Vaporizer - good / bad ??

packing a table top arizer unit
and their portable solo.
i smoke regular joints but there is no way joints are better that a vaporizer.
and for those who hack off the vape, its cause its a dry vapor. i keep juice or a few candies handy and blast bags :)
i've even tried throwing the bag in the freezer for 3 seconds and the vape is wayy smoother, just tickles a bit.
the "solo" unit can be used ANYWHERE :)
I have always been a joint person. But I grew up in texas where the law is will strict on herb. I live in Oregon now and finally tried a vasporizer. I don't know what it was called but it filled upa bag and you inhaled off of that. We had two of these bags between three stoners (we ussually smoke 4-5 joints) and we were good for the day. It's more of a relaxing high, for me at least. I stick with joints during the day and my freind brings over the vaporizer at night. I'm going to get one soon but there pretty expensive. Kinda between a rtock and a hard place because I use a lot less herb with a vape but they are really expensive.
If you're lookin for a vape try the folks at .. they will bend on price if you email them. The Iolite Wispr is out now too, and they got it there. There are Silver surfers too and all that jazz... dont pay the price you see online, you gotta email to get the better price. Really that goes with anything online... never accept the posted price if you're smart. Most online retailers will do anything to get the sale.

And about living long, the people who live the longest live in Japan by the ocean, they eat smoked meat, a lot of smoked salmon, they drink green tea and live til 120... look it up. I dont think they puff reefer tho lol.. I'd like to say they vape it but vapes are too new for that and Marijuana is super illegal in Japan.