vegging under t5's


Well-Known Member
i find that they are best used to root or grow seeds to a point. i think that plants will only use the light/spectrum/intensity (what ever it is) for up to a certain period of time, like a matter of a couple weeks. so to keep full potentiel, at some point from one to three weeks you will want to give them the light the can use to grow, at full potential.i think as the plant matures, it will need different lighting, not just hps MH or kelvins, but like a different intensity or spectrum that floros cant give after 3 weeks or so. i use one for my clones and seedlings, but i have a 250MH and a 400MH soooo.


Well-Known Member
i think it really depends on you and your needs. but also, from some research so far i find that the plants light needs change drastically in veg, like clock work depending on the strain, i notice when the plant grows rapidly and when they dont. and enviroment and other condition dont chang it has to be the light and how the plant is using it. once i have roots it is off to hid for veg


Well-Known Member
I used T5s for my entire first grow (just finished by the way). I'd say I'm somewhat pleased. I went into it knowing that my yield would be less than that of an HPS grow, so I'm definitely not disappointed. Although it's still drying, I'm expecting somewhere near 1.75-2.00 ounces total out of 6 plants (1/3 ounce per plant hopefully). But I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks.

I used four 2 foot T5s. Two 3000K and two 6000K for veg and four 3000K for flower with CFLs added for side lighting. I veged for 6 weeks and flowered for a little less than 8.

I would definitely recommend using only T5s for the entire grow if you are concerned about heat, the electric bill, fixture costs, etc. and are not really concerned with growing A LOT of marijuana. You'll get a decent amount of bud out of your plants, but it definitely does not compare to HPS. I am thinking about getting a 600W HPS for future grows, but only plan to use it for flowering. I'll continue to use the T5s for veg. I was really amazed at how well they worked for not being horticultural lights.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
the first three weeks t5's are better, after that you can see that drastic growth under the HID compared. its all about timming, change your lights at the right stage of growth and you will not see the slightest hickup


Well-Known Member
does any one have pictures of vegged plants under t5,s,im some what skeptical that it is good for the entire veg.i mean i believe it does the job,but i saw a huge differance from takeing plants under t8 and putting them under 600 hps.but t8.s are not t5,s.psuedenom do you have pics after 6 weks veg what was their height after 6 weeks,rabbit how many did you veg and for how long.thanks for all the sketch you used them for three weeks before changeing is that correct.


Well-Known Member
no there was a thread someone did....1000watt hps vs t5 vs floro (t12) if my memory serves me coreect. the first three weeks the t5's rocked the hps. but then the hps took off.

i have a 23watt hydro farm t5 4000lumens i think that use for my clones and seedlings. i think it works great. but i wouldnt use them for more then the first three weeks of veg. peace


Well-Known Member
ya i remember that test sketch,how much longer do you veg them under the hps before flowering after the three weeks under the t5


Well-Known Member
it depends. i veg my SOG for 2 weeks max, my out door that is flowering right now i vegged for 6 weeks under the thousie hps and then 2 weeks or so under a 250watt, i have a bunch of pics of thosein my gallery. the latest pics in my journal have 7 SS clones vegged 30 days under a thousie then went outside a couple days ago. i vegged my clones a few days under a 400watt MH then over to the thousie a couple days ago. those i clone under hid now that i thin about it.


Well-Known Member
indoors im talking about,so for sog you go two weeks max after three weeks under the t5,s are you dont use the t5,s for indoor sog veg.


Well-Known Member
i use the t5 to clone or start seedlings. once i got roots i go HID veg is two weeks max after i have roots. for SOG


Well-Known Member
thanks sketch,thats what i needed to know.i imagine that under t5,s it is a slow process im sure hps is twice as fast.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Sunleaves T5 setups are great for veg.You buy and 8 tube setup which is 8 four foot T5 bulbs in 1 setup.It covers good area and grows greta veg you can keep it touching the plants.My buddy uses 8 T-5 setups with the 8 bulbs in each one and his clones grow fast and great looking then he switches to a dozen or so 400 watt lights hps for flower after about 10 days of veg under the T5s'They use less energy, have low heat,and have good color spectrum if you buy correct T5 for growing.They cost about $400 a setup so they are pricey to get going.He got a deal for buying 8 setup think it was like $300 a piece with bulbs.They are good though I have been thinking about it I only need maybe 4 setups


Mr I Can Do That For Half
He usually does a mid size grow with them usually 2 lights per 4x8 table about 20 plants per table so 80 or so plants with the T5s but he likes them and may do his entire grows with them and ditch his mh stuff


Well-Known Member
i assume they are the 54 watters not the 24;s,is that two sets of 8 per table.thanks again


Well-Known Member
maybe this will help, these are veg under t8s 5000k for 30 days

the others are veged under the 400hps with added side lighting for more of the blue spectrum from actinic fluors...30 days also

same plants same germ time...sorry the t8s are a little less lumens then the t5s but just a pic of the difference, hope this helps

woops, i loaded the pics backwards.....sorry
