US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent last month, dropping below 8 percent for the first time in nearly four years and giving President Barack Obama a potential boost with the election a month away.
The rate declined from 8.1 percent because the number of people who said they were employed soared by 873,000 — an encouraging sign for an economy that's been struggling to create enough jobs.
The number of unemployed Americans is now 12.1 million, the fewest since January 2009.
The Labor Department said employers added 114,000 jobs in September. It also said the economy created 86,000 more jobs in July and August than the department had initially estimated.
Wages rose in September. And more people started looking for work.
The revisions show employers added 146,000 jobs per month from July through September, up from 67,000 in the previous three months.
The 7.8 percent unemployment rate for September matches the rate in January 2009, when Obama took office. In the months after Obama's inauguration, the rate rose sharply and had topped 8 percent for 43 straight months.
Cue conservatives ripping their hair out.


Well-Known Member
Ripping our hair out because Obama managed to cause hundreds of thousands more people to give up looking for jobs...



Well-Known Member
Yes sir that's great 114,000 jobs and 345,000 filing for unemployment. You fucking dumbasscrats keep believeing that shit.


Well-Known Member
"The number of unemployed dropped 456,000 last month, while only 114,000 jobs got added. That either means that 342,000 people left the US, or they left the work force in one way or another"

Ahh statistics...


Well-Known Member
If you truly believe that unemployment is at 7.8% then I feel bad for you son, cause I got 99 problems and ______ ain't one.


Well-Known Member

This is so patently false it truly shows how desperate this administration really is.

So, let me get this straight. We added 114,000 private sector jobs, which would normally push the rate UP TO 8.2%, which is almost identical to what economists were predicting. However, by some inexplicable circumstance, the government said the total number of jobs surged by 873,000, the highest one-month jump in 29 years.

This happens, coincidentally of course, on the last jobs report that will matter before the election. If they're going to resort to this horseshit, they might want to actually try to make it believable.

It will be fun watching morons like fungus, parade an obvious lie around as a testament to the success of Obama's agenda. Join me in throwing peanuts at the slobbering, hair-brained mongoloids that parrot this garbage.


Well-Known Member

This is so patently false it truly shows how desperate this administration really is.

So, let me get this straight. We added 114,000 private sector jobs, which would normally push the rate UP TO 8.2%, which is almost identical to what economists were predicting. However, by some inexplicable circumstance, the government said the total number of jobs surged by 873,000, the highest one-month jump in 29 years.

This happens, coincidentally of course, on the last jobs report that will matter before the election. If they're going to resort to this horseshit, they might want to actually try to make it believable.

It will be fun watching morons like fungus, parade an obvious lie around as a testament to the success of Obama's agenda. Join me in throwing peanuts at the slobbering, hair-brained mongoloids that parrot this garbage.

You do realize the Labor Dept has nothing to do with 'this administration'...don't you?


Well-Known Member

<peanuts bounce off FlyLikeAnEagle's head>


Peanuts fly off Loco's tin foil hat that he wears to prevent the evil left wing aliens from using their mind control rays. It is hilarious how good news is spun by those who have every political interest in things being bad.

Here is an amazing concept: provide proof when you slander people. But of course the idea of facts or evidence are simply beyond some people.