unclebuck's outreach to white people

For me, the AK is far more wild and has much more recoil than its cousin AR.

I couldn't imagine rattling off 30 rounds in an automatic AK. Mainly because of the recoil but partially because of its utter inaccuracy. Eww!

But I have a LL installed on a registered lower shooting 308 just fine. I can get through 30 rounds pretty quickly with a fair amount of accuracy.

Nevertheless, I don't put lever action single shot rifles in the same realm as full auto 'assault' rifles.

I`ve never fired an AK, I hear they ride up and like you said, you can`t put three in the same spot. People I know that have say it`s a very tough rifle and a good suppression fire gun. It comes in many variations and parts are interchangeable. Makes it a good battlefield gun.
Sure, the only warning bell that goes off is she doing so good in the polls she doesn't need to hold any press conference for what? To appease the right wing idiots!


yeah that's it,fuck answering questions from voters,just grease your way through with fluff interviews & to hell with the public.

now me personally,I want to talk to who I hire to work for me
I`ve never fired an AK, I hear they ride up and like you said, you can`t put three in the same spot. People I know that have say it`s a very tough rifle and a good suppression fire gun. It comes in many variations and parts are interchangeable. Makes it a good battlefield gun.
You're absolutely right. A very good battlefield gun when you need to lay down cover fire and "spray and pray". AKs are tough as nails, in the water, in sand, run over by trucks, no problem, they still fire. But not very accurate and will ride up on you in a heartbeat, like you said.

Personally I prefer my safe queens. lol.
yeah that's it,fuck answering questions from voters,just grease your way through with fluff interviews & to hell with the public.

now me personally,I want to talk to who I hire to work for me
As if you're going to vote for her. For me the answer is very simple, do I want someone who's a racist, xenophobic, narcissist POS? But you're ok with him not paying his contractors...got it.

yeah that's it,fuck answering questions from voters,just grease your way through with fluff interviews & to hell with the public.

now me personally,I want to talk to who I hire to work for me
I'm not the slightest bit concerned that she hasn't held a news conference in quite sometime, all I care about is that the dumpster doesn't become President. End of story.

I'm not the slightest bit concerned that she hasn't held a news conference in quite sometime, all I care about is that the dumpster doesn't become President. End of story.

so your saying your ignorant of what your candidates plans are & your good with that as long as the guy you don't like don't win

well manicured media zombie in effect
In the safe. From left to right.
1) .300
2) .308
4) .303 British
5) Springfield
6) Springfield/AP
7) .264 Mag.

3) is missing because I have not bought any 30/30 since I last used it more than a year ago.

so your saying your ignorant of what your candidates plans are & your good with that as long as the guy you don't like don't win

well manicured media zombie in effect

no, i can articulate all of hillary's positions because she lists them in detail on her website and doesn't flip flop.

trump lists no plans at all, and whichever ones he speaks about he flip flops on.

but you don't care, you'll vote for the guy because david duke told you to.

every word that comes out of your mouth is shit coated shit with a shit filling. hollow, transparent, and hypocritical.

and your penis is tiny, except when you watch wrestling tutorials.
no, i can articulate all of hillary's positions because she lists them in detail on her website and doesn't flip flop.


You will have to try harder than that

and your penis is tiny, except when you watch wrestling tutorials.

Your uncle lied to you UncleCuck