Unidentifiable Bug!!! If Lady Bugs Do Not Work, What Will???


Well-Known Member
so, i have been raking my brainz for the last few weeks. i have a bug, a little tiny microscopic bug that appears to look like a Fungus Gnat, a Minute Pirate, or something else i forgot the name of atm. they are leaving black little resin looking spots on my leafs. either its their shit or puke. they have little skinny white larva looking babies. i have Lady Bugs going now, and they just walk right past them, like they do not care bout them. will Lady Bugs eat whenever? if these Lady Bugs do not work, should i continue using Azamax? i have used the Azamax 1 time, then the next day or 2 i dropped about 50 Lady bugs into the tent. i still see these bugs, i do not expect them to go away in a day, or even a week. but if the Lady Bugs do not work, what does that mean? they are NOT mites, nor or they Spider Mites. ruled them out a long time ago. they have wings, are black and white, walk with their ass in the air, and have little white babies and they leave little black spots on my plants. what can they be? what will work if Lady Bugs do not work? im freaking the fuck out over here!!!!!!:wall:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
you applied poison then in a day or two introduced an insect , the lady bugs they are more than likely dieing from the poison


Well-Known Member
you applied poison then in a day or two introduced an insect , the lady bugs they are more than likely dieing from the poison
no ...!! i was told by the people at the hydro shop informed me that the LB's will not be affected by the Azamax. since i sprayed first, waited a day, then released them. more then likely, they would have been dead already if that was the case. trust me, the little ladies are doing very well. my question was more towards if the LB's do not eat the other bugs...not should i be worrying about dead lady bugs. the peeps at the hydro shop also told me i could have sprayed after releasing the LB's. it wont kill them, they just may not like it. the exact words i heard from the employee at the hydro store.

and the Azamax, although i know very little about it, i have been informed it is just a highly concentrated form of neem oil. now, do not quote me on this, but as far as it being a poison. yes it maybe, but its supposed to be organic. the warnings on the label are pretty hardcore, i will tell you first hand i got the shit all over myself and i lived. that is also my concern with the Azamax. Azamax takes 3 weeks. 3 applications one after the next with 10 days in between. if the Azamax takes 21 takes to effectively work, how long would it take the LB's? should i discontinue the Azamax and just unleash more LB's? i would like to know how effective LB's really are. i know it is based off the size of my infestation of pests, at this point id say its a 3 or 4. not that bad, but they are there. this is my first grow. these pests are more annoying then a nuisance, but at the same time, im loosing some leafs due to it, which in the end will take form my yield. there mainly bottom leaf feeders, ive been over and over again with what kind of bug it could be. but i know what it is not. im tripping and rambling....


Well-Known Member
no they are not in the soil, trust me, ive been looking. they are not soil borne or soil dwellers. i water, nothing in the water, AT ALL!!! nothing. i was told if i water, i will see bugs in the run off. i have had these pests since literally day 1. i brought a plant inside form outside. BAD MISTAKE. lesson learned. oh well, lets move on. i need to stop this threat before i start anything else. i do not mind Lady Bugs, i can suck those up with a shop vac if need be. these pests are too small to to that with. i have been killing them manually with my fingers. keeping their population in check. and i have been spraying my veg plants with soapy water. they hate that more then the Azamax it seems like. seems like they go swimming in Azamax and die in soapy water. that is why i chose Azamax. i figured, if i can't identify them, that should work. im starting to 2nd guess my theory. thanks for your input! it is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i recently killed off a massive population of spider mites with 91% iso alcohol in a spray bottle. i sprayed when the lights were off and the plant didnt get harmed in any way. the bugs however didnt have time to even move, it took about 1-3seconds for them to completely die. i guarantee the alcohol will kill any living thing, so if the bugs are on your plant start spraying em! pm me if they survive that.
If they are indeed thrips this is the recomended way to kill them.

Beneficial insects, like parasitoid wasps, soldier beetles, and the green lacewing, whose larvae hunt and kill the nymphs, are useful. To kill adults on most plants, spray with insecticidal soap, or horticultural oil.


Well-Known Member
I also used alcohol/water mix to kill mites (evaporates to quick to hurt plants). Then I recently found thrips and did a lot of research and found tthat spinosad is only thing that will get rid of thrips. Monterey garden spray contains spinosad and will also kill all other bugs. After 2 sprays the thrips are gone.

Ur local hydro shop should have something with spinosad.

Im pretty sure what u got is thrips cuz they poop on ur leaves and leave lil black shit everywhere. They also leave these lil white lines on ur leaves.


Well-Known Member
i appreciate all the help. i really really do. but they are NOT thripes, mites, spider mites. want to know how i know. because Thripes look a little different, but not by much. these bugs are smaller. i not its NOT fungus Gnats because there is no larva (babies) in the soil or the run off water. its not any of those. i wish i could take a pick of one.

rubbing alcohol is a huge NO-NO when your plants are in flower. THC resin and crystals are alcohol soluble, meaning the alcohol will dilute and wash away the crystals. i appreciate the advise, but my plants are in week 4 of flower, and i already see a ton of crystals. i can not do that.

thanks for the help. i will be back in a few to explain further my problem.


Well-Known Member
I also used alcohol/water mix to kill mites (evaporates to quick to hurt plants). Then I recently found thrips and did a lot of research and found tthat spinosad is only thing that will get rid of thrips. Monterey garden spray contains spinosad and will also kill all other bugs. After 2 sprays the thrips are gone.

Ur local hydro shop should have something with spinosad.

Im pretty sure what u got is thrips cuz they poop on ur leaves and leave lil black shit everywhere. They also leave these lil white lines on ur leaves.
i will take pics. leafs have the little black shit stains, ans the babies are like little skinny white things, they seem to eat the poop. but the leafs, they look fucked! i cant explain it, but for the longest time i thought i had a def because of the way they make the leafs look. they make you think your have nute flaws so you attack the with nutes, then you see the bugs. i had thrip traps up, and nothing happened. they are supposedly attracted to the blue and the smell of the sticky stuff, but they captured more gnats then anything else. thank you for the info and your input. i will take pics of some of the leafs. im going to bust out the wifeys camera, it takes much better pics.


Well-Known Member
If they are indeed thrips this is the recomended way to kill them.

Beneficial insects, like parasitoid wasps, soldier beetles, and the green lacewing, whose larvae hunt and kill the nymphs, are useful. To kill adults on most plants, spray with insecticidal soap, or horticultural oil.
control? was that supposed to be a link? or the name of a product?


Well-Known Member
so, i have been raking my brainz for the last few weeks. i have a bug, a little tiny microscopic bug that appears to look like a Fungus Gnat, a Minute Pirate, or something else i forgot the name of atm. they are leaving black little resin looking spots on my leafs. either its their shit or puke. they have little skinny white larva looking babies. i have Lady Bugs going now, and they just walk right past them, like they do not care bout them. will Lady Bugs eat whenever? if these Lady Bugs do not work, should i continue using Azamax? i have used the Azamax 1 time, then the next day or 2 i dropped about 50 Lady bugs into the tent. i still see these bugs, i do not expect them to go away in a day, or even a week. but if the Lady Bugs do not work, what does that mean? they are NOT mites, nor or they Spider Mites. ruled them out a long time ago. they have wings,
are black and white, walk with their ass in the air
, and have little white babies and they leave little black spots on my plants. what can they be? what will work if Lady Bugs do not work? im freaking the fuck out over here!!!!!!:wall:
Are they skunks?


Well-Known Member
Hey instead of giving people smart cunt answers how about some pics? Your making a real mess of this, arnt you? Sounds like your an ordinary grower ,learn how to grow and you wont need so much help online or from the 'gurus' at the hydro shop.


Well-Known Member
I'd opt for the alcohol. Yes THC is alc soluble but IME it won't reduce potency if the plants keep going....they won't if they get killed by the pests.


Well-Known Member
Hey instead of giving people smart cunt answers how about some pics? Your making a real mess of this, arnt you? Sounds like your an ordinary grower ,learn how to grow and you wont need so much help online or from the 'gurus' at the hydro shop.
sounds like your an ordinary asshole. probably with no grow skills yourself so you have to troll around on peoples posts. notice how nobody else is talking shit but you. im putting you on ignore. so go fuck yourself kindly sir. your posts will no longer be seen or heard by me. what ever noise trolls make, will not be heard my me no longer.


Well-Known Member
I'd opt for the alcohol. Yes THC is alc soluble but IME it won't reduce potency if the plants keep going....they won't if they get killed by the pests.
well i appreciate the help. but me killing them with my fingers would be just as efficient, correct? i do not mind bug guts on my fingers. i can wash my hands when im done. thanks for the help! i have a LOT of crystals building up already. and i do not want to harm the production of the crystals. that is what you really want in the end, isn't?


Active Member
sounds like your an ordinary asshole. probably with no grow skills yourself so you have to troll around on peoples posts. notice how nobody else is talking shit but you. im putting you on ignore. so go fuck yourself kindly sir. your posts will no longer be seen or heard by me. what ever noise trolls make, will not be heard my me no longer.
Wow i like this reply! I just do not like bug guts: tomato cut worms