Hi guys! I am from Ukraine and do not speak English very much, therefore briefly!
I want to know, can you? 1.6 kg / square meter.
Thank you for attention!
if I'm not mistaken, then 6 photos on top and the third from the bottom is not from that cycle! Other photos, this is my penultimate cycle of 1.6 kg (for the cycle has time to ripen 2 auto, so the variety), and the last a little later read, there is 2.5 kg. This time I'm going to a record, I plan to get 3 kg. dry. This is not a joke, Bro ... this is my goal!What variety is this?
.....sorry guys but I'm not shocked, I would be if it had happened other wise. That is how shit works , one side has the money and the other side needs the money, or let's say wants the money sooooo badly, next question is, what to do and when to do.Who is the power, and who are the politicians in fact? These are greedy oligarchs, who want more power! Who are the aligarchs in Russia and Ukraine? These are people who, in the chaos and confusion, in the 1990s, during the collapse of the USSR, made their fortunes by means of deception, theft and banditry !! These are former party officials who, during the period of privatization of state property, bought up multibillion-dollar assets of the former USSR, for a penny !! These are the heads of the criminal syndicates, who during the chaos, robbed the entrepreneurs, taxing their tribute (at that time the criminals had more power than the police) !!
Who is in power in Russia and Ukraine ?? !!
In America, a similar situation! Who in America has big capitals? People who, at the time of the conquest of the New World, robbed and killed the Indians for gold, mercilessly exploited African slaves and the same Indians !! People are more cruel, greedy and unprincipled!!
The only difference is that in America a lot of time has passed since those times. These people and their descendants became cultured, educated and literate, they did not need to be robbed already, they needed only to manage the stolen ones !! But these are the same people, only in masks! All this nonsense about independence is a fairy tale to children for the night, only instead of Santa Claus, Abraham Lincoln !!
As far as we know, all power and all titles from time immemorial, are inherited in all aspects of power. This is an elite club, I do not let outsiders go there, I know for sure !! In order to get there an outsider, you either have to marry, or be gay, or a lover, or be a very cunning, deceitful, hypocritical person (scam). There are no others and can not be a priori!
If we consider the show business, then if we see a young cute young man, then it's necessarily gay, if the girl, it's necessarily a whore !! In that vicious circle, nothing else can be !! Further, these "stars" begin to impose their perverted thoughts and intentions on ordinary people through TV and the press, and the world gradually turns into a filthy porn film!!
Life is the same everywhere in essence! People everywhere are the same !! Or do you think that you have bears are not like us?))) Maybe less aggressive? ....)))))))
Bro, so right?
"Silo Grow Method"
..... no comment ... I'm shocked !! I did not think I was so right !!
I calculated their scheme back in 2014. While my forecasts come true 100%. If they continue to be realized, then we must escape from this country !!! There will be no rest for at least 10 years !!!!! Another version of the saving me is not very satisfied: Russian tanks in Kiev! This is a pit !! The war with Russia is going on every day, young guys are dying every day !! In the press, little is written about this !!! Who will be responsible for this ??? !!! the question is rhetorically .... Ukrainian simple People are no one else!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Bro, for the information !!
someone here said that his eyes are wide open)))))).... joke
if I'm not mistaken, then 6 photos on top and the third from the bottom is not from that cycle! Other photos, this is my penultimate cycle of 1.6 kg (for the cycle has time to ripen 2 auto, so the variety), and the last a little later read, there is 2.5 kg. This time I'm going to a record, I plan to get 3 kg. dry. This is not a joke, Bro ... this is my goal!
Joe must fire a joint first , then......The lower part of the SDU "Pegas M"
after work
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I really want to transfer plants to blooming, but as always, the eternal problem with .... Do not give me the son of a bitch Joe Biden billion)))). Can someone fire? ))))
if I'm not mistaken, then 6 photos on top and the third from the bottom is not from that cycle! Other photos, this is my penultimate cycle of 1.6 kg (for the cycle has time to ripen 2 auto, so the variety), and the last a little later read, there is 2.5 kg. This time I'm going to a record, I plan to get 3 kg. dry. This is not a joke, Bro ... this is my goal!
Bro, I do not understand the word "silo", in this context! I'll try to guess))): my friend and partner from the city of Kursk (Russia, the homeland of my father), professionally engaged in the soldering of LED. He graduated from the Kharkov Military Aeronautical Academy of Radio Electronics in 1980. He is 65 years old. This he suggested to me to use in the SDU "Pegas M", LED illumination. It will be a hexagonal LED lamp with a height of one meter, and a diameter of 10 centimeters. This lamp is installed vertically, exactly in the middle of the installation.
As for performance, in comparison with the sodium Phillips Green Power, I still can not really say until I test it myself in comparison. But it is necessary to try, because LED - is the lighting of the future.
Napoleon in 1812, had a slightly different opinion of the Russian frosts)))
Do you mean rest on the nature? You can safely rest, drink wine, etc., in nature from the end of May to the end of September, then the rainy season begins and then the snow begins.
the fact of the matter is that those people that you say, without money, just have money !! I will say more, they were already millionaires before the above events !! Speech about what is not enough for them !!! And in order to become multimillionaires from millionaires, they are ready to do anything, up to the betrayal of their country and the murder of its citizens !!.....sorry guys but I'm not shocked, I would be if it had happened other wise. That is how shit works , one side has the money and the other side needs the money, or let's say wants the money sooooo badly, next question is, what to do and when to do.
I liked the name very much " Silo Grow Method"as long I use that for medical purposes to fix whatever is wrong with me, I also would call as " Silo medGrow Method" . joking
That is very impressive if you can hit those numbers. No doubt I think you can of course the variety of weed also determines yield as well. A plant such as critical Bilbo will yield a lot more than girl scout cookies.
3 kg is roughly 6.7 pounds.
I'm growing horizontal and vertically. Scrog for my horizontal and stadium for my vertical grow.
Thought about trying the setup you have. What is the diameter of your cage? Height? Measured from floor or top of dirt?
I know in the Ukraine their are many farmers that have left America and traveled to Ukraine to farm. It's interesting listening to their stories on how it's different over in the Ukraine than here.
You guys have some superb farmland among the best in the world. Just do not have the infrastructure to support its potential like we do here in America.
That is one of the reasons Russia is so interested.
I majored in Agronomy, and one of my profs was from the Ukraine, very interesting man. The paper I did for that class was to provide equipment and expertise in the major grow zones of the world. Did not consider the politics of the time so the paper did not do well, but it was very pro agriculture with only minimum chemical influence. It stressed organics, because of the soils in those regions needed no secondary input. Those areas of the globe require little input to produce quality products. What has happened in the US is that the excellent farm lands have been destroyed trying to continuously increase yields.
My point is that if you push the prime grow areas they will reach a point that they will produce less than lands that are less than prime. There are plenty enough good farm lands throughout the globe to produce the quantity of foods needed to feed the world, IF THEY ARE MANAGED PROPERLY. NO GMO'S, REDUCED CHEMICAL INPUT, MORE IPM (INTEGRATED PLANT MANAGEMENT).
Off the soapbox, in reality we know it is up to the gov's of each country to set the rules for agronomy, sad but true, they are not pro people.
I say to my son: these grills are fashion. Once in the US, young, and creative African Americans (In Russia it is customary to say, the Negro, but I know that this is an insult, but we did not know !!) created their own culture - "Hip-Hop." They created their music literally on the street !! They did not have any musical equipment. (Because only 50 years ago they could not have traveled in a single tram with white.) They took grandmothers or mom's record players, with old melodies-jazz, funk and soul, that their moms and dads listened to in black neighborhoods in the ghettos, mixed, and made their street masterpieces about real life in AMERICA !! That's the whole story of my son, and these grizzlies came into vogue when rappers went into the show business, because when they were young and they did not have money, and they mostly used drugs, their teeth spoil themselves with drugs. Metal teeth are cheaper than ceramic teeth!!!
You do not talk about anything at all, my son! You are mistaken, he does not believe me)))))
I always save my son from the street. I myself grew up on the street. And I do not have half of my teeth from street fights for a place under the sun. True, grills I did not have)))) tried to paste ceramic !!
In all my genes are to blame!))))
I'll tell you a true story about my father's childhood. I assure you, Alfred Hitchcock, looks like a child, in comparison with this.
My father. (Low bow to him.)
My father was born in 1939. In the village (according to the Soviet-collective farm), where people ate at 33.He does not remember his father. The father died in the first battle at 41, when they were thrown into battle unprepared in general and from weapons one rifle for three and ammunition cartridges ... against the tanks and burning everything on their way, diving aircraft Junkers. The commander before the attack said that weapons must be obtained in battle, taken away from the enemy with bare hands, then only you will become a real soldier of the Red Army. And he had nothing more to say, there was no weapons !!!!
In 43 he lived 30 kilometers from Kursk !!!!!!! Who knows the history, he will understand. In the summer of 43 years, under the Kursk, a battle took place that percolated the course of the Second World War. Tank battle, which the world has NEVER seen !!! It took part (I do not remember exactly), about 5000 tanks! The Kharkov T-34 tank defeated the German Tiger "T-4". In this principled battle, neither the Germans nor we would surrender to death !!! It came to the point that the Tiger and T-34, rode on each other, and butted like sheep!
It so happened that the fighting took place next to the village of his father. Once attacked by Russian assault fighter jets (better in its class in the 2nd World War)
The Germans called him "Black Death!
My grandmother and father hid in the cellar. After the attack, they got out. There's nothing around, there's one burned-out land. There was a village, and there was no village. Just the German Panzer Division of the SS was based in this village.
In one such attack (the father does not remember whether ours were Germans), the bomb hit the cellar, the roof collapsed, his father nearly lost his leg (he was 4 years old), his mother, remained disabled, injured her spine, walked, but The hump on the back was great!
Finally, we kicked out those educated, cultured, clever ... nonhumans !!!
1945, the grandmother and father move to relatives under Kharkov, in the same collective farm. On the collective farm there are no muzhchins at all. If there is, then without hands and feet, you need to look after them more! Women do men's work! My father worked as a shepherd in a collective farm at 6 years old, at 12 at the elevator with a loader !!! If you steal at least a spike of wheat from the collective farm, the prison term is 15 years. There is nothing to do !!! Father told me: there's nothing else in the summer, you can make a soup of nettles. We went to the forest with friends, there was a lot of abandoned weapons.
There was a howitzer large-bore, next to her shot shells. We recruited water from the creek into these cartridges (boys 4-8 years old). They searched for burrows of ground squirrels. Pour water at one end, from another he jumped out. We fried it at the stake. And they ate, even they did not cut it. The father says that he remembers the stomach was sick at him very much!
The winter of 1947 has come. Why they say about the alleged "genocide" in 33, and no one talks about winter 47 !!!!!!! This winter my father still remembers with horror !!! He told me: son, God forbid you to find out what is hunger! A real hunger !!! It was fucked !!! How they survived this - he is still wondering !!! He was one son of his mother, so thank God no one ate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this wine is not Stalin - the Germans !!!!!!! The country was collapsed. I showed them what they would do with my city! There was nothing at all, and no one could help !!
With all this, he went to school for 10 km (7 miles), through the forest every day! Very fond of poetry (Sergei Yesenin), he wrote and dreamed of flying! We found a Russian plane in the woods: the father, as now remembers, there was a decaying pilot, on the arm of the tattoo "Sasha". He took some spare parts from the plane and tried to make something)))
His father turned 15 years old, he walked barefoot into the city (there were no shoes, only felt boots in winter). 12 miles, get a job at the plant to feed the mother. I settled down as a loader in the foundry. Designers in the office worked nearby. He, like a magnet, was always drawn there ... to engineers, he dreamed of it !! ..... fly ...... from 8 am-6 pm, working day. Then the evening school, then dancing with the girls (he was young), said at 2-3 o'clock in the morning he got home only, to 4-5 he helped the disabled mother in the household.
He did not really sleep at all .... I do not know how it's possible, but it's true !!!!! As a result, he became the leading engineer of the design bureau of a huge plant! He never in his life caused people evil intentionally, he knew exactly what pain and suffering !! He was always ready to help at a difficult moment. He brought me up like this !!!!!
Bro, I now tell you and everyone about everything separately ... do you remember "to be continued"?))))
Just hard at once so much text)))))
Do not believe everything you hear or what they want you to believe. It was not that segregated here in America, my dad was a sharecropper and so was my grandparents. My grandparents picked cotton and so did their parents and grandparents. I myself spent many a days out in a field with a hoe chopping weeds.
Over here in America it seems everybody wants to be a victim of something. And most all of it is made up.
in 1860 just prior to our civil war a census was taken throughout the country. The largest slave owner in the state of Virginia was a black man who owned over 700 white and black slaves. Yes you read that right... white slaves. Just around the city of New Orleans their was over 3000 black slave owners.
They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children.
Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives.
We don’t really need to go through all of the gory details, do we? We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade.
But, are we talking about African slavery? King James II and Charles I also led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Britain’s famed Oliver Cromwell furthered this practice of dehumanizing one’s next door neighbor.
The Irish slave trade began when 30,000 Irish prisoners were sold as slaves to the New World. The King James I Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.
Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.
From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. Ireland’s population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Britain’s solution was to auction them off as well.
During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers.
I do not understand what kind of movie are you talking about?