
Well-Known Member
WOW. +rep for major improvement. I know at the local fish shop you can buy very acurate Ph test kits for $5, I recommend it just to have in case.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
well if it was ph then my problem would have happened ages ago.... and after doing all those things; cutting leaves, ventilating, and C02 the plant actually has gotten alot better.

I bid you good day sir.
This is why I don't try to help more people. Poor attitude. You will learn your lesson. I bid you good day newb.


Well-Known Member
@ the toilet water comment. It all comes from the same supply, they only drink it when its been sitting in the bowl for a while and the chemicals evaporate.

As for the initial plant problem, Blood and bone is nasty shit, causes nute burn in new plants, significantly alters the PH balancs of the soil and attracts fungus gnats and moths (which lay eggs that become Caterpillars and eat your plants). The problems you described are exactly what I have encountered every time I've used it. Now I do DWC/Bubbleponics and its far easier with faster and better results.


Active Member
Mared Juwan I just replied to your comment telling you and all others reading this thread on my situation. so say that i have a poor attitute because you might have read my comment as a smart ass saying, and so what if i am a "newb" this is my first grow do you have a problem?

Maybe people giving you poor attitute because you give them shit advice.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Mared Juwan I just replied to your comment telling you and all others reading this thread on my situation. so say that i have a poor attitute because you might have read my comment as a smart ass saying, and so what if i am a "newb" this is my first grow do you have a problem?

Maybe people giving you poor attitute because you give them shit advice.
Please, don't ever adjust your ph. I gave you bad advice, your right. Just put in whatever comes out of the faucet. I don't know what I'm talking about. You're really smart and know what you're doing and don't need to show any respect or appreciation for people trying to help you. Dick. And don't bother responding. I am unsubscribing to this lame ass thread.


Well-Known Member
Mared Juwan I just replied to your comment telling you and all others reading this thread on my situation. so say that i have a poor attitute because you might have read my comment as a smart ass saying, and so what if i am a "newb" this is my first grow do you have a problem?

Maybe people giving you poor attitute because you give them shit advice.
WOW!!! Guy responds to your post in less than 15 min with GOOD advice that seemed to be supported by just about every other poster until the PH issue was brought up. Then LOOKING at your PH/water was suggested, supported by other people again. This was all based on the VERY limited info you gave us all for background on your grow, you do realize that this kinda makes it harder to be accurate when helping with a GOOD diagnosis (you must not have read the FAQ on info to post when having problems to make it easier to HELP YOU diagnose problems). Then he continues to give GOOD advice about PH and why it is important, remember your plants CAN'T upload some nutrient's at different PH levels. He even gave you some inexpensive recommendations as to how to adjust your PH!

You said your new, you are asking questions about getting your plants healthy, YOU ASKED FOR ADVICE. Yes, some will be good and some not so but if you DON'T know what you are doing, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHIT ADVICE IS?

Trimming leaves will help the plant reduce the energy it is using to repair the damage that exists and be able to transfer it to new growth, it will not FIX your problem IF your roots are still not providing the proper nutrients. If your problem has been fixed then getting rid of damaged leaves should help with stunted growth and you SHOULD see new growth. But if your problem still exists then it will all come back. This might temp mask a soil problem as the plant is not uploading as much nutrients to the mature leafs since there aren't as many, but still doesn't help correct your soil.

A fan blowing on the plants is not venting, fan blowing on the plant will help it move around reducing insects and deceases and in a way makes the plant exercise moving the stalk back and forth making it strengthen its stems so that it will be able to better support itself in high wind situations adding in it's growth. Venting will take out the air in your room that the plants have been expelling. This will not help your soil.

Co2 and the venting will help give the plant with its energy and help it grow more robust, but will not help a nutrient deficiency. Co2 doesn't change the make up of your soil and make the plant take up less of the nutrients that are contributing to a deficiency of other nutrients. It will also NOT reduce any nutrients that have or will build up in your soil.

I am pretty sure that these reasons are why you were told that doing any of these without fixing your PH really won't matter. I would suggest you do a little more research on what I am saying as I COULD be wrong in what I am saying, just like anyone else posting on this site and if you really want to learn how to grow some good bud these things are some things you are going to want to know about so you can manipulate them to maximize your results.

If your response (I bid you good day sir.) was NOT smart ass and the guy who has been HELPING YOU since the VERY FIRST response took it the wrong way, like most reading it, why not just say so? :confused: :peace:

ps. Oh yeah, I forgot I guess it is ok to be rude on the internet......
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