Drop That Sound
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New Idaho Bill Would Criminalize Anyone Administering Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines
Two Idaho state lawmakers, Sen. Tammy Nichols (R) and Rep. Judy Boyle , R-Midvale, have co-sponsored House Bill (HB) 154.

Will they be administered by the same fda that said thalidomide was safe?
Thanks for explaining what semen was lmaoThalidomide is present in semen (fluid containing sperm that is released through the penis during orgasm).
I'm a DES daughter (FDA approved) and lucked out.
Some girls like glow worms I suppose . thalidomide was pretty horrible. Canadas version of the fda kept selling that shit for months even after it was removed everywhere. If they stopped when told it would have saved thousands of people from life with horrible deformities .Pick up line of the week: "Hey baby, how'd you like to come back to my place and get injected with some Thalidomide?"
"Yes, apparently, Nichols wants to ban all mRNA technology from the state of Idaho. But wait until you see whom she wants to punish. This bill itself didn’t have a whole lot of verbiage. It simply stated that, “A person may not provide or administer a vaccine developed using messenger ribonucleic acid technology for use in an individual or any other mammal in this state.” So in other words, this would apply to giving mRNA vaccines not only to humans but also to other mammals such as bighorn sheep if you were so inclined. The next line clarified that, “A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.”
Of course, to date, humans have been the main recipients of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines and not bighorn sheep. And while some humans and many bots have been very vocal about spreading anti-vaccination messages, bighorn sheep have been rather quiet about them. So, this bill is really not full of sheep as of now."
OMG if they ban the mrna tech then how will they vaccinate the sheep? Baa baaa baaaa, hahaha!
Curious: social skill are arguably more important than knowledge, how are your kids going to acclimate to social hierarchy when real life starts? What advantages are you giving them? You said youre unbiased. Are you teaching them about God or reality?You have no idea what I've gone through to make sure my kid has the best education, and start at life. High conflict court cases, commissioners, gardian ad litem's, cop detainments & brutality. Trust me they all know i'm such a bad dad, until they got fired for some weird mysterious reasons. I never once complained or let any of that interfere with my parenting either, or that it almost broke me down sometimes. My kids free to learn without any bias I have, or anyone else.
My advise back to you is: Don't ever underestimate a dad that would give or sacrifice anything for their kids. Or the powers and lessons that god grants to people that do.
Where is here as opposed to cali?Yep I'm well aware. I especially started paying attention to what's going on down in Cali after the supposed Disney land measles outbreak a few years back. All around the country, really. Since then, I've seen some the bills that have been passed there, and watched plenty of videos of the people protesting. Getting your parental rights stripped away like that.. watching medical decisions be forced like that..
We still at least have religious exemptions up here. Better off homeschooling though, and not filling any forms out, other than your declaration of intent, which takes away most of their power over you. Basically the only way to keep your parental rights intact afaik.
No way i'll let my kid be locked down in a school building either, while a shooter runs around for an hour, and be told I can't do nothing. Or let some school counselor groom my kids, and be able to get them hormone blockers without my knowledge or consent, or any of that BS. Or let teachers that are more worried about how they look on third party zoom meetings and let my kid fall behind, yet they still get paid full salaries, all why your forced to stay home and lose your job so they can keep there's.. All why google makes billions recording everything, almost as if there is an implant installed in the house, gathering biometric data and other info, to be able to tax your kids futures into owning nothing and being happy. I can think of 1000 more reasons kids shouldn't be in public school, but yeah..
Cali is def whacked. Hope it doesn't get that bad here.
No, I didn't realize. I wasn't born knowing everything like you, apparently. But I did realize my error. Thanks for pointing it out so kindly and maturely, I'm sure your stance on the vaccine is equally as.... polished.You realize your in the politics section in a thread about the vax right. And you quoted the ops 7 month old post? Why are you still talking about it? They won’t believe it if they read the link as good as you did.Holy shit
Rabies? You mean the rarest disease ever, that maybe affects like 2 people a year? I don't really have many pets, other than the wild raccoons running around. If I seen one foaming at the mouth would just put it out of its misery, lol. There is no cure for rabies anyway, just like HIV, so whats the mrna gonna do?More importantly, how will you vaccinate pets against rabies, it's an mrna vaccine.