ventilation question

Thinking of constructing a room inside of a room for my new grow. 5x5x7 2 600 watt hps air cooled hoods i will have an exaust fan blowing all the hot air thru a diy duct system im running out of my window. The question is i only have one window in the room and need an intake port frm outside. Will i be able to both intake new air anr vent old air thru this same window? What other options do i have?. Any help is appreciated ..cheers


New Member
Just have the exhaust up high blowing up and out and the intake down low taking air from below toward the ground. Not sure how safe having one or two ducts hanging out a window but if that's the way you need to do it then just make sure your hot exhaust is high and pointed up away from the intake.
Thanks legal to grow in my area so stealth / smell is not a it alright to release the exhausted air into the bedroom outside the tent or will this cause me sum problems? Also bedroom does have central air.