Update on my single grow 12/12 seed


getting my 2 new 55w 2700k bulbs of amazon tomorrow so i might as well give u an update shes 12/12 from seed an under 2 55w planted newyears day was told thay where tutti futti but iv heard its a clone only strain so im not sure what she is or even if its a her anyway enjoy...........


Well-Known Member
How can you have a seed , yet you think it's a clone only strain ? Muck & Fuddled !


i said im not sure what it is i was told it was tutti but after doing research i found its a clone only plant so i dont know what the seed is


just a few pics,, still no sign of the sex but its starting to bush out very nice, i woke up this morning hoping my bulbs would be here but there not here yet ..anyway happy toking :leaf::leaf::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
There is no dought that you are doing the best with the equipment you have got,and your doing a pretty good job.When you come to flowering you will have some problems with yeild,but a lot can be learnt from these small grows ;ie plant germanation,cloneing,topping sexing and another million i can mention but you are learning all the time.I think you are better of doing a small grow like this so when you do get some hps lights and more powerful equipment you will or should do ok.Back to your grow i would make sure that you buy the best nutes you can canna or advanced,hit them with big bud at week two the pk13/14 3 week before end of the grow.I once produced 2 oz from a t5 four tube light,and was well happy then i got hps and was getting 7/8 oz when i up graded.But now i am gutted at any amount less than 10 oz per plant,thats 4 plants under a set of 2 x 600 hps,last grow i got 42 and 7 g from 4..Make sure that you do not over do it on the amount of plants you do per light this is a sure fire way of gaining less from each plant...tyke


thanks yea iv been messing about with growing for a few years now this is all just experience im trying to build up so when u do get some hps ill be able to fail alot less lol id be happy if i got 1 ounce of this to be honest.... these are the nutes iv got i haven't feed the plant any yet tho how should i apply these an when? thanks



quick update she showed her first hair today :bigjoint: ill get some more pictures up tomorrow..........:leaf::leaf:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::blsmoke:


Active Member
12/12 start to finish is not anywhere near the reduction in yield people think it is. I will say not one person who says 12/12 start to finish is bad has done it, not one. Plants look good to me.


thanks bro yeah :leaf: im quite shocked at how good shes looking myself im noticing a big difference everyday this is my first 12/12 an i would deffo do it again. :bigjoint: