Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Bro, there you are nothing about it))) It is a question of the current president of Ukraine Poroshenko (a pig's snout, so it was nicknamed by the people !! more will not be, Братан!!
Just about every president of every country is an arsehole. It is the only way to get the job these days. Nice guys finish last.
gangsta rap rasha

this is not translated ... "Fenya"

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Everything, Bro! The guy figured out, wrote me a letter in the conversation. I apologize for my compatriot and for myself for a papurri in the style of a la Rasha
If anyone does not understand prose, here is my life in the details and emotions in the song and the translation, of course ..


The brain works correctly
I want to flog these people with birches that rule the world
This is not a problem for them, if poverty is in poor neighborhoods !!
But, as long as I do not drive into a corner -
Hide your teeth, disappear !. My doctor screamed to me that I'm sick and my place is clinically.

What I realized suddenly seemed to everyone GROSS
As a result, I'm in a fucking rabbit hole,
Scrunchy beds are always here,
The rest drink vodka !!
Mmm ... But we all believe in miracles
My will - I would create them myself and give them away for free
No, it's not possible! On scales the goods (narcotic), beside a pack of banonite
Do you know what I mean !!
Shame and disgrace, noise and din
The author is a gangster!
He shot friends and quietly became great!
As long as there are forces to this great, you need to SAVE !!
it was not necessary to give an occasion !!
The psyche is not in order (in the Author), in the city,
n which it is more safe to remain silent.
Objective, metaphysical view of the world. A small example, especially for YOU all !:

The difference in the mentality of the United States and Russia (or Ukraine is practically the same thing)

Example, not exact, but actual))

The law of such and such State of USA:

In a city it is impossible to kill a bear!

I immediately become a US citizen, and I understand approximately that there was a precedent, there was a court.

City. lost in court!

What would the Russians do: the law introduced an amendment that it is impossible to kill wild animals on the street, if it does not carry you or someone a direct threat.

What Americans are doing: they forbid killing only bears in the city !!! An amazing idea came to me, Guys: if they write that you can not kill all wild animals, you will find a man who will prove that, for example, a gorilla can not be killed, because she looks like a man !! And win a multi-million dollar trial !!

A huge minus of this mentality: what happens is what is fixed and what can happen: no one thinks about it a priori, by the laws of the USA!

Do you understand me?!
And one more thing that worries me. It's official trade in firearms supposedly for your own safety !! Is it not clear that this imaginary freedom and democracy in fact, contracts for the supply of "official" firearms, belongs exclusively to companies close to the US government.At us, in our wild city fire-arms it is forbidden for sale !! Only hunters and guards !! And you know what a paradox, Brothers?))) If we have an armed robbery in this city even in this turbulent time, it's a shock and a sensation !! If our child went to school with his father's gun and started killing his teachers for wrong grades, he would be sent to a madhouse, not to jail !! For us it's wild !! Think about it for yourself !!

PS: That's what happens with a possible oblique strike with a skyscraper. This is not what I came up with, it's a frame from the movie Armageddon (USA 1998year), 9minutes 47 seconds ...

армагеддон  9м 47с.JPG
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it seems you have as many misconceptions about America as we have about eastern Europe.
there are a lot of people here who don't support gun ownership, or at least support a lot more regulation than exists at the moment, but the crazy people who think its a good idea to own an arsenal are in tight with the gun lobby and its hard to get anything done when you're fighting against big business with big money to spend.
our society is kind of fucked up, i'll admit, and kids that should never be able to get to weapons can, which causes a lot of trouble.
there are also adults that shouldn't be allowed to own a pair of sharp scissors who have a large arsenal, and this is a huge problem. got a solution to offer? or just more criticism about a problem we're already aware of?
We're aware of all these things you're telling us about, and most of us aren't happy about it, but we're not quite sure what to do about it. again, got any useful suggestions? or just more condemnation?
and i'm not quite sure what the thing about the movie is....are you using a CGI scene from a movie as some kind of demonstration about the 9-11 attack...?
my point is, you grow weed pretty well, and are pretty ingenious with your methods....i'm not so thrilled with your social commentary. you haven't been here. i try my best not to draw conclusions about places i haven't been, and people i haven't actually met. you might want to try the same
it seems you have as many misconceptions about America as we have about eastern Europe.
there are a lot of people here who don't support gun ownership, or at least support a lot more regulation than exists at the moment, but the crazy people who think its a good idea to own an arsenal are in tight with the gun lobby and its hard to get anything done when you're fighting against big business with big money to spend.
our society is kind of fucked up, i'll admit, and kids that should never be able to get to weapons can, which causes a lot of trouble.
there are also adults that shouldn't be allowed to own a pair of sharp scissors who have a large arsenal, and this is a huge problem. got a solution to offer? or just more criticism about a problem we're already aware of?
We're aware of all these things you're telling us about, and most of us aren't happy about it, but we're not quite sure what to do about it. again, got any useful suggestions? or just more condemnation?
and i'm not quite sure what the thing about the movie is....are you using a CGI scene from a movie as some kind of demonstration about the 9-11 attack...?
my point is, you grow weed pretty well, and are pretty ingenious with your methods....i'm not so thrilled with your social commentary. you haven't been here. i try my best not to draw conclusions about places i haven't been, and people i haven't actually met. you might want to try the same

well said sir!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
and I understand you perfectly, Bro! To you it is unpleasant !! I would also be uncomfortable.))) If you do not want to accept my opinion, answer a few questions please. If you answer, I agree with you! Do not just answer with quotes from the press, as you did above, I already heard this opinion a hundred times, this is the opinion of the crowd!

1. Why do policemen mistakenly kill ordinary people in your country? What are they afraid of? What do they think this person is hiding in his pocket or car?

2, Why should I go to the US? Please explain to me the meaning of this absurdity !! For me, this is nonsense! Where do I go to be dissuaded? Advise, Bro)))

According to the law, a kiss can last no more than 5 minutes.
One-armed pianists are required by law to play for free.

In Jasper County, the husband has every right to beat his wife with a stick, provided that the diameter of the stick does not exceed the diameter of her husband's thumb.
It is forbidden to put elephants in electric ovens!

The husband has the right to beat his wife, but not more often than once a month.

The law, designed to reduce the number of crimes, reads: "Any driver who has criminal intentions is obliged to stop at the entrance to the city and report them on the phone to the chief of police."
It is against the law to apply a polka-dot pattern to the US flag.

3. Why did skyscrapers fall not according to the laws of physics? Why, when you see the first thought on the Arab street, is it a terrorist? When you were more afraid of terrorists before 9/11 or after?

And do not forget, I'm talking about America, not about Americans, do not confuse !!

Chekhov was never in America! I'll tell you a secret ... in ... Japan was a club of admirers Anton Chekhov, even from ancient times.

Human thoughts and desires determine his consciousness, not his outward appearance or design of his house! It is not necessary to see someone to understand his essence, the main determining factor is human thoughts and actions. Example: today I'm a muscular man you see me like that, tomorrow I changed sex ..... in your understanding I'm different! But in fact, I had a pathology, and since childhood I was so!

Bro, if it's not a secret, how old are you?
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You just never met an Arkansas lady, you would understand.
What a difference where is it from! DO NOT treat a woman as an animal! If you do it that way, then you turned it into an animal !! And then, when turned, already say: Look, what women in Arkansas!! And especially reflect this in the laws !! It's immoral, and against the laws of God !!!
it seems you have as many quite sure what to do about it. again, got any useful suggestions? or just more condemnation?

I'll give you advice now, will you use it ?! ))) Forward, Bro)))

This is my opinion. Always so, everyone knows, but they can not do anything. The whole fault is indifference and subjectivism ... We are pressured by force, your mouth is shut up with money, everything is simple, just like the world! Change nothing revolution can bring only grief and ruin for a while .. The world is utopian a priori !!

There are many questions, but the answers are essentially of no interest to anyone ..the true interests of society lie a little in a different plane ...

PS in order to change the world, you need to change yourself, then you will understand what I mean. If you change, then you look at the world differently. consequently, the world in your eyes, around you has changed. Council normal?))

And you tell me that I criticize you))). Bro-it's too easy for me)) .. and it's not interesting ..

we have a city prosecutor in the city new. He is from Western Ukraine, a revolutionary))) .. And what do you think? Entrepreneurs groan .. it takes twice as much as the bribe .. so .. again, arrange the maidan?))
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it seems you have as many misconceptions about America as we have about eastern Europe.
there are a lot of people here who don't support gun ownership, or at least support a lot more regulation than exists at the moment, but the crazy people who think its a good idea to own an arsenal are in tight with the gun lobby and its hard to get anything done when you're fighting against big business with big money to spend.
our society is kind of fucked up, i'll admit, and kids that should never be able to get to weapons can, which causes a lot of trouble.
there are also adults that shouldn't be allowed to own a pair of sharp scissors who have a large arsenal, and this is a huge problem. got a solution to offer? or just more criticism about a problem we're already aware of?
We're aware of all these things you're telling us about, and most of us aren't happy about it, but we're not quite sure what to do about it. again, got any useful suggestions? or just more condemnation?
and i'm not quite sure what the thing about the movie is....are you using a CGI scene from a movie as some kind of demonstration about the 9-11 attack...?
my point is, you grow weed pretty well, and are pretty ingenious with your methods....i'm not so thrilled with your social commentary. you haven't been here. i try my best not to draw conclusions about places i haven't been, and people i haven't actually met. you might want to try the same
Everyone is entitled to share their opinion here.

You don't have to like what he says, but he has every right to say it here.

And when it comes to crazy societies, we have absolutely no right to point fingers!
Apparently, Mr Clinton neglected his husbandly duties.

I really like the movie called "The Justice of Stone." It deals with the sheriff of a small American town. I really love this movie. I revised it many times. And just in it, as it seemed to me, there are notes of the manifestation of the American mentality of ordinary people .. Americans.

I doubt that correctly translated the name of the film))

......"Stone Cold"
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