Veg Time


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, useing superstoner1's method of 2" net pot. I had it in my bubble cloner 3 weeks and it has a decent set of roots. its in a 5 gal. lid on a 2 gal bucket so i can go up in size as roots form. My question is: when does 4 week veg time start?? Now?? or after the plant has some more growth. New to this.....



Active Member
She looks like she is doing well... There really is NO exact time to keep a girl in Veg... It all depends on how big you want her to be in the end.... Personally, from clone, I dont think my ladies see more than 3 weeks veg time total before I flip them.... A good rule of thumb is this..... Measure from the top of the pot to the top of the plant... If it is about 18 inches tall, I top it, let it go for another few days, then put it into flower.... By the end of their stretch in flower (about week 3 or 4) they are about 5 feet tall from the top of the pot.... This is because I cant have them too tall as my ceilings are just normal height.... Remember, your girl will minimally double, but most likely triple in size during the stretch.... So judge your veg time off of that... You dont want 7 ft plants with 8 ft ceilings.... Everything would be jammed into the lights.


Well-Known Member
Update: shes now three weeks into the 12/12 light cycle. all canna nutes. should i add any supplements like sweet, budxl or anything like that. i'm used to soil.p1010004.jpgp1010005.jpg