving traitor to black America .

Actually.....if you know what you are talking about they switched parties around Truman/Lyndon Johnson's time.

The racist flipped over to the republicans around the time Johnson did the civil rights and voting acts.

The republicans embraced them and the rest is History.

why are you talking about the pre-pubescent anatomical development of young boys with a known pedophile?

with u being the known pedo with an endless supply of naked boys I'm warning you u won't get near my Jimmy's :lol:

my folks taught me 2 run when I see guys like u asking to wrestle like u were last night .
Actually.....if you know what you are talking about they switched parties around Truman/Lyndon Johnson's time.

The racist flipped over to the republicans around the time Johnson did the civil rights and voting acts.

The republicans embraced them and the rest is History.

nice try at obfuscation,black voters switched to democratic for the programs offered by the new deal,meanwhile Democrat politicians fougth to keep segregation alive .

here's the speach your Democratic civil right leader gave showing the big switch lol

Actually.....if you know what you are talking about they switched parties around Truman/Lyndon Johnson's time.

The racist flipped over to the republicans around the time Johnson did the civil rights and voting acts.

The republicans embraced them and the rest is History.

u do realize Wallace was a Democrat don't u?

not a good showing of the big switch , only 9 Democrats switched to Republican from the Dixiecrats , Wallace was in 1968 blocking the school door for Black's , and a democrat btw
u do realize Wallace was a Democrat don't u?

not a good showing of the big switch , only 9 Democrats switched to Republican from the Dixiecrats , Wallace was in 1968 blocking the school door for Black's , and a democrat btw

The entire voting block of racist's switched to the republican party get over it....

The Republican Party IS the Racist Party in America today.
I am not sure of the value but I did see a rusted pre 64 that looked little used and un pitted but the rust was all over and inside the barrel, I bid to 225 and it went for 350.
It is my first deer rifle and seldom use it, it about 90% maybe 95% when I got it. My fav. brush gun. I have 2 win. mod. 61s that I love in 22 LR and 22 mag. The LR barrel is shot out and thought of having it sleeved but I only shoot CB long caps out of it. The mag still has the seal from the fac. never even dry fired, my uncle tried to buy it from me for years to use hog hunting. It may be worth good money one day and will stay unfired.
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u do realize Wallace was a Democrat don't u?

not a good showing of the big switch , only 9 Democrats switched to Republican from the Dixiecrats , Wallace was in 1968 blocking the school door for Black's , and a democrat btw

When George Wallace ran for President in 1968, it was not as a Democrat – which he had done in the 1964 Democratic primaries and would again in the 1972 Democratic primaries – but as a candidate of the American Independent Party.

After the civil rights act all the racist left the Democrats and the republicans started courting them to get votes....learn your fucking history.
would sound good if it weren't a lie,the KKK was lure Democrat as seantir bryd proved ,longest senator to serve democrats and a lifetime grand Cyclops in the KKK .

democrats r KKK to the end .

byrd left the KKK in the 1940s and disavowed them. then he went on to earn a 100% rating with the NAACP.

in the meantime, unrepentant KKK grand wizard and avowed white supremacist david duke is running as a republican and has endorsed your hero, donald trump (who you are not even old enough to vote for).

what gives?

why is the KKK supporting the republican party?
byrd left the KKK in the 1940s and disavowed them. then he went on to earn a 100% rating with the NAACP.

in the meantime, unrepentant KKK grand wizard and avowed white supremacist david duke is running as a republican and has endorsed your hero, donald trump (who you are not even old enough to vote for).

what gives?

why is the KKK supporting the republican party?
"Make America Great (racist code for White) Again" is Trump's slogan after all.