You would think that pulling a copy of the actual signed order from the governor out from my back pocket, and literally showing them where it specifically states that my face "covering" was acceptable would be enough, but nope.. I could have walked in there with no covering at all, but I tried to respect their business, and even kindly explain the law when confronted. The entire mask mandate was unconstitutional in the first place, but I didn't try to put that on them in any way.
It was always more of a psychological\personal thing, and how triggered which ever employee it was, mostly because someone (me? lol) was being disobedient and looking too happy.
If they really worried about their health, they wouldn't go nosing around within' 6 feet of an "anti masker" and exchange respiratory droplets. They would just call the cops and lay low for them to get there. Like, would you go up to an active shooter and tell him to stop shooting?
They just wanted to make sure you know how illegal it is to breath air, as if they are the new sheriff in town..