User Ranking System


Well-Known Member
AH HAH! finally i know what rep points are and how they're increased/decreased, hehe. I read the entire thread so far. Something that threw me off was that wee bit of racism stuff that took up a couple pages there.
I would think that on a site like this racism wouldn't even be an issue at all. Our only cree on here should be "Long live Mary Jane" Our only race on here should be "Potheads" and the only color of people on here should be GREEN! Regardless of what the real world classifies us as. We're all brothers and sisters on here an I stand up for my family. I think everyone on here should feel the same way.

Someday I will be Ganga God. Swimsuit models will fan my back with large sativa branches while I lounge on my holy beach side palace, skull fried. I will protect my disciples and flog all who condemn them with my might green cola-like wang. Resin will rain down from the skies and hailstones will turn into hash! I will infest them with evil spider mites, powdery mildew and mold!

All Hail The Mighty Thunderchunkie! Soon to be Ganga God! (and no, it didnt take 7 days for me to create the earth. I had to wait about 9 weeks for the first crop to come in! hahahaaaaa, and on the 10th week, boy did I friggin rest! lmao

And yes, I have my own set of 10 commandments if anyones interested.

Reps, please, lmfao


New Member
Cute! I agree there shouldn't be racism but its a site and you can't control everyone and unfortunately some of the stuff gets by.

This new system does take forever to get rep points BUT I only have 18 more to go and I will have a total of 5 black square and then I think I get my RED SQUARES !!!!!!:clap:

Oh here's Lacy at her finest......begging for rep points:?

AH HAH! finally i know what rep points are and how they're increased/decreased, hehe. I read the entire thread so far. Something that threw me off was that wee bit of racism stuff that took up a couple pages there.
I would think that on a site like this racism wouldn't even be an issue at all. Our only cree on here should be "Long live Mary Jane" Our only race on here should be "Potheads" and the only color of people on here should be GREEN! Regardless of what the real world classifies us as. We're all brothers and sisters on here an I stand up for my family. I think everyone on here should feel the same way.

Someday I will be Ganga God. Swimsuit models will fan my back with large sativa branches while I lounge on my holy beach side palace, skull fried. I will protect my disciples and flog all who condemn them with my might green cola-like wang. Resin will rain down from the skies and hailstones will turn into hash! I will infest them with evil spider mites, powdery mildew and mold!

All Hail The Mighty Thunderchunkie! Soon to be Ganga God! (and no, it didnt take 7 days for me to create the earth. I had to wait about 9 weeks for the first crop to come in! hahahaaaaa, and on the 10th week, boy did I friggin rest! lmao

And yes, I have my own set of 10 commandments if anyones interested.

Reps, please, lmfao


Active Member
anybody you know here that owns a marijuana website? i need to work on something about ganja.. please PM me if you can reffer someone

happy smoking brah!


Well-Known Member
Yeah... umm weird thing to ask.

dude read it like a stoner does......

let me translate

wow im fried and bored....... wow pot is cool, damn i need a friend.........
wow a web site, a pot web site, yea, thats it grow pot smoke pot ......

wow i want to work for this kind of site. that would be cool.......

" son is your room clean? you shouldnt be on the net with a dirty room"

" yes mom its clean " ok where was i, oh yea that would be totally cool to work on a potsite....


no that might not be word for word but look hes 14 and stoned so its something of that sorts