Value of plants


Active Member
i realise that when police raid cannabis farms they say each plant £1000 but that is the street value, right?
so for example if i where to grow 10 Sqaure meters (SOG, 120gr per Meter sqaure), in my area that is £12,000 street value so what would be the bulk value of that crop of 1.2kg.

im asking hypetheticaly of course


Well-Known Member
They're not sellers, so the price doesn't go down in bulk. Prices are just for the media, not the courts.


Well-Known Member
also the nubers that are used mby the media that are relased by the law are all for impact n the public.
i.e. they bust say i personal grows and find 5 plants in the 2n week of flower at the minute the have no real value really on the streets. interns of immature bud. they be lucky really to get 4 or 5 oz. now mange the local press and new. POLICE WASTE MORE TIME AND TAX payers on busting a personal flower for the value of £0. but there spin will be the plants when grown to over 10oz a plant times this by the 300 pound an ounce crap to. which then turns into 15000 of cannabis of the streets. these are only low numbers.. cause you can imagine the back lash this could have on any government thats trying to push on the war on drugs.its what they call in the uk the crime game.


Active Member
But say if i did grow 1200 grams of bud (with a street value of £12,000) what could I sell that for in ounces (28g = £280 street value) to a street dealer.asking hypothetical "wink, wink"


Active Member
ill be honest, somone in my mates family has asked if i would be thier suplier (they dont sell st the moment but they are thinking about it).
and im already growing for personal use but i was wondering how much to grow to suply them and how much for.