Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

I wore a plastic face shield when I needed to go to town. Most places didn't give me a hard time, but some people couldn't stand that I wasn't an old grandma on oxygen tubes (for some reason thats the only acceptable type to even wear a shield), and instead had a glowing smile on my face as I walked around shopping.. Only some kept insisting that I needed to wear an actual mask or leave. That it was the law. The governor's orders clearly state that everyone is mandated to wear a face covering of some kind (including a shield btw, which actually works better at stopping spit particles btw..), but who was I to sit there and argue with people who don't understand the law?

Plenty of other places were glad to do business. Glad I haven't had court or anything during the last few years. No way I would mask myself for some hearing, of any nature. I did pickup a traffic ticket that I knew I could have probably got dropped if I went in, but you couldn't pay me a million bucks to sit and be forced to wear a f'ing worthless mask, so I just paid it, lol.
I wore a plastic face shield when I needed to go to town. Most places didn't give me a hard time, but some people couldn't stand that I wasn't an old grandma on oxygen tubes (for some reason thats the only acceptable type to even wear a shield), and instead had a glowing smile on my face as I walked around shopping.. Only some kept insisting that I needed to wear an actual mask or leave. That it was the law. The governor's orders clearly state that everyone is mandated to wear a face covering of some kind (including a shield btw, which actually works better at stopping spit particles btw..), but who was I to sit there and argue with people who don't understand the law?

Plenty of other places were glad to do business. Glad I haven't had court or anything during the last few years. No way I would mask myself for some hearing, of any nature. I did pickup a traffic ticket that I knew I could have probably got dropped if I went in, but you couldn't pay me a million bucks to sit and be forced to wear a f'ing worthless mask, so I just paid it, lol.
You should have just held up a sign in the window to the cops that says "I just got diagnosed with COVID".... he would have waived you off. LOL!
You should have just held up a sign in the window to the cops that says "I just got diagnosed with COVID".... he would have waived you off. LOL!

You would think that pulling a copy of the actual signed order from the governor out from my back pocket, and literally showing them where it specifically states that my face "covering" was acceptable would be enough, but nope.. I could have walked in there with no covering at all, but I tried to respect their business, and even kindly explain the law when confronted. The entire mask mandate was unconstitutional in the first place, but I didn't try to put that on them in any way.

It was always more of a psychological\personal thing, and how triggered which ever employee it was, mostly because someone (me? lol) was being disobedient and looking too happy.

If they really worried about their health, they wouldn't go nosing around within' 6 feet of an "anti masker" and exchange respiratory droplets. They would just call the cops and lay low for them to get there. Like, would you go up to an active shooter and tell him to stop shooting?

They just wanted to make sure you know how illegal it is to breath air, as if they are the new sheriff in town..
You would think that pulling a copy of the actual signed order from the governor out from my back pocket, and literally showing them where it specifically states that my face "covering" was acceptable would be enough, but nope.. I could have walked in there with no covering at all, but I tried to respect their business, and even kindly explain the law when confronted. The entire mask mandate was unconstitutional in the first place, but I didn't try to put that on them in any way.

It was always more of a psychological\personal thing, and how triggered which ever employee it was, mostly because someone (me? lol) was being disobedient and looking too happy.

If they really worried about their health, they wouldn't go nosing around within' 6 feet of an "anti masker" and exchange respiratory droplets. They would just call the cops and lay low for them to get there. Like, would you go up to an active shooter and tell him to stop shooting?

They just wanted to make sure you know how illegal it is to breath air, as if they are the new sheriff in town..
The problem with your rationale is that individual businesses are legally allowed to require masks in their place of business, so long as they enforce the requirement uniformly, and allow for medical exemptions. The businesses are allowed to hold more stringent requirements than that of the government mandates, just not less stringent. It's really not much different from posh establishments which require a dress code for their customers.
You would think that pulling a copy of the actual signed order from the governor out from my back pocket, and literally showing them where it specifically states that my face "covering" was acceptable would be enough, but nope.. I could have walked in there with no covering at all, but I tried to respect their business, and even kindly explain the law when confronted. The entire mask mandate was unconstitutional in the first place, but I didn't try to put that on them in any way.

It was always more of a psychological\personal thing, and how triggered which ever employee it was, mostly because someone (me? lol) was being disobedient and looking too happy.

If they really worried about their health, they wouldn't go nosing around within' 6 feet of an "anti masker" and exchange respiratory droplets. They would just call the cops and lay low for them to get there. Like, would you go up to an active shooter and tell him to stop shooting?

They just wanted to make sure you know how illegal it is to breath air, as if they are the new sheriff in town..
oh im sure thats why the problems happened with you

not because youre trying to take your governemntal issues out on 22 year old trying to keep a damn job the only one has when hes barely scraping by because of all the issues with poverty and min wages being extemeley low so hes just doing his job :rolleyes:
I never had any problems. Only got kicked out of maybe 3-4 stores, which I respectfully left and quit doing business with. I didn't make a big scene though, or take it personally. I just kept smiling and walked out, and went to another store. I totally understand that 22 year olds position, and didn't try to argue or give them a hard time, like some of the people do. I don't go around trying to stir up trouble, lol. I know there is no actual charge for not wearing a mask, and the worst that could happen is if you resist the police. That's how they would get you. With a trespassing charge, or resisting orders, etc. Kinda like when they pull you over for a tail light being out, then don't charge for that, but find other reasons too.
How does a grocery store enforce whether your medical exemption is legit or not?
I believe that it's similar to how venues handle service animals. The ADA basically allows operators to ask two questions:
1. Is your animal required for a diagnosed medical need?
2. What tasks is your service animal trained to perform?

Due to medical privacy, you can not ask for the person's specific condition or require a note from their doctor.

With this understanding, I believe that the proper conduct for operators and venues would be to tacitly accept the legitimacy of any patron's assertion to having a medical exemption from a doctor which prohibits them from wearing a mask. In such cases it could be possible that the operator either allow the exemption, or alternately they could offer an accommodation. One such sort of accommodation to a medical mask exemption, could indeed be a face shield as you've described. Barring any predetermined accommodation specifically designed to address a situation in question, an operator would really be left with no choice but to allow such exemption, or they would be in violation of the individual's Civil Rights (assuming that such medical exemption from a doctor indeed actually exists). If you don't have a doctor's note, and want to claim a medical exemption, then it's fraud, and you're basically playing chicken with the business.
There was no "mask" mandate. The order literally says "face coverings", then goes on to list masks, and even face shields as an acceptable form of face covering. Some were trying to argue that I must wear a cloth mask under the shield, but they are wrong. The fact is, I should be able to walk around with the goofy looking shield on , and not even be bothered one bit about it. They had no right to harass me for complying with orders, yet some did. They were the only problem. Most had no problem at all, it was just a few that seemed to be on an ego trip. lol. I don't really blame them either, s'all good!
There was no "mask" mandate. The order literally says "face coverings", then goes on to list masks, and even face shields as an acceptable form of face covering. Some were trying to argue that I must wear a cloth mask under the shield, but they are wrong. The fact is, I should be able to walk around with the goofy looking shield on , and not even be bothered one bit about it. They had no right to harass me for complying with orders, yet some did. They were the only problem. Most had no problem at all, it was just a few that seemed to be on an ego trip. lol. I don't really blame them either, s'all good!
Yeah, but it's legal for businesses to require dress codes if they like. They can require that everyone wear clown wigs in their store, or they can't come in, so long as they enforce it uniformly and allow for exemptions as required by law. Requiring masks at private businesses or in certain government locations is no different.
There isn't really a face covering mandate anymore. Hardly anyone is wearing one these days. I just meant that when it comes down to it, it's good we still have exemptions to many of the BS rules, whether its a mask, vaccine, or whatever... For how much longer who knows. They keep trying to take them away.
There isn't really a face covering mandate anymore. Hardly anyone is wearing one these days. I just meant that when it comes down to it, it's good we still have exemptions to many of the BS rules, whether its a mask, vaccine, or whatever... For how much longer who knows. They keep trying to take them away.
They took exemptions for many vaccines away years ago. Have you seen the current childhood vaccine schedule which is mandatory for school? It's pretty much impossible to get an exemption to that in California.