Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

I really appreciate it when people that made a mistake admit their error and ask forgiveness from the people they wronged.

I'm sure very soon, one Governor or another will be issuing a heart felt (get it? "heart felt") apology for locking an entire state down!

O Keefe and project Veritas, hahahaha, Jesus fucking christ that's an embarrassing place to use as the basis of your views.

right because them recording a Pfizer employee saying what he said isn’t what I’m concerned about. I’m not at all interested in questioning a pharmaceutical companies motives ever - or any form of government authority. I’m just a peasant who follows orders
right because them recording a Pfizer employee saying what he said isn’t what I’m concerned about. I’m not at all interested in questioning a pharmaceutical companies motives ever - or any form of government authority. I’m just a peasant who follows orders
That's the world that we live in these days. If someone's "political opponent" puts out information which shines a negative light onto something they support, the information is simply tacitly dismissed as disinformation from "the other side", without even looking into the content at all.
There are two problems with your thought process. One, you assume all viruses act the same and two, you fail to recognize these vaccines were developed over two decades and they were most definitely put through trials.

I’m with Budley, I’m tired of talking about it. People can take the vaccine or not, I don’t care anymore.
Herd immunity with smallpox and natives worked out well I hear :(.
Ok... I know I have said that I just don't trust the science (early science). Sooo... they had a little over 43,000 participants with no long term testing, and some not even on humans. What's the math on that amongst 9B people?... insignificant. It's kinda like your drug buddy making a synthetic MDMA in his bathroom and tells you that its safe and effective. "A few of my friends have tried it, and say it's the bomb! One dude can't see out of his left eye anymore, but you'll be fine.... he must of had a mini stroke or something, totally unrelated"
Ok... I know I have said that I just don't trust the science (early science). Sooo... they had a little over 43,000 participants with no long term testing, and some not even on humans. What's the math on that amongst 9B people?... insignificant. It's kinda like your drug buddy making a synthetic MDMA in his bathroom and tells you that its safe and effective. "A few of my friends have tried it, and say it's the bomb! One dude can't see out of his left eye anymore, but you'll be fine.... he must of had a mini stroke or something, totally unrelated"

You've obviously done your own research
Think about it... this was all a game to see who would drink the KoolAid. This was phase 1 of ability to control. Fear is the number 1 seller, and always has been. You ever heard of FOMO? Fear Of Missing Out. Religion is a great example of this. "Send us your best seed faith, and you shall be healed". Fools upon fools have sent thier life savings in hopes that they would be healed, and/or avoid hell and brimstone.
This has been your test of faith. Do you take the red pill?... or decline. The caveat in taking the red pill is, that you cannot take it back. It's in you. It's going to be with you till your demise, be it cancer, stroke, heart attack, organ failure, etc. If their intentions were really that true, why would they tip toe thier wording in advertising to say or not say certain things?... By law IF they (phyzer/moderna) were to advertise a true vax, they would have to disclose side affects observed during clinical trials just like every other drug advertisement you see on tv every 15 min. This is JamesTown on a NWO level.
It's understandable to have vax regret. You see young people every day, 4-5 times a day in the news falling out for no reason. And if you eyes are starting to open, I can understand your defense. You don't have any options. Nobody likes to be check mated. But if you didn't take the red pill, and flew down the rabbit hole unscathed (got it and survived).. then you do have options. Which would you rather have done in hindsight?
Do you worry sometimes why you did it? What may happen to you in 4-8 years? I can understand that. It would keep me up at night. Being in sales for 32 years, I've always observed that everyone jumps on a good deal.... IF they think it's a good deal, even tho behind the desk, we know we are taking you to the cleaners, and there are high fives are all around as soon as the ink is dry on the paper.... which doesn't take long.
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