Vanilla Kush + Pineapple Chunk Grow


Active Member
I am pretty new to growing myself, about a year with 4 going on 5 harvests. I am very green to this so take any advice I give with caution. This forum and its experience bank are very helpful. Nice tent, nice preperation. "I" discovered a way to get some of that high spectrum light at a small small sacrifice. The tubes work well for vegging, keep them close and plentiful..and "blu" As for that 600 watter..those plants are gonna be poppin out of there..which is good..;-).. I found some..I think 3500 Lumen CFL's.. well they are actually pretty big, but fit in a standard socket, the ballast is built onto them. They are 9 dolla ea with 3-5 bux on the little fixture at one of the big box hardware stores. (lowe$) Kinda hard to find, I had to ask. I ran a few of these in my closet grow before I moved to my I use them for suppplemental lighting to my lower branches and I have had greal results. You can ALMOST touch the plants, but be careful, they still make heat. I bet the bud size at least doubled on the lower branches...and all my lowest branches..which get ground up for cooking were just completely covered with sticky popcorn.. A-LOT. My cola's have come in anywhere from a half to an oz dry, no records..but still decent and quite potent. These lights are inexpensive and efficient. I have 9 sativa dom plants that get to @60" finished right now. They are @ 3 weeks out. I use a 400HPS on a mover with about 4 of these CFL's positioned strategically. I thought I'd share this only because when your plants get tall you might have some space/light challenges. You have a Great setup though for shure. Keep an open plan, don't lock yourself in and allow yourself room for change. A small space can be quickly stuffed to the point it will greatly lower your yield, and this can lead to frustration. Hopefully you are very Indica Dom.., if you run into your light during bloom, remember these CFL's, they are about a third the price you will pay at any grow supply store and work well..they lean a bit to the red side of the spectrum which is a plus. Good luck and have fun with it.


Well-Known Member
If ur buying clones then they should be female. No-one would have a male mother plant. Disturbing the 12:12 sleep cycle will also induce Hermies so make sure it's light tight.


Active Member
If ur buying clones then they should be female. No-one would have a male mother plant. Disturbing the 12:12 sleep cycle will also induce Hermies so make sure it's light tight.
Yeah i didnt buy the clones i got from seeds this time, and dont worry 0 light is going to get in it when its not suppost to


Active Member
Oh deary the yellowing got worse on my babies they're sick, anyone know whats going on? do they need more perlite? could it be becuase of space in for the roots its a small pot just about to put them in the big pots for flowering nice big roots? could it be my nutes - 1 liter normally when i do feed? i dont know whats going on?



Active Member
*27th September update
The end of my vegging has come! Below is pictures of the babies before i put them in flowering along with a small size chart, my only question is shall i put my babies in bigger pots now or wait a little bit?



Active Member
*28th September update
Babies are looking nice fed with half the nutes and i want to note that week 3 to half the nutes


Active Member
*09th october update
Been a little while since i've done an update been rather busy
pics in order 1. VC 2. VC2 3. PC1 4. PC2
The first VC is coming along the best and i think i will be cloning from that one in a few days not sure if i will take clones from others, PC1 looking a bit rough but alltogether looks quite nice been about 6-7 weeks veg now and im about to go into flower in a couple of days, comments/questions?
Size, VC1. 32cm VC 28CM PC1+2 36CM so the VC are a bit shorter, time to flower?



Active Member
*Update 11 Oct
So after 4 long hours of shuffeling things around setting up and messing around i finally got my 600w in tent#1 and hooked up to my exhaust fan, i took cuttings from my plants and started to clone them, 3 from VK1, 3 from VK2, 2 from PC1 and 1 from PC2 (looks weak) and have put them under a 55w lamp on a 18h scedule with heating in the dome on 24/7. i have put the 600w on 12h cycle now to start the flowering, a question here if will there be a strong smell/heat rise or any other problem if i have the exhaust fan on the same 12h timer? if so i need to change that but apart from that everything is good, i have the lights set up in tent #2 ready for veggin, watered my babies 30 mins before clones to make sure they had that extra punch :P, i also put the clones in about 2mm of water and misted them. not going for perfect but trying my best to keep it as close as possible, comments/questions?




New Member
everything looks good. and yea this light is going to raise your temp some and make sure you dont burn your tops with that light by getting it to close. clones look good they should take root just fine.


Active Member
Reminder to self really before i forget it all :bigjoint:
Clone 7th Nov
Put in veg 21th
12th dec harvest