VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software


Active Member
So i'm posting here about my software VelVet :)

The first was done in 2002, and it was mainly a grow-diary, but was not perfect to my mind. Anyway i recorded 20.000 downloads.

I've just did a new version, especially for people wanting to make a complete follow-up of its selections, its crosses, its plants, its stems, seeds and the other plants mothers , clones or cuttings.

The files are saved as a .str or a png image, this file can be shared/exchanged with friends, or with other growers/farmers, when sending them a strain for testing as new variety/plant.

VelVet2008 is coded in Rebol, the code source is thus completely and fully legible, and he can be used under 40 different OS (windows, linux, mac, ...).

the link !
it's here --> V e l V e t 2 0 0 8 - Home

here is a screenshot :

French and English version are available actually, and it's, of course, freeware ^^

i hope u will enjoy my tool

Thanx to my sponsor : Bluehemp seeds , Darwin seeds , and Sensi Seeds

Cheers ^^


well, i downloaded it, looks interesting. will check it out in further detail later on. im very unorganized, so hopefully this will help a little.


Active Member
in velvet 2002 it was an .EXE so a virus was possible, sadly ...

But this time it's impossible, because it's a script file, fully readable, it's not compiled.
Just download the zip file, take the velvet2008.r (u can read it in a notepad), and run it using rebview (available freely on rebol website).

and you are done, no virus because it's a 'open source script', and it can be run on 40 different OS.

i'm not a fucker :) just a breeder/coder ^^


you should do a sort of tutorial showing what all the program can do and kinda explain how to use it some


Well-Known Member
I have used this and it is fantastic! No virus or spyware, just a great program. It is very powerful, and I don't even make full use of all the features.

Try it folks!

Thanks Velvetine. People here are using your program as it occasionally is mentioned in threads.


Active Member
a tutorial ... why not

but people knowing how to grow and to breed will know how to use the software, and i'm here for answering if problems :)

Picasso345 i'm happy to see a velvet2008 user so enthusiast :)

My idea was to make a sort of universal "strain-file-exchange" format. And so it becomes easy to share strains and clones, and in the same time sending by email.
A great job will be a website with many .str files.



Well-Known Member
I think it's great that your putting it out there for everyone to use free :-) I'm just a personal use grower so I shy away from any written recordings of my endeavors, but I could see this as a nice program for a breeder or large scale grower.

Can your software be modified for other crops? I could see myself using it to track production on my regular garden.


Well-Known Member
I'm on Linux, running Gutzy Gibbon (Ubuntu), gotta download the Rebol/VIEW tarzip or gunzip first..? I'm not sure what kernel I'm running, shit hell. :lol: I don't even track my womanating, will I use this to track my hatchling progress..? Mayhaps, but I have to be careful as I've just about used up my h/d space.


Well-Known Member
This is a CLEAN program people!

I haven't used it yet.. but I bookmarked the site.

When I get along to breeding I will start a seedbank of my own. Expect some crazy strains in a few years....





Well-Known Member
velvetine, we need more kynd growers like you!

Giving back to the community is numero uno in this world.

Give to get.

Karma can be cold, and she can be loving.. so love!


ive only opened the program once, put in some info and saved it. now when i try to open the folder for it, i am just stuck in that damn rebol shit. wtf??? can you help me out bro? im a technological ogre.