Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Bro, I expressed my opinion simply! And I do not want to be read, it's personal !! Forgive me, please, this act.Therefore, I wrote in Russian!
Google translate works fine.

If you want privacy, don't post to a forum site lol
Google translate works fine.

If you want privacy, don't post to a forum site lol

You can not believe, but I waited for these words for some reason)))

Everything is much thinner here, Bro.)) If you did not answer publicly, then you agreed publicly.)) You are familiar with diplomacy not by hearsay, you must understand me! Until the end of the meaning of the above, you do not understand, I assure you, Bro! If it would translate, it would not be correct in relation to my principles! If I am publicly asked a question, I should publicly answer it !!
You can not believe, but I waited for these words for some reason)))

Everything is much thinner here, Bro.)) If you did not answer publicly, then you agreed publicly.)) You are familiar with diplomacy not by hearsay, you must understand me! Until the end of the meaning of the above, you do not understand, I assure you, Bro! If it would translate, it would not be correct in relation to my principles! If I am publicly asked a question, I should publicly answer it !!
I'm afraid I did not understand this.

In any case, I'm just teasing. You're more than welcome to use the forum any way you like.
I'm afraid I did not understand this.

In any case, I'm just teasing. You're more than welcome to use the forum any way you like.
I just use semi-legal forums to express my thoughts and show my abilities openly, because in normal life, nobody wants to listen to my thoughts.))) And when I came to the cannabis forums, I was very much surprised-me listen !!!!! I had no idea that I have such an ability that makes me listen.

because in ordinary life, I'm called an eccentric, crazy .. even blissful.))) I just want to be all I want to be who I am, and not what the society does of me. I am a man, not an animal, I have my own point of view, and no one will force me to think otherwise.

And I understand you, Bro! But understand correctly, I do not advertise sites with my post-it's true !! I'm the number one gardener in Russia !! And what of it ?? !!)))) Do you think I advertised !!))) Won envious people .. EVERYTHING !! Without paid advertising, you are treated more like a clown, rather than as a scientist or philosopher ..But on the other hand, I carry the culture of cannabis in the highest form, therefore, I think that the hosts of the RIP will forgive my innocent prank, because I bring real benefits to them !!
I'm impressed!

I've been reading about your politicians today. It seems a crowd rescued one of them from arrest. Perhaps Democracy works better in your country than it does here!

)))), if you are about Saakashvili, then you probably forgot who it is))) This is a former country (Georgia), who suffered from fucking promises of the USA !! There was a conflict not so long ago about Abkhazia !! The identical version, like in Ukraine, like twins !!! Georgia has become impudent from the promises of the United States, seized Abkhazia !!! What next, you ask? !!!!

A day later in Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia), there were already Russian tanks !!! And waiting for the fucking help from the US, which promised to put the flotilla into the Black Sea, he waited only for this at the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS Saakashvili, political prostitute! He was a prizewent of Georgia, then moved to Ukraine, took citizenship, and on a rolled-up scheme was going to become already the president of Ukraine !! Here is an impudent fellow, he must punch under his ass so that he disappears forever !!
)))), if you are about Saakashvili, then you probably forgot who it is))) This is a former country (Georgia), who suffered from fucking promises of the USA !! There was a conflict not so long ago about Abkhazia !! The identical version, like in Ukraine, like twins !!! Georgia has become impudent from the promises of the United States, seized Abkhazia !!! What next, you ask? !!!!

A day later in Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia), there were already Russian tanks !!! And waiting for the fucking help from the US, which promised to put the flotilla into the Black Sea, he waited only for this at the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS Saakashvili, political prostitute! He was a prizewent of Georgia, then moved to Ukraine, took citizenship, and on a rolled-up scheme was going to become already the president of Ukraine !! Here is an impudent fellow, he must punch under his ass so that he disappears forever !!
America has been doing an equally questionable job of living up to its promises to protect Ukraine from Russia.

We made great promises while we helped you dismantle your nuclear weapons- but now we are nowhere to be found when the Russian bear starts eating your feet.

It makes me ashamed to call myself an American when I see how poorly we treat those who put their trust in us.
America has been doing an equally questionable job of living up to its promises to protect Ukraine from Russia.

We made great promises while we helped you dismantle your nuclear weapons- but now we are nowhere to be found when the Russian bear starts eating your feet.

It makes me ashamed to call myself an American when I see how poorly we treat those who put their trust in us.
As you do not understand, Bro !! People do not need your help, they need someone who robs and kills, you sponsor them! We need only one thing to feel our temporary weakness, no one has climbed into our affairs, it's our business! Neither during the Cold War, nor in the times of today !!! After all, no one fucked you at the time of great depression !! Imagine if, then, you fucked ... for example England, for the insult of your independence !! What would you say then !! ?? What!!???

It's dishonorable !! If a man on earth, his noble people do not finish! Yes, you are right, Russia is a bear !! But do not forget what the wounded bear is capable of !! break anyone into parts whoever he was- I assure you, it's true !!

Goodbye, our affectionate bear, return to your fabulous forest, sings in a song)))

PS What are you afraid of, be more afraid of zombies and aliens))), but not us! I know for sure RUSSIAN people, they will not touch anyone, if you do not touch them, the TRUTH !! And the fact that they tell you, the doggy shit!
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I'm impressed!

Democracy works better in your country than it does here!

it's not democracy, it's chaos! Almost every day, in Kiev, there are some actions, some new-found revolutionaries, of course the authorities, as a fire afraid of a new Maidan !! And the police are afraid of him more than anyone else. Therefore, the renegade, who took on the role of the new leader of the "people", are afraid to touch. After all, he has already promised the people of the golden mountains once again!!!People most of all believe in fairy tales for some reason !! They argue there in Kiev, divide power, at this time on the Donbass every day young Russian and Ukrainian guys die! They have a mother, children! They had a dream - to protect their Motherland! And who do they protect? These fucking beasts, that on death and human war, billions make themselves!

Sorry, Colleague, for the high tone, I'm just so disgusted to watch what's going on .. just no urine !! Sorry!
it's not democracy, it's chaos! Almost every day, in Kiev, there are some actions, some new-found revolutionaries, of course the authorities, as a fire afraid of a new Maidan !! And the police are afraid of him more than anyone else. Therefore, the renegade, who took on the role of the new leader of the "people", are afraid to touch. After all, he has already promised the people of the golden mountains once again!!!People most of all believe in fairy tales for some reason !! They argue there in Kiev, divide power, at this time on the Donbass every day young Russian and Ukrainian guys die! They have a mother, children! They had a dream - to protect their Motherland! And who do they protect? These fucking beasts, that on death and human war, billions make themselves!

Sorry, Colleague, for the high tone, I'm just so disgusted to watch what's going on .. just no urine !! Sorry!
Desperate people will believe anything. Politicians taking advantage of desperate people for their own gain is a story as old as civilisation itself.

I am listening carefully to your views, even if the translation is making it difficult.
Desperate people will believe anything. Politicians taking advantage of desperate people for their own gain is a story as old as civilisation itself.

I am listening carefully to your views, even if the translation is making it difficult.

Instead of the preface:

O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light?

You see? I do not see!


The fact is that you do not hear my opinion! I'm probably really terrible in English.)) My subjective opinion you can hear in the words of the screamers everywhere about Great Russia, and about how Ukraine has not died, nor its glory or will (the words of the hymn). No, Bro! You're wrong!!

Philosophy presupposes a metaphysical, objective view of the world. Have you ever heard that I supported the governments of the United States, Russia or Ukraine ?! And you will not hear, Bro! Imagine if I was a citizen US, Russia and Ukraine at the same time! I try my best to express a philosophical view of the world!And philosophy, as we know, leaves a lot of questions, and makes the brain work in the right direction!!!
And this is TRUE!!!

PS; Bro, if it's not difficult for you .. please, check the places in red that you do not understand, I'll fix it! It's very hard for me to speak English at this level, especially when emotions overwhelm me! After all, you can not imagine in what awful conditions I have to come sometimes. So, do not blame me, please!
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Instead of the preface:

O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light?

You see? I do not see!


The fact is that you do not hear my opinion! I'm probably really terrible in English.)) My subjective opinion you can hear in the words of the screamers everywhere about Great Russia, and about how Ukraine has not died, nor its glory or will (the words of the hymn). No, Bro! You're wrong!!

Philosophy presupposes a metaphysical, objective view of the world. Have you ever heard that I supported the governments of the United States, Russia or Ukraine ?! And you will not hear, Bro! Imagine if I was a citizen US, Russia and Ukraine at the same time! I try my best to express a philosophical view of the world!And philosophy, as we know, leaves a lot of questions, and makes the brain work in the right direction!!!
And this is TRUE!!!

PS; Bro, if it's not difficult for you .. please, check the places in red that you do not understand, I'll fix it! It's very hard for me to speak English at this level, especially when emotions overwhelm me! After all, you can not imagine in what awful conditions I have to come sometimes. So, do not blame me, please!
I'm actually in agreement with you.
Ukrainian folklore

you can feel centuries-old pain, if you listen ..

PS: The Ukrainian translator does not translate this song but says that it translates))))))))))))))))), it's a pity, there's a lot of sense)) Anyway I'll translate myself!
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Привет Брат! Сейчас смотрю твои статьи.Не могу найти Твой Пегас.Если ты не против то я бы хотел скопировать твою работу .Ну и некоторые моменты мне не понятны. .
Бро ты знаеш я читаю то что тобой написано и подозреваю что понимаю не так.Ты пишешь на русском и переводишь на английский,потом я перевожу твой английский.Получается пиздец ))).Интересно как пиздец понимают американцы.,такие слова как хуево,и пиздато. Как им объяснить,что Сакаашвили тот же вор и бандит как и Порошенко. А те что спасли Сакаашвили,такие же что продвинули,Поршенко..Брат переведи американцам мое мнение о президентах.Пусть пойдут в переполненный свинарник и наблюдают за свиньями.Те свиньи что возле кормушки жрут, они президенты.Те свиньи кому места не досталось и визжат стараясь пробиться к корыту со жратвой.Это опозиция. Объясни им что я человек глухой с детства и верю только своим глазам.Я скажу мнение лично мое.Если президентов и их воров лишат иммунитета и будут казнить за пакости,никто не будет стремиться в кресло президента. Только настоящий патриот Родины стремящийся к миру и достатку на всей земле ,выполняющий обещания может быть президентом.Быть настоящим президентом,королем,или монархом это не место наживы,это тяжёлая ноша по доброй воле.
You can not believe, but I waited for these words for some reason)))

Everything is much thinner here, Bro.)) If you did not answer publicly, then you agreed publicly.)) You are familiar with diplomacy not by hearsay, you must understand me! Until the end of the meaning of the above, you do not understand, I assure you, Bro! If it would translate, it would not be correct in relation to my principles! If I am publicly asked a question, I should publicly answer it !!
If you want to send personal message, click on the member's picture then click on Start a conversation on the little window that opens.
Instead of the preface:

O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light?

You see? I do not see!


The fact is that you do not hear my opinion! I'm probably really terrible in English.)) My subjective opinion you can hear in the words of the screamers everywhere about Great Russia, and about how Ukraine has not died, nor its glory or will (the words of the hymn). No, Bro! You're wrong!!

Philosophy presupposes a metaphysical, objective view of the world. Have you ever heard that I supported the governments of the United States, Russia or Ukraine ?! And you will not hear, Bro! Imagine if I was a citizen US, Russia and Ukraine at the same time! I try my best to express a philosophical view of the world!And philosophy, as we know, leaves a lot of questions, and makes the brain work in the right direction!!!
And this is TRUE!!!

PS; Bro, if it's not difficult for you .. please, check the places in red that you do not understand, I'll fix it! It's very hard for me to speak English at this level, especially when emotions overwhelm me! After all, you can not imagine in what awful conditions I have to come sometimes. So, do not blame me, please!

Часик Добрый, Земеля!!!!

загони в гугл эти пару предложений в красном цвете, там без гугла, моя концепция понятеа. Я перевожу с гуглом, но потом проверяю, если у меня есть силы, проверю)), если нет- на отъебись)) Я понимаю английский и приблизительно, как строить предложения. У меня был репетитор в детстве, мои родители очень любили меня, вернее, пытались напичкать знаниями, пока не грянула перестройка и их головы никому не стали нужны!! Просто я основательно подзабыл английский с тех пор, но понимаю, когда говорится правильно, а когда хуй шо, ну ты понял ранее..

Объяснять никому ничего не нужно, тут, те, кто здесь, думаю, хавают все и без объяснений!! Загляни на ДЗАГИ (если ты не априорно засланный или мой враг в маске)- посмотри, как ЛЮДИ там ко мне относятся, ТЫ все поймешь сразу!! Нет, не админы с хозяевами, а простые люди. Там долго не придется потеть, там все понятно- я дал тебе ссылки, потом выгреб за это!1 И не забывай сейчас, что МИР на нас смотрит- не позорь. пожалуйста наших ИДЕАЛОВ!!! Это не в кабачном пургу гнать, братан, тут взрослые дядьки, одному 70, другому под это... не надо..

По поводу свиного рыла
... не весели, вернее, не беси меня, я об этой падле ваще нихачу ничего слышать- он ГАНДОН!!

Все нормально, что касается меня, то я на твоей стороне!!
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