USA fucks up again


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many growers in N.Korea ? indoor, its too cold there for outdoor.
Dude I dont think many would risk it. Authority is always over your shoulder and makes its presence known. I mean they have pictures of their dear leaders in every single room for god sakes. Firing squad is the usual punishment for having a drug. Depending on where you read though some say they just go after meth an not opium and marijuana but others say marijuana is enough for firing squad.


Well-Known Member

so someone launches a failure and you stop helping people with food why? people are going to starve because of this. this is so wrong on too many levels. these people need help and we take it away because the country did something we have been doing for years. this is just more reason to help they spend money on a rocket which could have fed the people but we also make it worse by stopping. if you say im fucked up for posting this then your more fucked up and inhuman for saying this is a completely good idea
The only way the US fucked up was by attempting to engage the DPRK in the first fucking place.

You want to blame someone for the starving people North of the DMZ? Look no further than the government of the DPRK.

This is a nighttime photo of both North and South Korea. I don't think that anyone is growing indoors in North Korea, do you?

View attachment 2123364
Ain't that nice?

The DPRK is so GREEN!

That's the Progressive vision for the rest of us.

Not they, themselves. FYI.

You. Us. WE make the sacrifices.

Just ask Owl Gore.



Well-Known Member
didnt mean to have this turn into what it did, just thought stopping food supply is fucked up. though i also found sending a billion in aid to haiti was fucked

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
Doesn't jambo mean hello?

There was an episode of Deadliest Warrior, where they simulate 2 opposing forces, with each force represented by 2 individuals. On one episode, there were zulu I think, and one of the guys was pretending to speak zulu but all he did was repeat "jambo jambo" over and over again... what a retard.


Ursus marijanus
Doesn't jambo mean hello?

There was an episode of Deadliest Warrior, where they simulate 2 opposing forces, with each force represented by 2 individuals. On one episode, there were zulu I think, and one of the guys was pretending to speak zulu but all he did was repeat "jambo jambo" over and over again... what a retard.
All that is true, but I imagine it's Jamboss' way of mocking my customary postscript. However "ja", "jam" and "jamb" might give a wrong impression.
Still not sure why I drew his expressed dislike however. cn

really comfy slippers

Active Member

so someone launches a failure and you stop helping people with food why? people are going to starve because of this. this is so wrong on too many levels. these people need help and we take it away because the country did something we have been doing for years. this is just more reason to help they spend money on a rocket which could have fed the people but we also make it worse by stopping. if you say im fucked up for posting this then your more fucked up and inhuman for saying this is a completely good idea
All those yummys are sent to the wealthy anyway, piss off.. Rather spend the tax dollar on some of these pot holes, right here in my damn city..

really comfy slippers

Active Member
Dude I dont think many would risk it. Authority is always over your shoulder and makes its presence known. I mean they have pictures of their dear leaders in every single room for god sakes. Firing squad is the usual punishment for having a drug. Depending on where you read though some say they just go after meth an not opium and marijuana but others say marijuana is enough for firing squad.
They don't need a rhyme or reason in that country to arrest you, Barge in your home beat the piss out of you, shoot you and send your entire family to a labor camp, where they will wither away from starvation.. MIND YOU, Obama, which i'm sure Guy you know of, just signed a similar (All it takes is the wrong Mind behind it) bill which allows for indefinite detention and removal of due process to ANY American citizen. Indefinite Detention of a American Citizen?? Oh yeah baby! 0 RIGHTS... This was signed quietly over the new year only after Obama ordered the assassination of a American citizen, which he also has no right... Read this twice bitchs

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
it was on christmas eva night i believe. yeah the president can now kill any american they want. ron paul is really the only person who wants to change this. he created a bill to take those out the bills. the government is doing alot people dont know of.


Well-Known Member
Your morals seem to be a little twisted.. imo of course
its food verses billions to rebuild country. yeah fucked up i admit but i cant help the way i feel on this. we should give a shit ton of money to a country that was destroyed force ma-sure. giving food aid to any country is a given almost necessity when we can give it. but handing cash over to idiots is even more moronic cause it almost never gets there, only fattens someones wallet.


Well-Known Member
They don't need a rhyme or reason in that country to arrest you, Barge in your home beat the piss out of you, shoot you and send your entire family to a labor camp, where they will wither away from starvation.. MIND YOU, Obama, which i'm sure Guy you know of, just signed a similar (All it takes is the wrong Mind behind it) bill which allows for indefinite detention and removal of due process to ANY American citizen. Indefinite Detention of a American Citizen?? Oh yeah baby! 0 RIGHTS... This was signed quietly over the new year only after Obama ordered the assassination of a American citizen, which he also has no right... Read this twice bitchs
You and me both know the comparison of North Korea and American domestic policies is a extreme reach. Yes the enemy combatants bill had its issues but as scary as it sounds to you guys I know it would never be enforced in the way the North Korean government handles its citizens. If you say they will abuse it then you need to realize the United States government has been taking care of its problems before a enemy combatant bill. If they really wanted someone theyd have them with little notice of what happened. Usually though those people are doing something to attract that attention. Short of the often fantasized NWO FEMA takeover no ones busting into average american households to arrest and put people in camps. They got bigger shit to take care of then trying to contain Americans.

Heres the secret of why you should not be worried, stupid consumers make them to much money. They arent going to kill a cash cow.


Well-Known Member
thread jackers, dude be here long enough and you'll understand.this isnt about cops, and anyway every cop or trooper ive ever met is so fucken nice to me. plenty of times ive rode on highways and had cops give me rides instead of tickets.

really comfy slippers

Active Member
You and me both know the comparison of North Korea and American domestic policies is a extreme reach. Yes the enemy combatants bill had its issues but as scary as it sounds to you guys I know it would never be enforced in the way the North Korean government handles its citizens. If you say they will abuse it then you need to realize the United States government has been taking care of its problems before a enemy combatant bill. If they really wanted someone theyd have them with little notice of what happened. Usually though those people are doing something to attract that attention. Short of the often fantasized NWO FEMA takeover no ones busting into average american households to arrest and put people in camps. They got bigger shit to take care of then trying to contain Americans.

Heres the secret of why you should not be worried, stupid consumers make them to much money. They arent going to kill a cash cow.
Our right to a revolution, another secret