using powder nutes in DWC


Active Member
I've been using crystal style nutrients that dissolve in water for my outdoor grow and was wondering if i'd be able to use the same type for a DWC indoor grow.

I ask as I'm not able to get "real" hydro nutes where i live and ordering online is not really an opion. I realize i'd have to experiment a bit to get the right ratio of nutes to water, but wondered if anyone is doing/has done the same thing?

the nutes i can get also have a LOT of blue colouring in them (my hands are always bloody blue after i fert my plants) will this mater? i'm know plants cant take colouring through the root system but was worried that i'd have blue roots, could be cool i guess.


Well-Known Member
yea man! for sure! plant food is salt and salt is soluble. you can buy it in a solution or you can buy the salt.... guess what is cheaper???? guess what is marketed more???

man there is this organic shit called maxi-grow. its recomended by some guy, but essentialy it just a powder derived from natural sources.

in terms of color. im using GH nutes, and i get stains... they turn a little pink! i wouldent stress over it!

hydroponics is really simple just dont over nute, you can always change the watter/nutrients if you think there are deficiencies. better to be under then over!

however you will need to cover all the basics for a plant food. that can get a little more tricky. but by all means powder is good. i used powdered boosters and im thinkin of buying all powers from now on.



Well-Known Member
cosign with MD, just keep the nutrient levels low and keep the pH in check (~5.5-6.1 for hydro) and you should do just fine. If you can get a digital ppm/tds/ec meter that will be an invaluable tool.

Good luck!