Vaporizer - good / bad ??

k ignore the effects smoked cannabis has on asthma...

I say your smokers cough is probably because you live in michigan and have no access to good quality organic cured chronic... and you likely have unhealthy smoking practices... YES there are safe ways to smoke... especially with cannabis as it does not damage the lungs, if anything if used with respect and properly, it has a protective effect on the lungs, keeping the bronchial tubes dilated, protecting from cancer...

but hey keep spouting your obvious pop-culture based nonsense. I'm good on listening and I will continue to try to sway the rest of the people who will potentially view this thread.

I was referring to "smoke" as in bong, or a pipe. Not a vap, I guess I should have specified. And Michigan has fine weed if you get it from the right people, stop being so arrogant.
well either way you're doing something wrong if you get a smokers cough from cannabis... I smoke every day atleast 4 -6 times daily with my zong bong.. ash catcher with a glass on glass diffuser... organic hemp wick, organic bud.

I highly doubt that pal, I have been smoking for over 11 years. I can tell you, I use toro products, and recently bought a straight tube heavy glass. Smoking this way will give anyone a smokers cough. Inhaling smoke causes your lungs to push out acid/saliva and thats where a smokers cough comes from.
I highly doubt that pal, I have been smoking for over 11 years. I can tell you, I use toro products, and recently bought a straight tube heavy glass. Smoking this way will give anyone a smokers cough. Inhaling smoke causes your lungs to push out acid/saliva and thats where a smokers cough comes from.

glass has come a long way in the past 5 years bro ever see inline AC's? inline AC's + diffusers + diffuser beads + hemp wick + organic cured bud . . . . I bet you haven't smoked like that bro, highly doubt it. and I also bet you hold in your hits longer than 4 or 5 seconds.
in no way??? sorry I don't think you can really say that without admitting that your knowledge on the subject is entirely based on cannabis pop-culture facts.....

did you know that smoked pure cannabis has never been proven to cause any long term lung conditions? it has been SMOKED by asthma patients for DECADES before prohibition specifically for treating asthma.

and then you come in here and tell someone that in no way is smoking better for him than vaporizing when his EXPERIENCE, and many others, prove otherwise.

first off here lets get to the basics, smoking=burning plant vaporizing= heating up essentaial oil until they create a vapor while you leave the plant untouched. and apparently you have the proof of people dying and vaporizing not being good for you so id like to see them before i have to call major BS.

secondly- mariojuana has never been known to cause lung damage? seriously ? NO PLANT IS SAFE TO SMOKE! yes it can cause lung damage, thats why i have to give up bongs usualy at least once a month or i start hacking up brown sht. yes it can be anti cancerous. but that doesnt mean its anti bronchitus and anti lung infection. you have to use your brain man.

and the only reason "get some organic cannabis, organic hemp wick (or heat a glass wand...), and good filtration in glass (with aid of glass diffusers, inline, and diffuser beads...) proper smoking practices... certain strains are easier on the lungs than others..." is becasue you cool the smoke down enough to thte point where it doesnt aggitate your lungs. i take 90% bong hoots until i start hacking then switch to vaporizing for a week. and it does work. open your mind its a beutiful world out there
glass has come a long way in the past 5 years bro ever see inline AC's? inline AC's + diffusers + diffuser beads + hemp wick + organic cured bud . . . . I bet you haven't smoked like that bro, highly doubt it. and I also bet you hold in your hits longer than 4 or 5 seconds.

you are down right retarded if you think water and hemp wicks are the cure all to lung safety with burning weed. I actually smoke oil only you dumb fuck, and thats what considered vap? without a lighter what? still got a smokers cough? what? Dude, you can't assume what others are doing. you have no idea. I smoke oil bro, unlike you burning matter. ha. un subbed.
first off here lets get to the basics, smoking=burning plant vaporizing= heating up essentaial oil until they create a vapor while you leave the plant untouched. and apparently you have the proof of people dying and vaporizing not being good for you so id like to see them before i have to call major BS.

secondly- mariojuana has never been known to cause lung damage? seriously ? NO PLANT IS SAFE TO SMOKE! yes it can cause lung damage, thats why i have to give up bongs usualy at least once a month or i start hacking up brown sht. yes it can be anti cancerous. but that doesnt mean its anti bronchitus and anti lung infection. you have to use your brain man.

and the only reason "get some organic cannabis, organic hemp wick (or heat a glass wand...), and good filtration in glass (with aid of glass diffusers, inline, and diffuser beads...) proper smoking practices... certain strains are easier on the lungs than others..." is becasue you cool the smoke down enough to thte point where it doesnt aggitate your lungs. i take 90% bong hoots until i start hacking then switch to vaporizing for a week. and it does work. open your mind its a beutiful world out there

thank you for the pop culture weed lesson. I could have gone to DARE for some more but I think I'm good ;)
thank you for the pop culture weed lesson. I could have gone to DARE for some more but I think I'm good ;)

its sommon sense and your going around saying marijuana smoked from a bong is better for you than a vaporizeer. clearly made up, maybe you like it better but its not healthier, andpeople should know when someone isnt saying anyting close to the truth. ps.... wheres the link to the all these people dying from vaporizing?
poplars, I feel bad for you.
I did give the poster above me the benefit of a doubt, as it may be true in extreme cases. I hope you will be able to understand with a bit more studying on the subject. Smoking brings burnt material into your lungs, period, cant be argued can it ? Vaporizing brings extremely less amounts of burnt material, agreed ? After you vape, you can take the leftover & burn it to see what is left.
If you think differently, smoke all you can for a few months , stop for a moth or so & see how much crap comes up from your lungs. I have done this dozens of times in my life. After vaping the same amount I just don't get the buildup in my lungs like I use to.
I am posting with well over 40 years of personal mj smoking, no hype here. Your reply to my post seem without merit.

perhaps i should add.

i grow my own, organically (no bought shit)

i smoke small bowls, i dont do fat ones, i find them a waste.

i dont do joints either and i use gravity bongs (much less hassle on the lungs)

i dont like bongs (they are ok but they get dirty quick and they are more a strain on the lungs)

i often use icewater.

and i never had smokers cough.
well, except once when i was 18 and smoking 3 packs a day :) (i just quit for a month and then started up pack a day (nowadays i only smoke tobacco with weed (mostly)
you all can continue to talk about me and my statements like I live in a cave... but you ignore the study I posted that goes completely in depth in methodology and results.. yet you want to focus on me. you guys are biased. period.
you all can continue to talk about me and my statements like I live in a cave... but you ignore the study I posted that goes completely in depth in methodology and results.. yet you want to focus on me. you guys are biased. period.

all of us? :)

i do agree with you, to the point of, what fits one, does not necesserily fit all.

i have different experiences to the usual rant and rave on tobacco and the dangers of smoking.

for now, ill say, no comment aside from my experiences.
alright so, ive NEVER smoked tobacco

for a good 10 years all i smoked with was a double glass bong with perc & ash catcher and as a result of smoking like this, it had lead to a regular occurrence of collapsed lungs, going to the hospital to have a tube surgically put into your chest to remedy the situation, Isnt fun..... i averaged 2-3 of these PER YEAR while smoking.....

for the past 2 1/2 years i switched soley to a vaporizer as my main delivery means, i smoke a lil here and there, but in general dont really "smoke" cannabis anymore
not ONCE in this 2 1/2 years have i had a SINGLE pain even in my lungs.....

with that said, Everyone is built a little differently... some people can go their Whole lives smoking cigarettes and not develop cancer, while others can smoke for 2years and be dead the next from cancer, this just goes to show the massive area of sensitivity and biochemistry all of our lungs span. now with that in mind suggesting to someone who has a less than ideal condition with their lungs that smoking is safe for THEM, is unbelievably naive.


vaporizing IS one of those means, its extremely safe with a significantly lower toxicity (virtually none at the right settings) than its smoke counterpart.

dont buy into poplars so called "pop-culture" bullshit, because i assure you what he is spewing is exactly that, un-researched, unverified, Bullshit.
you all can continue to talk about me and my statements like I live in a cave... but you ignore the study I posted that goes completely in depth in methodology and results.. yet you want to focus on me. you guys are biased. period.

well i read the study and it doesnt help your case that smoked marijuana is better for you than vaped marijuana. it satys marijuana helps asthma but thats not a secret, i thought what you awere saying is smoked is more heaalthy than vaped and that just isnt true
Vape is the way to go! I used to use bongs, and ive read that they actually filter more THC than tar, and in tests bong smoke had more tar in it than smoke from an unfiltered joint. I got an Easy Q vaporizer, does an awesome job, has a bag option just like the volcano but costs about half the price. Def. feel your medication and it tastes much better. Dont smoke, vape!
He just doesn't want to believe hahaha.

I vaped for 6 months, in that time I actually INJURED my lung.

so yeah, I don't think highly of vapes anymore... after hearing about stoned poney dropping dead mid vape hit, my lung, and the different high that I don't find to be satisfying. I had a herbalare.

but yeah, keep acting like it's impossible to have safe smoking habits with cannabis. like there are no strains worthy enough, no grow methods worthy enough, no filtration worthy enough... even though it's been shown to not damage the lungs.

for christ sake, theres this lady who was 102 years old, smoking joints EVERY DAY.

yeah, I think I'm gonna sit on teh side of the old lady who smokes every day and thinks it kept her alive longer, 102 or so btw....

I'll find the article.


she lived to 125
I vaped for 6 months, in that time I actually INJURED my lung.

so yeah, I don't think highly of vapes anymore... after hearing about stoned poney dropping dead mid vape hit, my lung, and the different high that I don't find to be satisfying. I had a herbalare.

but yeah, keep acting like it's impossible to have safe smoking habits with cannabis. like there are no strains worthy enough, no grow methods worthy enough, no filtration worthy enough... even though it's been shown to not damage the lungs.

for christ sake, theres this lady who was 102 years old, smoking joints EVERY DAY.

yeah, I think I'm gonna sit on teh side of the old lady who smokes every day and thinks it kept her alive longer, 102 or so btw....

I'll find the article.


she lived to 125

When was 14, I used to shovel the driveway of a 90 year old woman that chain smoked Cost Cutter non filtered cigarettes. I think she lived like another 3 or 4 years after that. 93 is longer than the average life expectancy, why don't you start smoking Cost Cutters with no filter?