Using the end of a closet as a grow box


Active Member
Hi planning on starting a grow soon once I move into my new apartment. I plan on going with the reliable tub box to at least start up into vegetative growth.

I have a sort of large closet and I was thinking I could turn just one end section of it into a grow area. I would just attach panda film to all the walls, and drape one straight down like a tent, and staple and tape it all around so its light proof. There's a shelf going through the top part of the closet, and I can rest an exhaust fan + carbon scrubber pointing out of the end section and into the rest of the closet. Intakes on the bottom, tying the lights to the hanger rack. Could this work? I tried searching around for other people who did this but to no avail. If I missed it I'd be really glad if you could point me in the right direction. Thanks!


Active Member
I'm also using the end of my closet. I just started these sour diesel clones in here, but I also need to figure out a way to put an exhaust fan in there. I have a fan in the doorway blowing fresh air in but I have no way of blowing the stale air out. I wish I could cut a hole in the wall going outside but I'm renting and my boyfriend said its not a good idea. Anyways, I attached pics. Sorry some pics are sideways.

Let me know what you were thinking newbgrower123.

