Using Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here use Miracle grow and if so, how do you give it to your girls? Is there a good system that any of you have found when using this fertilizer? Is the outcome very good?


Well-Known Member
I would only recomend it for cheap newbies.
I myself did not have much muulaah to start out with.

Plant should be atleast 30 ds old before you start using it.
Start with 1/4 the recomended strength.

I have seen good results with it.

Once you get more money I would recomend something more suited for marijuana growing like fox farm.


Active Member
I have had great success with bloom booster made by miracle grow, the scoop has an indoor and an outdoor side I use the indoor, and everything seems to be doing well.


Well-Known Member
I've had the same great results as anon. Start with 1/4 strength at around a month old and gradually increase to what the box recommends. MG nutes are good shit.