Using Super Soil to brew a compost tea.


Well-Known Member
I'm really interested in the water only method as a means of providing for my plants. Sub's super soil is a no-brainer for a recipe when you look at all the soil amendments it contains. But as i am feeling it out, and trying to figure out the best way to dial in the right amounts according to the strain's needs i may need to supplement the soil if they start to fade to early.

So i know that i can just top dress the plants with the super soil if this occurs, but wouldn't it take longer for the amendments to break down and be usable? I know guano itself takes a week or more to really break down in the soil to be a beneficial fertilizer.

So it got me thinking:

I can make a guano tea in 24-48 hours, as this is the method of fertigation i am used to. Now i know that it's not entirely a complete nutrient regimen without adding a bit of sugars, seaweed/kelp meal, and the works. But what if i were to use the super soil in a manner similar to my guano tea? It would surely be a more complete nutrient package that the plant already has grown accustom to, and we would be adding more benificial microbes to the mix.

I use about 1.5 to 2 tbs of guano depending the growth cycle and developement of the plant. Would those ratios be adequate for a good feeding of ACT?

The real hitch is that I'm not sure how much super soil contains only that little amount of guano, or what would be an appropriate amount of supersoil to mix 3-5 gallons of tea.

Anyone tried this method?


Well-Known Member
From my understanding if you top dress with supersoil it should be available right away. Everything in the soil is already broken down if you compost it properly and thus is water soluble and ready for the plant to uptake. you shouldn't have to wait for the nutrients in the soil to become available if composted properly. At least, that's the way I understand it. I could be wrong.

Usually when I top dress with supersoil I also give a mild tea EWC molasses and a little endo myco just to feed the soil.

Sorry I know this doesn't really address your question.


Well-Known Member
So it got me thinking:

I use about 1.5 to 2 tbs of guano depending the growth cycle and developement of the plant. Would those ratios be adequate for a good feeding of ACT?

Anyone tried this method?
2 tbs per gallon? per batch? 5 gal batches? more?? I understand what you are saying but I think it completely defeats the purpose of SS which is to keep it SIMPLE. Yes you may be able to get all those nutes dissolved into teas but you are going to spend a lot of time with trial and error and unhappy plants at first. I think top dressing with supersoil is the way to go. Look at subs plants can you really argue with that?? If you know certain strains need more or less nutes just fill your buckets with SS accordingly. To each his own but I think going that route will lead you to much frustration and poor quality yields. I enjoy getting bountiful harvest with the least amount of stress and time put into my plants, supersoil does this perfectly for me. Just follow subs recipe I swear it works!!! You can always amend with basic compost teas a few times during flowering if you really want to give them that lil extra.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to divulge from the given path Subcool laid out for us. I've never got to run the stuff. I know that top dressing is a way to address a plant that is running out of steam. All i am trying to figure out is a way to quickly address a nutrient deficiency if i see a plant fading too early. I understand that this style of growing is supposed to be simple. But it's only simple if you know the correct amount of super soil to add in the beginning, and everyone's grow room requires a different application based off the environment you create and the plant varieties you choose. Sub uses less than half the pot's volume as super soil, while you read others using over half all the way to 100% super soil.

As far as my ACT i use this program:

veg mix:
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tbs. Maxicrop or Neptune's Harvest liquid seaweed.
5 tsp. Black Strap Molasses

flower mix
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop or Neptune's Harvest liquid seaweed.
5 tsp. Black Strap Molasses

Bubbled for 36-48 hours. Both recipes in 5 gallons of RO water.

But i guess ill just supplement with these recipes if i see any deficiencies occurring.

Thanks for the input Bugslaaaa