update 600hps vrs. pioneer t5


New Member
ive been growing with t5s for over a year, decided to try a 600hps with light mover.

conclusion the 600 hps kicked the t5 *ss, got 20% more yield and harder nuggets, so t5s are great for feg but 600hps all the way for flowerer


Active Member
I grew w 600HPS a few years ago, also w/ a light mover. I never wrote everything down, just corious what your results are and also what size is your grow room? I was growing in a 7X3 Box. I am starting to grow again, I was thinking of maybe buying another 600HPS to add to my grow box. I have a couple of clones right now in a smaller box under a 250MH.


Active Member
I'm just on my first grow but i'd luv some t5's to set vertically for my babies. The hps cant be beat for bud growth though.


Active Member
how big is your box when i got my 400 HPS it rose and almost burned my baby girl or i should say almost killed my baby girl b/c she did get burned i have a 8ft by 2.5ft deep by 5ft wide the temp was 107 F . So be ready to add cool air .


Well-Known Member
ive been growing with t5s for over a year, decided to try a 600hps with light mover.

conclusion the 600 hps kicked the t5 *ss, got 20% more yield and harder nuggets, so t5s are great for feg but 600hps all the way for flowerer
What size were the plants you were flowering with T5?
You say that the yield was worse with the T5, but were there ANY nice buds on those plants? Did at least the very top colas, closest to the light, put on some weight and density, or was it just completely disappointing?


New Member
my room is 6x8, I had 2 t5 8 bulb lights,clone to flower, i use a home made dwc system that have 8 plants per tub, one tub per light,ive been doing this setup for a 1.5 years but never got those buds i see every where so i bought a 600hps with light mover,the highest yield was 6 ounces every harvest, this harvest was 8 ounces, nice tight nugs even had to tie up the buds for they wouldnt break the stem never had that with the t5s....