Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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I remember perfectly Cromwell's Protectorate from the school history program. What time are you talking about now? About the Middle Ages? Yes, you're right, then time was tough! Human life was treated as an animal's life. You remember the sacred Inquisition.)) Or Hannibalism in Africa! )))

We live now! And the English Premier, does not sell slaves, he's more important!)) It's about treating people as animals! This arrogance is oversized !! In fact, slavery in the United States was abolished only in the 1960s or when?))) About 9/11 in the Russian and Ukrainian press did not write anything bad! This is blasphemy! I learned about the fact that this was arranged by the government thanks to detailed analysis and i education: i civil engineer !!!
We were taught physics and science about the co-operation of materials !!! I have a specialty: builder of bridges !! I watched the video, and immediately realized that this is not a drop of the building from the impact of an airplane, it is in science called "Directed explosion."

This is when the buildings are tumbling down so as not to hurt the district !!

You're inconsiderate, Bro! I'm not as stupid as I seem !! I do not believe people, especially the press !!!

Slavery was abolished in 1865 in America but it still goes on today particularly in the Muslim world. You can see present day videos of slave auctions in Lybia

And yes I believe our government was involved in 9/11. Their is several good documentaries on what the official story is nothing but a lie.
The federal government basically said furniture burning brought down the towers. Their was world trade center building 7 that also collapsed that day and it was a block away from the twin towers and never was hit by a plane.
Slavery was abolished in 1865 in America but it still goes on today particularly in the Muslim world. You can see present day videos of slave auctions in Lybia

And yes I believe our government was involved in 9/11. Their is several good documentaries on what the official story is nothing but a lie.
The federal government basically said furniture burning brought down the towers. Their was world trade center building 7 that also collapsed that day and it was a block away from the twin towers and never was hit by a plane.

For completeness of knowledge, I will add from myself: in the Russian Empire slavery was abolished in 1861. But I'm talking about something else. In 1942 trams ran around the city of Kharkov. They had a sign in Russian "Only for the Germans," cafes and restaurants signboards "Only for the Germans,"

German soldiers at the window of the cafe "Caucasus" in Kharkov 1942.

bread baked for the Germans tasty, and for Kharkov from the husks.

A queue for groceries near the Kharkov deli in 1942.

A resident of Kharkov looks at the propaganda German poster. The inscription in Ukrainian reads "For the Freedom of Peoples"

At that time we,formally, were slaves of Germany, because we had no rights. Now do you understand me, Bro?

And do not need to go to Libya, everything is much closer located !! In Western Europe, the trade of sexual slaves is in full swing !! Many Ukrainian girls got into this trap. In the agency they are offered a highly paid job in the European country .. further you understand!

I'm really glad that I met another sensible American who understands what is really happening !!!! And I want you, besides 9/11, to understand one more thing:

It is the US government that is the organizer of the bloodbath in Ukraine, which threw the country back into development in the 1990s! All this was done not to plant American democracy on the savages !! This was done for the economic destabilization of the Russian Federation. In the end, Ukraine is between two fires: on the one hand, a son of a bitch who plays Ukraine like a puppet, on the other, an embittered Russian bear who will never forgive us for this !!! We are doomed .. we are hungry, we need !!! America is laughing at us, and Russia once again began to invest crazy money to develop new weapons!

Where do the billions with which the war and political fraud in Ukraine are sponsored? !! ?? The question is rhetorical !! This is the money of American taxpayers - ordinary citizens of the United States !!!

What is the difference between the economic scheme of the US and Russia !?

In the US, citizens pay taxes to the state, and then officials try to steal from the state budget ... and steal! They promote the bills they need in the Senate !! Further, the Senate finances this bill from the state budget !! So they steal in your country!

In Russia, nobody pays taxes to the budget ... a penny !! The tax at us is a bribe !! To live and work we pay a bribe to the official, and the official closes his eyes to the fact that we do not pay taxes !! The money goes into the budget .... in the pocket of officials who, in turn, share with their superiors! The top is in the Kremlin!!

As a result, you have a budget (not all steal), we have aligarchs !! At you it is beautiful, at us it is only beautiful at aligars (only oligarchs smile and chew gum) !! The rest in the swamp !! There is virtually no middle class in Russia !! And the aligarchs in Russia have such amounts in banks in the offshore, which the American Trumps did not even dream about !!! This is dirty money, no one will ever show them !! But Russia has accumulated such means that it is possible to change the world easily !!

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30 years have passed and the brains have not added a drop!


Actors of the USSR

View attachment 3970237



Vasily Livanov, he was awarded the Queen of the GB Order of English, for the role of Sherlock Holmes!



This addict will not reward!View attachment 3970238))))))))))))

And again fucking guns on the poster !! Holmes read everything !! He used a revolver a couple of times in his life !!!!!

Rambo... good series of movies.

Hi, Bro !! Where are you from?! I see you are knowledgeable well! I just know the opinion of the Americans that they won the war)). Or rather did not win .. just ripped the Germans! When the USSR crossed the border in winter 1944 and went to Europe, they had nothing else to do))), otherwise Europe would have gotten the whole of Stalin))) and how else))) But still I REALLY respect FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT! He's handsome, he helped us a lot, and was a sensible politician. Brought the country out of the crisis, and emerged from the war as the winner !! Respect him for all of us!

Bro, 20 it's very abstract! First Stalin announced 7 000 000, so that people do not intimidate .. but the figure already according to unofficial sources reached 40 000 000. The Germans destroyed everyone and everything when they retreated !!! Europe is a sanatorium was, especially the Parade at the entrance to Paris and the disgrace of the expeditionary allied forces in theDunkirk when by a miracle they were still alive because of a misunderstanding of the German leadership, why they did not shoot them, but let them sail away. Later this will be called a victory, because everyone miraculously survived then !! They escaped through the English Channel and were such .... And we were locked up in Leningrad .. we heard about Leningrad. It is better not to hear!

The blockade lasted three years !!

If it was not for America supplying the Soviet Union with armament you guys might have been defeated by the Germans. The US army held back against the Germans and we sat on our hands for a good amount of time.
Here is a article on the amount of help America gave the Soviets during WWII. Many of these weapons ended up going to the Communist Chinese to fight for them to get established.

The most impactful help the Allies offered in WWII to the USSR from 1941 consisted of economic and military aid (such as US Lend-Lease that started in October 1941), followed by the ability to tie down some number of German and Italian divisions and weapons in Western Europe and North Africa. Half of Soviet agriculture was gone before harvest time in 1941. With much of Soviet industry destroyed by November 1941, or being shipped East in containers on slow trains, the Soviet economy would have likely collapsed without urgent help. While this was acknowledged by Stalin, this was not disclosed in Soviet media at the time, and not emphasized in Soviet history books. However, the total amount (about $100B in todays dollars, from the US alone) is significant. Soviet literature and movies from the time often mention American trucks, ham, and other aid.

The timeline is important. US aid before October 1941 is categorized as pre-Lend-Lease. Lend-Lease quickly ramped up in Fall-Winter 1941.

Also helpful was the strategic bombing of Romanian oil fields and German production facilities. Starting from 1943, Germany was running short of weapons and ammunition, whereas the USSR received an increasing amount of vehicles, airplanes, food and other resources from the USA. Heard of the famous Katyusha rocket launchers? Most were installed on US-supplied light Studebaker truck chassis. Around 400,000 medium transport trucks was supplied by the US, along with warships and warplanes. When you enjoy a sizeable resource advantage, the nature of the war changes - the enemy's mistakes get exploited, and yours are often forgiven.

The Normandy landings in 1944 were a huge help, but by that time Germany was already losing the war. Finishing the war sooner was a matter of not wasting the lives of millions of Soviet soldiers. Would your Russian friend dismiss that?

n short, it was crucial to their final victory. Let's look at some numbers.

Lend-Lease provided the soviets with 400,000 jeeps, 12,000 armoured vehicles, 11,400 aircraft and 1.75 million tons of food (wiki) through three corridors. The arctic convoy, the pacific convoy, and the Persian convoy routes. It's estimated that 27% of the supplies came through the Persian route, which could sustain 60 front line divisions ( Doing some simple calculations, we see that all supplies provided by the US could sustain 222 divisions of the Soviet Union over the four years of lend-lease.

By comparison, by late 1941 the soviets fielded 401 divisions (wiki). By the end of the war, there were 550 divisions (Mark L Urban, Soviet Land Power). So, lend-lease could have supplied between 40-55% of soviet forces at varying times in the war. Of course, not all the supplies were used for active forces, and a significant portion of food was diverted to relieve the siege of Leningrad (today St. Petersburg).

Still the huge tonnage of supplies sustained the massive soviet war effort and did play a substantial role in pushing back the Germans. Many of the vehicles were repurposed by the soviets as katusha missile launchers and transports for their forces streaming west.

Still, it is important to remember that while the allies provided a lot of supplies, the soviets provided most of the bodies (about 10 million military casualties). Its men and material that win wars.
Rambo... good series of movies.

I do not agree with you completely, Bro! The first part is a very good idea !! It's very similar to our veterans of Afghanistan .. their government has forgotten ... They were outcasts with a broken mentality. My friend's brother, he fought in Afghanistan, he killed people. The young guy. When he drank a little vodka I started to cry all the time. And it could not be stopped ...

in the rest I do not like these films! There's a lot of violence! In fact, this is a demonstration of the sophistication of the murderer! Murder in all its glory !! The third part set Guinness's reckoning on the number of deaths! Now tell me one thing: in what form of world art (after all, cinema is art, is not it?), Shows a kaleidoscope of death, as a priority idea ?? !!

I understand you, for you, death, nothing more than poured coffee on the shirt in the office! You saw her only in the movies! If you saw what's happening in those movies live, you'd change your mind radically !!

If it was not for America supplying the Soviet Union with armament you guys might have been defeated by the Germans. The US army held back against the Germans and we sat on our hands for a good amount of time.
Here is a article on the amount of help America gave the Soviets during WWII. Many of these weapons ended up going to the Communist Chinese to fight for them to get established.

The most impactful help the Allies offered in WWII to the USSR from 1941 consisted of economic and military aid (such as US Lend-Lease that started in October 1941), followed by the ability to tie down some number of German and Italian divisions and weapons in Western Europe and North Africa. Half of Soviet agriculture was gone before harvest time in 1941. With much of Soviet industry destroyed by November 1941, or being shipped East in containers on slow trains, the Soviet economy would have likely collapsed without urgent help. While this was acknowledged by Stalin, this was not disclosed in Soviet media at the time, and not emphasized in Soviet history books. However, the total amount (about $100B in todays dollars, from the US alone) is significant. Soviet literature and movies from the time often mention American trucks, ham, and other aid.

The timeline is important. US aid before October 1941 is categorized as pre-Lend-Lease. Lend-Lease quickly ramped up in Fall-Winter 1941.

Also helpful was the strategic bombing of Romanian oil fields and German production facilities. Starting from 1943, Germany was running short of weapons and ammunition, whereas the USSR received an increasing amount of vehicles, airplanes, food and other resources from the USA. Heard of the famous Katyusha rocket launchers? Most were installed on US-supplied light Studebaker truck chassis. Around 400,000 medium transport trucks was supplied by the US, along with warships and warplanes. When you enjoy a sizeable resource advantage, the nature of the war changes - the enemy's mistakes get exploited, and yours are often forgiven.

The Normandy landings in 1944 were a huge help, but by that time Germany was already losing the war. Finishing the war sooner was a matter of not wasting the lives of millions of Soviet soldiers. Would your Russian friend dismiss that?

n short, it was crucial to their final victory. Let's look at some numbers.

Lend-Lease provided the soviets with 400,000 jeeps, 12,000 armoured vehicles, 11,400 aircraft and 1.75 million tons of food (wiki) through three corridors. The arctic convoy, the pacific convoy, and the Persian convoy routes. It's estimated that 27% of the supplies came through the Persian route, which could sustain 60 front line divisions ( Doing some simple calculations, we see that all supplies provided by the US could sustain 222 divisions of the Soviet Union over the four years of lend-lease.

By comparison, by late 1941 the soviets fielded 401 divisions (wiki). By the end of the war, there were 550 divisions (Mark L Urban, Soviet Land Power). So, lend-lease could have supplied between 40-55% of soviet forces at varying times in the war. Of course, not all the supplies were used for active forces, and a significant portion of food was diverted to relieve the siege of Leningrad (today St. Petersburg).

Still the huge tonnage of supplies sustained the massive soviet war effort and did play a substantial role in pushing back the Germans. Many of the vehicles were repurposed by the soviets as katusha missile launchers and transports for their forces streaming west.

Still, it is important to remember that while the allies provided a lot of supplies, the soviets provided most of the bodies (about 10 million military casualties). Its men and material that win wars.

Bro, do not give quotes with numbers. I really love history, especially the Second World War. I know everything about her, even more! I personally talked with its participants, I know the whole truth, that's for sure !!

We say this: if an elderly woman had a cock, she would be an elderly man.))) This is a joke, Bro!)))

My father told me that in 1943 he saw in his village tanks with camouflage sand color. It was the tank divisions from the African front (where was shackling), thrown by Hitler to help the exhausted forces in the Kursk Region!

If you fully realized the horror that my country suffered in the BB, you would not say that! This help was a drop in the sea! It is enough to look at the losses in people and financial losses! Germany was at the beginning of the war several times stronger than us !! You probably understand the power of the German "Blitz Krieg" for Dyunkirk We did not survive because of technology and food, we survived because of the "Russian spirit"! You do not know what it is, Bro! It's better not to know about it .. medieval gloom !!!

You say you did not write in the media?))) In soldering the soldier was then egg powder, stew, cigarettes "Camel". They went to "Studebaker" and "Willys". Everything is "Made in the USA". Probably everything fell from the sky)))) I first learned about lend-lease, when I was about 5 years old, from my father! He told me about American products! He was then a child from a remote village near Kursk! Do you think they did not know ?? !!

One of the best aces of the Russian Pokryshkin flew the Cobra.

There is such a novel by Valentin Pikul "Requiem caravan PQ-17" 1970. I read this novel when I was a child.

It also talked about the сaravan with gold, which was sent to America from Arkhangelsk, in exchange for equipment and food! America sold arms and equipment at a bargain price! Although it is worth noting that it was very risky, because about 30% of the ships did not arrive at the port !! Eternal memory and a bow to those sailors !!! Although we should not underestimate the role of the American president in helping the USSR, unlike Churchill, he more willingly helped us and from the very beginning was not against opening a second front. Respect Roosevelt and bow !!!! His help was invaluable!! After all, these are people's lives, but nothing is more valuable than life!
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Source : Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Presidents of the USA and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945
Publisher : Progress Publishers, Moscow, USSR **


We are all very glad here that the Russian armies are making such strong and spirited resistance to the utterly unprovoked and merciless invasion of the Nazis. There is general admiration for the bravery and tenacity of the Soviet soldiers and people. We shall do everything to help you that time, geography and our growing resources allow. The longer the war lasts the more help we can give. We are making very heavy attacks both by day and night with our Air Force upon all German-occupied territories and all Germany within our reach. About 400 aeroplanes made daylight sorties overseas yesterday. On Saturday night over 200 heavy bombers attacked German towns, some carrying three tons apiece, and last night nearly 250 heavy bombers were operating. This will go on. Thus we hope to force Hitler to bring back some of his air power to the West and gradually take some of the strain off you. Besides this the Admiralty have at my desire prepared a serious operation to come off in the near future in the Arctic, after which I hope that contact will be established between the British and Russian Navies. Meanwhile by sweeping along the Norwegian coast we have intercepted various supply ships which were moving north against you.

We welcome the arrival of the Russian Military Mission in order to concert future plans. 1

We have only got to go on fighting to beat the life out of the (incomplete)

Received on July 10, 1941

Allow me to thank you for your two personal messages. Your messages have initiated agreement between our two Governments. Now, as you with every justification put it, the Soviet Union and Great Britain have become fighting Allies in the struggle against Hitler Germany. I have no doubt that our two countries are strong enough to defeat our common enemy in the face of all difficulties.

It may not be out of place to inform you that the position of the Soviet troops at the front remains strained. The results of Hitler's unexpected violation of the Non-Aggression Pact and the sudden attack on the Soviet Union, which have placed the German troops at an advantage, are still affecting the position of the Soviet armies. It is quite obvious that the German forces would have been far more advantageously placed if the Soviet troops had had to counter the blow, not along the line KishinevLvov-Brest-Bialystok-Kaunas and Vyborg, but along the line Odessa-Kamenets Podolsk-Minsk and the vicinity of Leningrad.

It seems to me, furthermore, that the military position of the Soviet Union, and by the same token that of Great Britain, would improve substantially if a front were established against Hitler in the West (Northern France) and the North (the Arctic).*

A front in the North of France, besides diverting Hitler's forces from the East, would make impossible invasion of Britain by Hitler. Establishment of this front would be popular both with the British Army and with the population of Southern England. I am aware of the difficulty of establishing such a front, but it seems to me that, notwithstanding the difficulties, it should be done, not only for the sake of our common cause, but also in Britain's own interest. The best time to open this front is now, seeing that Hitler's forces have been switched to the East and that he has not yet been able to consolidate the positions he has taken in the East.

It would be easier still to open a front in the North. This would call for action only by British naval and air forces, without landing troops or artillery. Soviet land, naval and air forces could take part in the operation. We would be glad if Great Britain could send thither, say, one light division or more of Norwegian volunteers, who could be moved to Northern Norway for insurgent operations against the Germans.

July 18, 1941 *


* The second front was opened only in the summer of 1944. The allies waited, which of the two would win! When there was a turning point in the war .... the second front was opened at once !!!

** No one knew about the help from the Allies and no one wrote in the media.)))


Sent on June 11, 1943


Your message informing me of certain decisions on strategic matters adopted by you and Mr Churchill reached me on June 4. Thank you for the information.

It appears from your communication that the decisions run counter to those reached by you and Mr Churchill earlier this year concerning the date for a second front in Western Europe.

You will doubtless recall that the joint message of January 26, 27 sent by you and Mr Churchill, announced the decision adopted at that time to divert considerable German ground and air forces from the Russian front and bring Germany to her knees in 1943.

Then on February 12 Mr Churchill communicated on his own behalf and yours the specified time of the Anglo-American operation in Tunisia and the Mediterranean, as well as on the west coast of Europe. The communication said that Great Britain and the United States were vigorously preparing to cross the Channel in August 1943 and that if the operation were hindered by weather or other causes, then it would be prepared with an eye to being carried out in greater force in September 1943.

Now, in May 1943, you and Mr Churchill have decided to postpone the Anglo-American invasion of Western Europe until the spring of 1944. In other words, the opening of the second front in Western Europe, previously postponed from 1942 till 1943, is now being put off again, this time till the spring of 1944.

Your decision creates exceptional difficulties for the Soviet Union, which, straining all its resources, for the past two years, has been engaged against the main forces of Germany and her satellites, and leaves the Soviet Army, which is fighting not only for its country, but also for its Allies, to do the job alone, almost single-handed, against an enemy that is still very strong and formidable.

Need I speak of the disheartening negative impression that this fresh postponement of the second front and the withholding from our Army, which has sacrificed so much, of the anticipated substantial support by the Anglo-American armies, will produce in the Soviet Union—both among the people and in the Army?*

As for the Soviet Government, it cannot align itself with this decision, which, moreover, was adopted without its participation and without any attempt at a joint discussion of this highly important matter and which may gravely affect the subsequent course of the war.

* No one knew about the help from the Allies and no one wrote in the media.)))

A whole nation perished and was tormented for the Freedom of the Whole World !! He was already on the verge of exhaustion !! He needed HOPE! The Second Front was this very hope!! And it was a lie!! And ahead was still the Battle of Kursk! When the exhausted people pulled the African divisions, easing someone's life, in the fight for ..... their colonies in Africa !! I would not be surprised that there were battles in Antarctica !!! And it is not known who, under whose rule, would live better Africans, under Hitler or Truman !! If all together would be piled on Hitler in 41 in Europe !!!!, then the war would end in 1942 the year !!! Hitler would immediately forget about the colonies, I tell you exactly!! How he forgot about them in 1943 under Kursk !! !!! The world would have avoided tens of millions of victims!

Stalin dropped the sword specially !! This is a cunning revenge for the Second Front and Stalingrad)))

He is a Georgian, he knows what a knife is from childhood!

Georgian national clothes


Georgian national "dance with daggers", at the Georgian wedding

PS: Here's the real truth Братан, as I said, it's simple! It is necessary to appeal real historical documents, and not propaganda! Much mind is not necessary!
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....the day I can get back on growing , I will set a grow silo up, no question!!

I'm curious about how you developed all that foliage, covering all the soil, how do you do that ?

very nice done :bigjoint:

with the help of linen clothespins and stationery rubber bands! Bro, if you look closely, you'll see them on the video above!


"One thing I ask is to console a sinful soul,
about one, sing me a lullaby,
I will order all birds to be silent,
be gentle with me, as before !! "

Russian press;

"The Russian Su-27 intercepted the United States Navy E-3E "Aries II" radio-electronic reconnaissance aircraft over the neutral waters of the Black Sea. State Duma deputy Dmitry Belik believes that with the help of aerial reconnaissance near the Crimean coast, Americans are trying to determine the speed of the air defense response, and all the information received will be transferred to the Ukrainian side..")))

The one on the left: I'm curious how quickly the Russians will react to us.
The one on the right: They have already reacted ..

This is a game of words, my Friends!)))...


Dirty and tonic political intrigues! Who is what intentions? America shows that she has eyes and ears everywhere, Russia, shows that she is not afraid of anything, she is ready for anything!
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The entry.

Our town divides the river,
A very different side of the river.
I live in one, and what did you do on the other,
On the high Bank, on a steep.
I live in one, and what did you do on the other,
On the high Bank, on a steep.

Spring which was,
What days have come.
On what are you offended?
Why do we have left?

Spring which was,
What days have come.
On what are you offended?
Why do we have left?

Leaves палые river carry
And then it will be debacle.
Again on a clean river will affect your house
On the high Bank, on a steep.
Again on a clean river will affect your house
On the high Bank, on a steep.

Spring which was,
What days have come.
On what are you offended?
Why do we have left?

Spring which was,
What days have come.
On what are you offended?
Why do we have left?

All the flowers in the garden you off,
On the ferry I'll swim.
And with you together all our life to live
On the high Bank, on a steep.
And with you together all our life to live
On the high Bank, on a steep.

Spring which was,
What days have come.
On what are you offended?
Why do we have left?

Spring which was,
What days have come.
On what are you offended?
Why as we parted?

Our town divides the river,
A very different side of the river.

I live in one, and what did you do on the other,
On the high Bank, on a steep.
I live in one, and what did you do on the other,
On the high Bank, on a steep.
I live in one, and what did you do on the other,
On the high Bank, on a steep.
I live in one, and what did you do on the other,
On the high Bank, on a steep.

Юрий Лоза

On a little raft
Through storms, rain and lightning
Taking solely my longings, reveries
…and a childhood's dream
I will quietly sail away
Just as midnight sneaks into my home
So that I could fill with rhymes
The world I live in

Let it be be an uneasy path
I don't care
Pain and sorrow, the burden of my previous mistakes
Are pulling me down
But my raft
Weaved out of songs and words
In spite of all my misfortunes
Is not so bad after all

I don't run from those
Who foretell me misfortunes
For them, it is much more satisfying and easy
To stay on the solid shore
For they will never understand
What happened to me
What called me to the far beyond
…what will comfort me

Let it be be an uneasy path
I don't care
Pain and sorrow, the burden of my previous mistakes
Are pulling me down
But my raft
Weaved out of songs and words
In spite of all my misfortunes
Is not so bad after all

I will cut the thread to my past
And the future? Whatever will be will be
From the monotonous routines
I will quietly sail away
On my little raft
Just as midnight sneaks into my home
A whole new and colorful world
Maybe I'll discover

as you "flow" Americans? This is a real Russian rap, Friends .. What does it seem like .. Riza, or Mob dip?)))) The meaning here is very thin and deep .. the philosophy of the streets .

How are you doing today?

When do you do your leaf strip? I noticed in another thread someone mentioned and showed pics that show your plants with leaves cut off.
How are you doing today?

When do you do your leaf strip? I noticed in another thread someone mentioned and showed pics that show your plants with leaves cut off.

Hi bro! Glad to see you!! You will not believe what I'm doing today.))) We, with our friends smuggle across the Russian-Ukrainian border lamps Philips. It is those lamps, from a bankrupt greenhouse. In Russia there is a great demand, but great prices! We can offer at least a third of the price.

Now what I said earlier !! Why do we do this business illegally ?? In order to legitimize all this, there are two options:
1. You pay officials and get a fictitious certificate.
2. You pay Ukrainian customs. Ukrainian customs officers share with Russian customs officers, and they pass the goods across the border.

Both the first and second option is available only to the powerful of this world! "Respectful Ukrainian entrepreneurs". And we, the hungry people, have to carry their bags with lamps through the border on their own, at their own peril and risk! The channel passes through the territory of the Democratic People's Republic of Doneck (the battle zone.) So we earn money in Ukraine to feed our families.

Thank you, Bro, I am very pleased that I am benefiting the American gardeners !! I will continue the same way! For me, there is no difference what nationality gardener, American, Russian or African, you remember, like Karl Marx))). Just do not pay attention to my eccentric, I have a very tense and nervous life! And I hate the system very much!
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