Under watering?


I've recently had a plant die on me, which I assumed was due to under watering. Am I correct in this assumption? I watered when I thought it needed it, which would usually be every second day. I also gave it a single feeding of a local nutrient brand(30-10-10) at 1/4 strength. Light schedule has been 24/0 for the past 3 weeks. Here are some pics.


The second image is of 3 others than have been under the same light/feeding/watering schedule. Hopefully they don't die aswell!

Bayou bud

Active Member
Pick up the cup to be sure you need to water it. They like a wet and dry period. Watering with a set schedule that you force yourself to stick to can cause overwatering. Which unfortunately looks quite like under watering in the leaves.


The soil seems to get extremely dry rather quick, should I stick to the "put your finger an inch or two in the soil to feel for moisture" trick?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Yep. Too young of a plant for nutes. Toast. Wait 3 weeks after sprouting before giving nutes. When it is time, give half strength and be sure of your measurements


I gave it the first feeding after about 2 and a half weeks. Slightly after, I noticed a bit of wilting and gave it a slight watering in fear of over watering. The next day, it seemed a lot happier. That's why I believe it was under watering and not the other way around.I think my temps were running on the higher side aswell, so today I went out and grabbed a 4" desk fan to set up in there. As far as rh, it fluctuates from about 45%-50%.

Does anyone see signs of lockout or any other issues related to pH? I haven't found anywhere locally I could grab a meter, and can't be bothered to waste money on a test kit when I plan on getting a meter shortly. I've been using RO water.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering isn't the amount of water you use, but the frequency of watering, not allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Trust me, you are not under watering. 6days+ between waterings .... maybe. Every second day? No chance. I have larger stuff outside in full sun in party cups that doesn't need water before 3 days minimum.



Well I guess I figured out the problem. I have two more plants showing similar symptoms of the first, and it seems to be high temps. I've got an exhaust(pc fan), one pc fan blowing at the plants, and a 4" fan blowing upwards towards the lights. I don't understand how my temps are reaching high 90s... Any ideas on what else I can do?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
The answers you seek are all in the Newb section, you should read up there on light distancing and room ventilation and stuff. Some times I go over there looking for an answer for someone else and I end up learning something, even after years.

What kind of light are you using, how far are the plants from the light?

What is the humidity?

Are you familiar with what dry pockets are? I was going to agree with Wet at first and say you burned the plant up, but it actually looks like there may have just been a dry pocket in your cup, and the water you were giving it was probably slipping right by that pocket and down the side of the cup. Dry pockets are usually created by excess heat and a poor watering technique.

How are you watering?