Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)


Well-Known Member
Just a basic question but what on earth would make you want to smoke pool chemicals?! Be nice to your plants man! lol They look pretty good all things considered though.


Active Member
The plant soaking in the pool PH Down = the plant having pool chems in it. I'm sure it'll be flushed out come harvest tim though.


Well-Known Member
First off good lookin grow so far man. I've done a DWC grow in the past and had the same problems with my leaves drooping. Figured out that my problem was overwatering. How does that happen in hydro you ask? not enough bubbles in your tub. ironically i was using the same air pump as you from wal mart. Grab yourself a bigger air pump and maybe a larger air stone or just add another and your prob should fix itself. Worked for me. Good to see that 150HPS in there. CFL's are great for veg but pumping them with that big HPS will make the flower growth explode! good read so far, keep it up. +rep for you!


Active Member
^^ Thanks man !!! I went out today and bought a dual pump that is for a 20-50 gallon tank and a larger airstone. I could only swap out the pumps and not drill a new hole for a second line yet since my plant is in it's dark cycle right now... but you can already hear a hell of a difference in the amount the water is bubbling with that small stone. + rep for you as well brotha, you may have helped save my grow !

I'll post yesterday's pics (she's looking even more droopy) and hopefully today's results. My roots were starting to tinge to a beige color and there was a little bit of scum in the water, so I took my plant out, gave her roots the peroxide rinse, cleaned the tank and airstone, and filled my res back with distilled water.


Active Member
Does anyone know how to change a thread title ??? I've gone over my budget by about $50 and am using that HPS now. Might need to move this to the DWC forum as well. Any help is appreciated... and good help gets some + rep.


Active Member
First off good lookin grow so far man. I've done a DWC grow in the past and had the same problems with my leaves drooping. Figured out that my problem was overwatering. How does that happen in hydro you ask? not enough bubbles in your tub. ironically i was using the same air pump as you from wal mart. Grab yourself a bigger air pump and maybe a larger air stone or just add another and your prob should fix itself. Worked for me. Good to see that 150HPS in there. CFL's are great for veg but pumping them with that big HPS will make the flower growth explode! good read so far, keep it up. +rep for you!
Oh yeah, about how long did it take for your plant to recover ???


Well-Known Member
took them just a few days to see them pick back up. Prob about a week or so for full recovery. That's one of the best and worst things about hydro. the plants tend to respond very quickly to whatever you do to them. glad to hear you got a bigger pump. can't wait to see some pics of those girls standing back up nice and proud!


Active Member
Day 44 Pics:


So... where to begin ? Her root rot was getting out of control, so I had to cut her roots off below the pot yesterday. I completely cleaned out the res and airstones, mixed up my Shultz-water-PH Down (got it in Friday !), and added and in tank aquarium thermometer. The inside of the res tank looks better than it ever has and is crazy full of bubbles compared to before. Also, a few hours after I had to chop the roots one of my main stems shriveled up into nothing on the top 2 nodes, so I topped her. I know it's a lot of stress on the plant, but I thought all of this was for the best.

Also, I made a root powder/water smoothie for my plant and poured it from the top into my pot. From the pics I have up there I think she has responded well. On top of that, through everything that's gone on, she's still grown another inch.

Clone update:


I think she is looking great considering the neglect I put her through, lol. Gotta love the first node above the coco being 7 tip leaves !


Active Member
Actually the CFL's give off more light to the sides. Since there's a 150 HPS above her, I'm just using the CFL's for side lighting now.

Thanks Puff. I figured the same thing man. Getting a little impatient though, lol. I just want to see some healthy leaves and little hite hairs coming out and everything will be in it's right place again.


Active Member
Day 45:

So we're almost to the halfway point of the grow now, and I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping she can come back strong. I had to pull off a bunch of dead/terminally ill leaves from the plant today. There's still a few I left on that are borderline, but at least (aside from the drooping) there are a number of leaves that look like they can fully recover.


and of course, the Clone Update:
