USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
Is this acceptable to you?

If you asking if the federal min wage is too answer is yes..I made 9.25$ an hour as a first year pipefitter apprentice in 96..I had my own apartment and drove a car..
That was living in Chicago.. I think 11$ an hour down South is adequate and 13$ up North.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
If you asking if the federal min wage is too answer is yes..I made 9.25$ an hour as a first year pipefitter apprentice in 96..I had my own apartment and drove a car..
That was living in Chicago.. I think 11$ an hour down South is adequate and 13$ up North.
Has to be the same everywhere. Its easier and more cost effective for the pen pushers. Last thing business need is more red tape.


Well-Known Member
If you asking if the federal min wage is too answer is yes..I made 9.25$ an hour as a first year pipefitter apprentice in 96..I had my own apartment and drove a car..
That was living in Chicago.. I think 11$ an hour down South is adequate and 13$ up North.
But now you grow weed. I'm quite sure you're making more than $13 an hour doing it.


Well-Known Member
Well I was selling coke n weed back then..I didn't know how to grow.. I don't like talking numbers but I'm much happier now making half of what I made as a journey man pipefitter.,life is much more enjoyable.. Money ain't everything

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Well I was selling coke n weed back then..I didn't know how to grow.. I don't like talking numbers but I'm much happier now making half of what I made as a journey man pipefitter.,life is much more enjoyable.. Money ain't everything
yea, money is just a necessary evil.


Well-Known Member
You're right, old timers in the trades made like 3$ an hour in the 70's serving an apprenticeship.. That graph is all fucked up.. But gallon of gas was probably 20cents in the 70's and a brand new car was probably 2k


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That had everything to do with changing the laws to actually SUBSIDIZE those companies and others for outsourcing the work.

Again, laws were changed to make the strategy attractive, and laws can change to make it unattractive- so Americans can work those jobs, earn those wages and pay the taxes. HERE, not in Mexico or China.
So you are voting for Trump I see. :)

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Why exactly is the red line squiggly? It should be real straight and minimum wage was not $7 in 1950. I call bullshit.
If you cannot read a graph, perhaps arguing against the economic benefits of increasing the GDP by increasing min hourly wages to match inflation and therefore the tax pool but not increasing the tax rate is a bad idea.
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