USA fucks up again


Well-Known Member
It's hard for Americans to be sympathetic to North Koreans when they go so far out of their way to hate us. Come on now. I hate the thought of anyone starving but I also hate the thought of an entire country's children being taught hatred towards everyone that's different.


Well-Known Member
who's ready for number WW3 russia looking to buy parts from our drone and china looking at the stealth features to buy. so n korea would take out our base in s korea and then russia and china would go ape shit from where ever.


Well-Known Member
yeah haha its pretty crazy how many people are uninformed or misinformed. i have to do a report on how the bush admin lead the US into war by lying. and try and figure out why they did. ill be learning alot more and im super excited
You have to write a report? Sounds hokey to me.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^true, but still i have to say that gold and silver will be of a value because its always in history as a means of currency. one way or another it will be used. so stock both dude