Variety Grow - Perpetual, "Mini" ScrOG's, DWC in a Cabinet (First Timer)


Active Member
Well leave it to Mother Nature to send me a mid-winter reminder to keep me motivated. Southern California is experiencing our dreaded Santa Ana Condition. This is when the winds reverse direction and violently blow from the deserts rather than the ocean, up to 60 mph gusts at times.

Ambient temps in the garage are 80* and RH is 25% and brought my cab temps up to 88*! Yikes! Plants are doing fine. I'll be doing the final push on my cab today to get it sealed up. Hopefully I can get the AC rigged up as well!


Active Member
I haven't done a plant update in a few days. I've had the screens laying over them on and off to keep them trained. Hopefully today or tomorrow I'll install the screens permanently. As you can see, all the roots were hiding up in the netpot. I even saw a few roots trying to grow up out of the top of the root plugs. :D So they finally exploded out. I need to do another water change soon since some of the leaves are starting to yellow.

SOG #3

SOG #1

SOG #2




Well-Known Member
Things are looking great JS!! Won't be long and we should see that explosion of growth out of hydro!!


Active Member
Here's a teaser. I turned the cab for better access. I'm loving the wheels I put under the cab. Hey Daniels at least the wheels were designed to move refrigerators and now I've probably got as much foam as one too! Maybe I should start a new thread called "My Cabnigerator Grow" or how about "My Refriginet Grow". :lol: Damn I have to stop taking so many :bongsmilie: breaks!

Back on topic, Now you can see the partition panel separating the intake and outflow sections of the plenum. Now it's a simple matter of cutting the holes to run the 4" PVC through.

I cut the back panel into 3 parts as these will be removable for maintenance and enhancements (sound like an IT guy?).

What you can't see up high is the space where the exhaust portal will meet the 4" ducting I ran along the ceiling to the exterior vent. What's even better is that when it starts getting cold again I can unplug the cabinet exhaust and redirect it into the house under the stairs and help save on heating costs!! At least that's a thought.

Just a few more things and then I can tape up all the edges and seal this sucker up!! I may need it working today!!!



Active Member
Cabineezer? That is great. Way to pull it together efficiently. Girls looking good.
Cabineezer? I still like the Cabnigerator better. :lol:

Okay. I'll just tell you now! I'm so fucking brilliant! While working all day my poor girls were suffering in 93* temps! :( It sure kept me motivated. ;) I have lot's of pics but need to put them together. Score one for me!


Active Member
OK. Grab some popcorn and your favorite smoke! :bongsmilie: Here we go

Extended the fan exhausts to the outflow side. I also rerouted air hoses, moved my airpump inside, mounted the power strip.

Different Angle

A test fit of everything.

Time to dismount the mini-fridge. We gave it a go!!

A bit of tape and the holes that the fridge were mounted over are sealed up.

So it looks a bit disorganized but the cool tube intake makes a good power cord wrap. Getting ready to button her up!

Remember this thing? It's been lying in the middle of the floor, torn apart since August. Time to change that!!

Here's the problem we are solving. Left side temp is below by the water tanks and the right side temp is where the plants are. What's the verdict going to be?

Whew! It's back together and it still works!! :D

Aimed at the intake side. Need a few pieced of foam to seal it up.

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! :D :hump::hump::hump:

I now have space to stand in front of the cabinet now!! Life is good!!!


Well-Known Member
and now, you can slowly start working on the top cabinet so you can get some perpetuallness going on :bongsmilie:


Well-Known Member
yeah, maybe the upper would make better temporary storage, and leave the easier to access bottom one open for you to turn into vegging area.


Active Member
yeah, maybe the upper would make better temporary storage, and leave the easier to access bottom one open for you to turn into vegging area.
My thinking? "Go big or go home". :D

So last night I ran into a scare during water change. Blue Dream had what appeared to be an infestation in it's roots! Little black spots. They looked like larvae and a bunch of those teeny gnats have been flying all over the place. Interesting that the plant appeared healthy!! The side of the water tank had black spots all over too! I took the plant over to the sink and just started flushing water through the netpot and tons of little black spots started washing out!! OK that's it. I gently pulled the plant out of the hydroton and was shocked at what I saw!! Fucking NURSERY for bugs!! Almost all of the roots were trashed. Fortunately there are a few really big new white roots coming out that seemed viable so I whacked off all the rest. I also pulled open the rockwool to make sure no bugs were inside. Then prepped a new batch of hydroton.

Because of this little drama, and the past slime explosion a week ago, I set up 4 brand new tanks, with new air stones. I soaked the air stones for the past few days in pH 5.0 water and a shot of H2O2. All tanks were washed in a solution of Dawn detergent and bleach, rinsed well and then wiped down with rubbing alcohol. I filled the tanks with pH 5.5 tap water treated for chloramine and let stand for a couple of hours before introducing the plants. I ran them overnight like this, basically flushing them. If all looks good today and the pH looks normal, I'll start introducing nutes again. Since I don't see any evidence of nute burn, just bugs, I'll go ahead and bump up the PPM's to the next level.

After water change, I went ahead and placed the screens over them and adjusted all the branches and leaves. I'll tie the screens down today.


Well-Known Member
well i dont subscribe to that one very much, i can do a lot with something small :D

damn JS!! if it aint one thing its damn sure another... you have any idea where they came from? i am glad you caught it and everything seems to be caught in time. one thing you may want to consider is to bomb your entire garage. i cant say if I would leave the plants in the cab during a process of such magnitude, but i would definitely leave everything running. they are young and harvest is a WAYS away, so you probably could leave the plants in the cab. if you attempt this, and if you have houseplants, i would put them in the garage while you fogged it to in case they are the source of your bugs. just some thoughts you can throw around in that noggin of yours :bongsmilie:


Active Member
well i dont subscribe to that one very much, i can do a lot with something small :D

damn JS!! if it aint one thing its damn sure another... you have any idea where they came from? i am glad you caught it and everything seems to be caught in time. one thing you may want to consider is to bomb your entire garage. i cant say if I would leave the plants in the cab during a process of such magnitude, but i would definitely leave everything running. they are young and harvest is a WAYS away, so you probably could leave the plants in the cab. if you attempt this, and if you have houseplants, i would put them in the garage while you fogged it to in case they are the source of your bugs. just some thoughts you can throw around in that noggin of yours :bongsmilie:
Where they came from is a good question. The big question is why only one plant? Why weren't the others infested? My conclusion is that the eggs were already in the rockwool before I got it? Or it was just random.

Yesterday was a good a good day for me. I started working around 9:30am and didn't stop until about 10pm when I finished water change. My brain functions terribly when there is clutter everywhere. Problem is I hate putting stuff away until I'm done! So I get into an inevitable catch-22. It's just one of the symptoms of my depression and I battle it everyday. The last picture I took yesterday showing no clutter has such a positive impact on me that today will be even better...I can clean up!!!

My work bench is a nightmare. I've got piles of crap, semi-sorted, everywhere with no real place to store. So now that the plants are happy, their environment is stable and cool, it's time for some pre-spring cleaning!

Everything that can be pulled out of the garage will be. I'm going to vacuum, sweep, dust, wash the walls, mop the garage floor and make it sparkle! Then I'll spray all the corners and cracks in the garage with Home Defense 12-month. I'll also go out and get a few hot shots strips to hang about.

Clean, Clean, Clean. My new mantra. More detergent, more bleach, more alcohol and less carelessness and "short-cuts".


Active Member
Oh by the way. Since this is still technically my "first grow" (it's just taking a year) :lol: I don't mind the "anything that can happen" stuff happening and out of the way so it's part of my "mental tool belt" for future grows.

I learn and retain better when I have to "do it" rather then "read about it". So if my Blue Dream survives, I now know how to fix this kind of problem if it occurs in the future. I'm starting to see the subtle changes the plants go through, the drooping, yellow leaves, burnt tips and I can start to equate the issues to possible solutions. I'm starting to get "the feel".


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way. Since this is still technically my "first grow" (it's just taking a year) :lol: I don't mind the "anything that can happen" stuff happening and out of the way so it's part of my "mental tool belt" for future grows.

I learn and retain better when I have to "do it" rather then "read about it". So if my Blue Dream survives, I now know how to fix this kind of problem if it occurs in the future. I'm starting to see the subtle changes the plants go through, the drooping, yellow leaves, burnt tips and I can start to equate the issues to possible solutions. I'm starting to get "the feel".
that is the exact reason i kept all my problem plants around till they died or came back to life. i can look at the pics, and read the threads all day long, but that doesnt give 1% of the wisdom that the experience of dealing with and fixing the problem does. it is a hard way to learn sometimes, but the payoff is much higher :D

have a great day cleaning, and vaping, and drinking coffee !!! awweee, the circle of lifee!!!


Well-Known Member
Powder Mildew, & Spidermites got me into that Mantra. I'd make a Sulfur Burner too and run it in the garage during their dark time with fans going too. It kills spores of anything and insects in all stages. I got a jar good for a couple years for $14. Was about $30 to build. Good every couple weeks.
I love the timing sometimes. I was just thinking how I need to do a major garage cleaning and organizing. Now I got some $$ I can get some stuff to deal with my semi-sorted mess. I'm just how you describe that Catch-22.


Active Member
Here's what I have to work with. I got my work cut out for me!


The spot where the paint buckets are is where the torn up AC unit sat for the past 4 months.

And all my grow shit that I need to sort through.

Busy, Busy, Busy!