Van Jones: Liberals ‘Spend so Much Time Freaking Out’ ...

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Well-Known Member
good thing the right never whined about obama.. never called him a muslim loving commie, nor his wife a man, nor demanded to see his birth certificate for 8 years, and upon seeing it, claimed it was fake news..
i say if the left is whiny over trump, they learned it from listening to the right for 8 years whine about obama..
except we have indictments against them piling up at a record pace


Well-Known Member
Do you think I'm unfairly picking on you?
lol. It's all good bro you didn't punk my lunch money.

I just think it's funny the one time you show up and say something, is to fix my 1 incorrectly spelled word ( as if that is some serious indication of my intelligence.... this is a stoner site... i am very stoned... every day.. my bad. you must never make minor mistakes, right.

Furthermore, your maturity must be quite low to use that as a means to attack my point ( which you still failed to do )

But for some reason, the other posters and their multiple glaring Political inaccuracies, don't bother you.

What did I say that upset you so much?


Well-Known Member
lol. It's all good bro you didn't punk my lunch money.

I just think it's funny the one time you show up and say something, is to fix my 1 incorrectly spelled word ( as if that is some serious indication of my intelligence.... this is a stoner site... i am very stoned... every day.. my bad. you must never make minor mistakes, right.

Furthermore, your maturity must be quite low to use that as a means to attack my point ( which you still failed to do )

But for some reason, the other posters and their multiple glaring Political inaccuracies, don't bother you.

What did I say that upset you so much?
Youre still sad?


Well-Known Member
Can you quote that a third time? 2020... ill wait and see my options. Right now id go harris
So you would support the Neoliberal that backed Clinton over Sanders, and the Woman that openly failed to prosecute the Banks for fraud.

Seems like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Yes, just don't need another moron in this sub-forum. If we ignore you will you go away or go into sockbot mode like excessivestroker and rob roy moore?
Unless you want Trump again, you should start licking my words up like candy, sweetie.


Well-Known Member
"Kamala Harris has long positioned herself as a feminist crusader. But both as attorney general of California and now as a member of the U.S. Senate, she has actively championed policies that deny women's agency, ratchet up female incarceration, and endanger those most vulnerable to sexual abuse. Along the way, she has shown an utter disregard for civil liberties and constitutional law—a tendency she will now get to take to the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee."
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