Unsure on problem


Active Member
The bat poop can lower your ph big time I add in lime to my soil mix at start it holds the ph pretty good through out the grow. You can topdress lime in during watering if you need to.


Active Member
I use fish fert 5-1-1 alaska brand until my autos begin to flower then I use molasses the rest of the way been great so far I add some Epsom salts a couple times after flower starts
Thanks man, I did mix some lime through my soil but possibly not enough.
Don't have a pH pen as I was under the impression it wasn't needed in soil?
I take it that's a mistake?


Active Member
You can get test kits at most garden centers the drop also work. Any issues I have had have always been ph related lol.


Active Member
I use pro mix then add in a bit of blood meal bone meal and lime. I use 5 gal plastic pots so the mix is based on that I use half of whats recommended. Then after seed pops I put in final pot autos hate to be transplanted.


Active Member
I run autos with my vegging photos they work great to keep ya stocked up and the smoke is as good as photos