Using Rockwool


Well-Known Member
i just wanted some basic beginner advice on how to use these. i have some seeds that are germinating and will be ready soon. seems like a better option for me since ive had troubles with soil. so now i wanna try these. as always im looking for tips and advice to make this run smooth and if most of you have read my earlier posts and seen pics of my plant i tried in soil you know i need a lot of help so thank-you in advance


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is really easy although I've never used it from seed. Make sure you soak your rockwool cubes for 24 hours with PH'ed water and some rockwool soak.

Place the little buggers in there and add water. After a few weeks add 1/4 dose of nutes. I'd say in the neighborheed of 200ppm. Slowly increase that over the next 3-4 weeks until you hit ~1100ppm. Go to 12/12, increase nutes to 1400ppm for 3-4 weeks. Then start bringing them down over the next two weeks to 800ppm and for the last and final 2 weeks get them down to 200ppm and eventually one last week with just water.

So the obvious thing is: Get a PPM meter and PH meter. They are invaluable and they make it really easy to do this.


Well-Known Member
make sure that after the seed cracks you place it in the rw cube with the taproot downward.




Well-Known Member
also where can i buy a ppm meter? and my rockwool cubes are small ones. thats all they had. they are about 1.5"X1.5". and when should i put the seedling in the rockwool? as soon as it breaks out of the shell?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I would advise against using rockwool cubes if you are a noob. Too many problems..pH will rise for sure...

if you do use em...FLUSH the cubes with tap water BEFORE you soak em and balance the pH.

If all of that sounds like foriegn needd to READ, READ, READ...then read more BEFORE you ever use those cubes.

try rapid rooters (do a search if you don't know what those are)

just being realistic..

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
i know all about the terminology. ph and what not. never have tested my ph before but if i keep hearing the same thing from other people i will definately get a ph tester. so i just rinsed them with water. is it ok to squeeze the water out of them? they were pretty hard and then softened up when i squeezed the water out. for now i have them sitting in a bowl of tap water until tomorrow when i can get a ph tester. is all this ok?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
^^^^^ you can't do a rockwool grow without one..plain and none. Soil is a buffer to nutes/pH sensitivity that you do not have w/rockwool.

I would get th pH meter first. If you use GH nutrients (Flora Series or FloraNova) you can "get close" on the ppm's and have decent success by simply following the instructions on the bottle to a t.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
wow that went right over my head! so your saying i need a ph tester or a ppm meter? im sure i need both. how do you test the ph of rockwool? please explain a little more detailed please if you can. the only nutes i will be using is fox farm big bloom. i have some blood meal also.


Well-Known Member
These guys may be right. If you don't get how to use Rockwool and do a semi-hydro you might get overwhelmed.

You definitely need a PH meter. It will be easier, although feasible without, a PPM meter.

Once you have the meter's you just need a plan and some general knowledge that can be found in the GrowFAQ.

Just gettin' the little suckers into the rockwool requires some prep. If you don't have access to larger rockwool cubes your also going to find yourself without anywhere for your roots to go. Make sure you can get 6" rockwool cubes to transfer into.

I don't necessarily advise against rockwool/semihydro for noobs, but you should have a clear plan for your nutrients and have a good set of meters.


Well-Known Member
honestly i was just thinking about starting them in the rockwool and then transfering them into my pot when the soil drys out. can i do this if not i wont. the rockwool only cost me .20 cents


Well-Known Member
You can definitely do that. I thought you just wanted to grow in rockwool. That's easy enough, go buy some distilled water and drop them in there. Just make sure that you soak the cubes for 24 hours before you do it. They'll be just fine in there. Water the cubes by hand and transplant to soil.


Well-Known Member
No, do not squeeze the cubes dry either. That eliminates the air pockets inside the cube. Shake them loose or spin 'em dry in a salad spinner.


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry. i dont want to just grow in rockwool just start them off in rockwool. seems a little more airy and more room for roots to spread and grow faster

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
To clarify my post:

I would buy a pH meter before I bought a ppm meter for growing in rockwool.

re ppms...I was saying that if you use something like General Hydroponics Flora Series Micro/Gro/Bloom and follow the mixing directions on the can get very close to the ppms they state you need to use for the stage of growth you are in without measuring the ppm's precisely.

I would not use organics in rockwool. After you go into soil...yes. To root It'll end up as a nasty/stinky mess more than likely.

just my opinion.

bt dt


Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys. yeah im to new to be doing hydro. i already squeezed them and squeezed the water out but now i have it soaking in water for 24hrs. so when i take them out in 24hrs dont squeeze them. right?