It probably has a low pass filter built in already to make it 3 in 1 if that's the case (Which i think it is).
I believe that all three methods of dimming (MW 3in1) lead to the same result - reduced current.
View attachment 3387197
I emailed them and hopefully they can tell us how it works.
Ok ,guys,you're maybe being right .
But ,using PWM signals ,I';ve noticed other results.
Now ..There's a small detail ,though ...
I did not utilised +10 VDC direct PWM signals ....
What I did with AutosDias was this ,actually :
Instead ,of using an external +10VDC PWm source ,the actual 10 Volt output of Dim + was used .
As you can see ,the transistor is "shorting" the Dim+ and DIm- .
(this actual schematic is wrong ,somewhat ,as in the real-life application the Collector of the transistor is connected to Dim+ and it's Emitter at Dim- ,and the diode was not used -but the diode is just a protection for the Arduino PWM output ).
This was done ,in order to save effort and money and use directly the +5 VDC signal of Arduino.
I'm not really sure ,if that way really differs from applying an external +10 VDC PWM signal .
And something else ,which i noiticed in action .
Avoid to common ground the DIm- with the ground of a device like a microcontroller.
Even if themicrocontroller is switched OFF ,the driver never reaches at full 100% of it's power .
(transistor open / inactive)
Still ,I remain not much fond of PWM signals for LED dimming.
Maybe it's just another mistake of mine that has lead me to trust so ,
but I prefer PWM only fora 4-wire Fan control ..
When it come s to 3in1 ,i still prefer the resistive way .
Simple ,passive components used ,very difficult for the resistor to fail
( with 500uA from each driver's DIm circuit it takes 50 drivers in parallel ,
to fry an ordinary 0.25W resistor..Or not ? ...
Haven't slept at all actually..Not the best moment for Ohm's Law ,right now ...

Anyway ..That is based to what I 've experienced in person.
Still ,I may have chosen quite "anorthodox" way ,to apply PWm
and that's why flickering was evident ...
Time for sleep.
My eyes hurt already ,
from "vampirying" over electronic schematics throughtout the night ...
(it's already 11:00 am ,here...
