Using Liquid Fertilizer with Drip Irrigation


Well-Known Member
Next year I plan on using drip irrigation with timers and trying to figure out how to utilize liquid fertilizer into the system. The water supply will be from a spring that fills a barrel, which distributes water to the patch. I won't be able to mix fertilizer into the barrel since it will likely overflow since it will be fed constantly from the spring. I was thinking about using one of those miracle grow containers that screw onto the a spicket or hose end, although am unsure if this is compatible with liquid fertilizer.


I don't know about the applicator thing. I think that only works correctly under pressure...a regular hose. So, if you're going to use
chemical Miracle Gro for your fertilizer why don't you just use fertilizer spikes or Ozmocote fertilizer granules (both timed release) in
your soil? I'm guessing you are Guerilla growing and won't check your plants too often?? Also, constant water? Hmmmm. Too bad you can't put regular bubblers on your plants and a solar timer for the 'hose' and set it to soak your plants every third day. Your plants would be happier and grow bigger this way. Constant water soaks your plants and can drown/smother your roots/root hairs. Something to research and think about. GG


Well-Known Member
you can use some professional equipment, like a Dosmatic fertilizer injector, or you can get passive venturi type ones, or you can get like a 1000 gallon reservoir and premix, or you can use Ganjagrace's options.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the applicator thing. I think that only works correctly under pressure...a regular hose. So, if you're going to use
chemical Miracle Gro for your fertilizer why don't you just use fertilizer spikes or Ozmocote fertilizer granules (both timed release) in
your soil? I'm guessing you are Guerilla growing and won't check your plants too often?? Also, constant water? Hmmmm. Too bad you can't put regular bubblers on your plants and a solar timer for the 'hose' and set it to soak your plants every third day. Your plants would be happier and grow bigger this way. Constant water soaks your plants and can drown/smother your roots/root hairs. Something to research and think about. GG
Never planned on using chemical miracle gro for fertilizer, only was thinking of using the miracle gro canister to release fish emulsion to the plants.


Well-Known Member
you can use some professional equipment, like a Dosmatic fertilizer injector, or you can get passive venturi type ones, or you can get like a 1000 gallon reservoir and premix, or you can use Ganjagrace's options.
I'll look into the injectors, thanks for the info. As far as the 1,000 gallon reservoir, that is too big. I'm planning on using a 55 gallon drum.


Kip...glad to hear you're not using M.Grow. It's not good to smoke ganja that has that in it. I would look into the fish emulsion thing and maybe come up with an alternate fert. If you are guerilla growing, the smell of fish emulsion attracts bears and other critters to your plants and they will destroy them or f them up real good digging up the stink. I know this very well and avoid it. Blood meal does the same thing...they love it. Just sayin'............ GG


Well-Known Member
Kip...glad to hear you're not using M.Grow. It's not good to smoke ganja that has that in it. I would look into the fish emulsion thing and maybe come up with an alternate fert. If you are guerilla growing, the smell of fish emulsion attracts bears and other critters to your plants and they will destroy them or f them up real good digging up the stink. I know this very well and avoid it. Blood meal does the same thing...they love it. Just sayin'............ GG
THanks for the info. Although I don't have to worry about bears in my area, I'll have to be careful not to attract pigs or racoons. I'm also worried that just the moisture used on my plants will already attract pigs because they love them worms...I know cuz I hunt them bastards.