Vanilla Kush + Pineapple Chunk Grow


Active Member
*Update 9th Setptember
Been about 2 weeks now my babies i think are coming along quite nicley, temp at 26 and humidity at 39
Only problem i seem to be having is they keep bending with support then bending the other way lol - All of them - VK 1 - VK 2 - PC 1 - PC 2
The marks on leaves are me spilling nutes on the leaves lol i've cleaned them now and just re-cleaned the tent with some scruby thing


Active Member
*16 September update

Lower leaves looking a bit yellow + one has yellow and a hole whats wrong? pics below

Also will be updating this reply with temp and humditiy checks
1. 26.4C 55% humidity 1430
2. 24.7C 58% humidity 1130 17th Sep


Usually there is no sure fire answer.
Try letting them dry then flush them with a bit of some well level'd PH water.
Soil does look really wet, you may have just water though.


Active Member
*Update 17th Sep
Going to wait for the water to be bone dry before i water again to see if it fixes the yellow leaves problem,
Another thing has popped up, dont think its major but i've not come across it before, green in the soil?
