Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

You say, "These new vaxs have lower levels of serious side effects than almost any vaccine ever made". Then how do you account for the fact that there are more reports of adverse reactions and death from "covid vax", compared to all other previous vaccines combined over the past decade?
How do they compare per 100,000 doses administered?
Not really. It was designed to block infection of the strains available during the design window.

The virus mutated outside the vaccine’s best-effects domain. The fact that the vaccine is conferring some protection is fortunate, but not a design feature.

I did imagine that with the rapid-evolution-cycle tech that Pfizer etc. demonstrated in cranking out the initial formulation, wr’d be vaccinating for delta/omicron/nexticron by now. Hmmm. I may be wrong about design speed, which might have rate of spending in the denominator.
So your assertion is that is helped with the Alpha strain, and then it was pretty much useless after a few months once Delta and Omicron arrived. Cool story bro. One question though. If you knew that all along, why did you keep pushing the jab once Alpha was long gone? Asking for a friend.
So your assertion is that is helped with the Alpha strain, and then it was pretty much useless after a few months once Delta and Omicron arrived. Cool story bro. One question though. If you knew that all along, why did you keep pushing the jab once Alpha was long gone? Asking for a friend.
No; those are straw-man distortions of what I said.
Oh, look the CDC is now admitting that they did a botched job at pandemic response, and that they need to restore public trust. You don't say..

Looking like the kids are being required to do remote learning again.. Over the monkey business, that kills 6 people per year, and is no worse than something we eradicated 30 years ago?

Even though the average grade school kid has had 20-30 vaccines already (and probably quite a few ear infections as a result), they still can't go to school normally?..

Vaccines are so effective, that our kids can't even go to school?

Meanwhile 100k dying just from fentenyl ODs alone... but the virus that kills 6 is so much more important!

Over the last 2 years the rates of students meeting the standards dramatically fell to below 20-30% in some areas of learning, in some areas of the US...
Oh, look the CDC is now admitting that they did a botched job at pandemic response, and that they need to restore public trust. You don't say..

Perhaps they should break up their love affair with big pharma, and do the job which they were intended to do: protect us from big pharma.
Looking like the kids are being required to do remote learning again.. Over the monkey business, that kills 6 people per year, and is no worse than something we eradicated 30 years ago?

Even though the average grade school kid has had 20-30 vaccines already (and probably quite a few ear infections as a result), they still can't go to school normally?..

Vaccines are so effective, that our kids can't even go to school?

Meanwhile 100k dying just from fentenyl ODs alone... but the virus that kills 6 is so much more important!

Over the last 2 years the rates of students meeting the standards dramatically fell to below 20-30% in some areas of learning, in some areas of the US...
That's one of the reasons that I don't send my kids to public school.
In Canada, you must be quadriple vaxxed to participate in society, if not they will freeze your bank account, take your car, your dog, can't board a plane, go shopping ect.

You absolutely may not practice medicine. And 14 young doctors have all died recently for mystery potato reasons, wonder why?

In Canada, you must be quadriple vaxxed to participate in society, if not they will freeze your bank account, take your car, your dog, can't board a plane, go shopping ect.

You absolutely may not practice medicine. And 14 young doctors have all died recently for mystery potato reasons, wonder why?

What a misinformation generator you are. I'm Canadian and the only thing in your first sentence that WAS true was not getting on a plane without the vax and that was lifted a while back.

As to your 14 doctors story you just have to look at the source of that story to know it's BS.

Ya I home school mine, but i still worry about all the other kids..
I've been homeschooling mine too, but my daughter really wanted to go to a traditional school for high school, so we enrolled her in a private school so that she could have the experience, and she just started this week. When I asked the school nurse about vaccination exemptions, she said "I'm not the police" and it was a non-issue for enrollment.
In Canada, you must be quadriple vaxxed to participate in society, if not they will freeze your bank account, take your car, your dog, can't board a plane, go shopping ect.

You absolutely may not practice medicine. And 14 young doctors have all died recently for mystery potato reasons, wonder why?
