Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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At the beginning of the 20th century, the photographer Prokudin-Gorsky lived in Russia.


He came up with a stereophotography color.

Joomby, bro, you just have not seen this))) Russia the beginning of the 20th century, in color photos.



On the left, a janitor in uniform
(a street cleaner for every house in the city, followed the order)
Pay attention, he has medals! In Russia, under the tsar, the janitors were secret informants to the police. If he helped the police catch a criminal, he was awarded a state award!


Can hear, Graph Leo Tolstoy .. "War and Peace" writer
did not eat meat and walked in peasant clothes always

The royal family examines his apparatus, in the photo Gorsky and the daughter of Nicholas 2

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Greetings bro, surprised to see you on RIU.

)))) Здорова, Братан!!!

Surprised no less than you!))) Especially, that you are here from 2013))) And I remember how you helped me translate the book from English! I did not forget, bro)))
At the beginning of the 20th century, the photographer Prokudin-Gorsky lived in Russia.


He came up with a stereophotography color.

Joomby, bro, you just have not seen this))) Russia the beginning of the 20th century, in color photos.



On the left, a janitor in uniform
(a street cleaner for every house in the city, followed the order)
Pay attention, he has medals! In Russia, under the tsar, the janitors were secret informants to the police. If he helped the police catch a criminal, he was awarded a state award!


Can hear, Graph Leo Tolstoy .. "War and Peace" writer
did not eat meat and walked in peasant clothes always

The royal family examines his apparatus, in the photo Gorsky and the daughter of Nicholas 2

This is fascinating! Amazing pictures of life from a century ago, and the turnout of the day.

It is very sad that we are not told how similar we are, but only the differences- and even those are exaggerated.
and even those are exaggerated.
Bro, do you think that's all?

9.11 ... terrorists?)))

Billions of dollars have been allocated from the state budget for combating terrorism!
Where did the money go, terrorists?
Companies manufacturing weapons and all kinds of security systems, which receive state orders for billions of dollars. Companies that belong to whom? ...Terrorists?)))))

We have such a scheme has long been working, but not with such sacrifices! And you believe in this)))

As Stalin said: "When one person dies, it's a tragedy, and when thousands die, it's statistics" 1941

It's just that nobody hides it, but you have it disguised as a mask of "culture" and "civilization". As one wise man said, "politeness is the highest form of hypocrisy."

So said Albert Einstein about Lenin:


"I honor a man in Lenin who, with total self-sacrifice, gave all his strength to the cause of social justice. I consider his method expedient. But one is indisputable: people like him are the guardians and innovators of the conscience of mankind."

Would he say this about George Bush...Or Putin or Poroshenko?!


PS: Roosevelt-during the world war and Kennedy, which prevented the Caribbean crisis, I personally respect!


This robot is definitely not Russian)))))

Here's a Russian !!!!!!





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We're distracting, sorry!

2,5 weeks 12/12, 1 week of flowering.

Fertilizers: "Powder Feeding hybrid" from "Green House Seeds" PPM / PH input / output 1000/1100; 6.3 / 6.7. I'm watering the water-fertilizer-water-water scheme ....
One watering 6-7 gallons.

Magic trees.


A simple guy from the village. It's on the Rolls Royce.))) He then told that his knees were shaking with excitement! He died several years later when testing a new MIG fighter. Sorry for the guy, he was not yet 30.

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Where naked is in Kiev, so the special services of Yanukovich suppress the will of the insurgents.

On the second - my city 2014. Russian special services (not Ukrainian, do not confuse) tried to make a revolution, but our city survived! A Donetsk (DNR) and Lugansk (LNR-now) - did not survive. The Crimea, too, passed! But I'm out of politics, bro! I look from the side and I'm terrified !!!
I'm just half Russian half Ukrainian. Father mother
You have the saddest history in Europe, my wife is Lithuanian and I lived over in Vilnius for a year...I am Australian and went to a lot of the old Soviet countries including- Georgia(saw Stalins house in Gori, too much security for me to petrol bomb it) and Belarus, Lativa and of course Ukraine. I have read a lot of the history of the Ukraine and its very very dark...on the bright side it is awesome to see you set up, I grew a bit in Vilnius just for personal use...tiny cupboard and draconian drug laws to combat! Kiev is beautiful and I wish I could have gone to Odessa. I love how you have invented and engineered a new grow space, it is how people in your part of the world think...born engineers.
Best thread on RIU @Sedan. I made an account just to see your pictures. You get much better results by being resourceful than most growers in US who can just buy anything they want and have it delivered to them.

My mother's parents on her father's side emigrated from the Ukraine, I believe in the 1930s. They were Jewish and as a child I was told of the horrors that befell those who could not escape. I don't know any more than that, I should try and learn exactly where they were from.
You have the saddest history in Europe, my wife is Lithuanian and I lived over in Vilnius for a year...I am Australian and went to a lot of the old Soviet countries including- Georgia(saw Stalins house in Gori, too much security for me to petrol bomb it) and Belarus, Lativa and of course Ukraine. I have read a lot of the history of the Ukraine and its very very dark...on the bright side it is awesome to see you set up, I grew a bit in Vilnius just for personal use...tiny cupboard and draconian drug laws to combat! Kiev is beautiful and I wish I could have gone to Odessa. I love how you have invented and engineered a new grow space, it is how people in your part of the world think...born engineers.

Look, my brother is my city in the 60-70 ...

I see you realized that the Russians are not an ordinary people! Due to the fact that grief forced us to work with the brain and not turn into animals
As Sherlock Holmes said (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). What people do not understand is suspicious !! Here's the answer!)))
Look, my brother is my city in the 60-70 ...

I see you realized that the Russians are not an ordinary people! Due to the fact that grief forced us to work with the brain and not turn into animals
As Sherlock Holmes said (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). What people do not understand is suspicious !! Here's the answer!)))
The worlds media is obsessed with Nazis and what they did. yet they tend to forget about the NKVD and the systematic attempted genocide of the forced starvation of millions I'm the Ukraine just before WW2...Russia is a huge country and Stalin made Hitler look almost humane...then there was Mao...but what is disgusting is what I am seeing in the modern liberal socialist marches that are frequently violent and so anti speech that they to be could be considered right wing..and they fly the soviet flag...
Best thread on RIU @Sedan. I made an account just to see your pictures. You get much better results by being resourceful than most growers in US who can just buy anything they want and have it delivered to them.

My mother's parents on her father's side emigrated from the Ukraine, I believe in the 1930s. They were Jewish and as a child I was told of the horrors that befell those who could not escape. I don't know any more than that, I should try and learn exactly where they were from.
The Ukraine was almost as totally on the anhilataion list for Jews as fact most of the Jews were deported from Ukraine to Poland..lots of Ukrainian policemen helped with the mass killings and deportations of Jews back then. They like in Lithuania had little help or bullet for you. A horrible piece of history, and much ignored really in the Western world, especially what happened to ethnic Germans all around the world after should look up what happened to Ethnic germans in Chzechoslovakia after the end of WW2...just as many innocent people were murdered after than during the someone with a brain once said..."an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
The worlds media is obsessed with Nazis and what they did. yet they tend to forget about the NKVD and the systematic attempted genocide of the forced starvation of millions I'm the Ukraine just before WW2...Russia is a huge country and Stalin made Hitler look almost humane...then there was Mao...but what is disgusting is what I am seeing in the modern liberal socialist marches that are frequently violent and so anti speech that they to be could be considered right wing..and they fly the soviet flag...

I shall tell a little about the so-called genocide in Ukraine. In fact, it was throughout the European part of the USSR. This was a very brutal, inhuman, but extremely necessary measure, as Stalin believed. After the revolution of 1917, the country was dying of hunger !!!
The USSR then was in isolation of the uttermost, it was recognized by few, credits would not be given by anybody(How did Germany help then)! Everything was destroyed, looting, riots.
In order to save the USSR as an idea, Stalin took everything into an iron fist. (Stalin is a derivative of the word steel) For ten years, Stalin made from a backward country-the industrial giant-the world's first !!! How did he do it, damn it ?! you ask! He took from the peasants all their products .. all !! I sold abroad, I bought machine tools and materials !!!There was a choice-or die krestyane, or the whole country will die !!
justify it !!! But did he have a choice ?! Stalin, like Lenin devoted his whole life to the idea !! He did not have any property left after death !! Soldiers' boots and uniform !! He always walked in the same !!!!! If not for his cruelty, bordering on brutality, the country would have died as far back as 1930. After the death of Stalin, in fact, the USSR began to fall apart ...
A very controversial figure of course, but he did not blow up his citizens in skyscrapers, to put billions in his pocket! And did not destroy the whole country to ........... not find there a nuclear threat !!!!!! I've never been a communist, never went to rallies. Never went to the polls !!! I'm a sociopath indeed !! I'm telling you about the idea of money, еgoism and the idea of equality and fraternity !! What's better?!

Nkvd - horror, of course,

And I would not wish the enemy to live in СССР in 1917-1953 !!

Here is a little acquainted with the personality of Stalin from a conversation with H Wells.

What do you think, can such a person thoughtlessly kill people with genocide? Why did he need it?))) As Sherlock Holmes would say: where is the motive !?
Stupidity is, because. Ukraine said that Russia was to blame for what was in 33, and for whom to complain to Russia ?! It was the same there! So, in the end, Stalin, as if the people were busting out of boredom, like those inhuman in Kiev above in the photo!


Western Ukraine has always been in conflict with the east, where I live at all times !! Even on regielloznym relations! The Germans were not helped only by Ukrainians !! When the Germans came to the city, they offered 400 marks, for work in the police! Who was a traitor, they went there - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, all white race, others did not take! The Jews were not taken to Poland, they were destroyed on the spot, and Ukrainian policemen helped them, for 400 marks a month !!!!

Heard about "Бабий яр" .. it's not Poland, it's Kiev !!!

Destroyed 150 000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kiev Jews!!

A Ukrainian policeman for 400 marks a month !! Bro I'm better off with hunger die than this I will do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Best thread on RIU @Sedan. I made an account just to see your pictures. You get much better results by being resourceful than most growers in US who can just buy anything they want and have it delivered to them.

My mother's parents on her father's side emigrated from the Ukraine, I believe in the 1930s. They were Jewish and as a child I was told of the horrors that befell those who could not escape. I don't know any more than that, I should try and learn exactly where they were from.

Thanks bro!! Yes, terrible time was! My great-grandfathers at that time lived in the village to feed other children, fed the weakest, yes it was- it IS TRUTH !!! 1933 !!! DO NOT HAVE JEWS! Jews in the USSR, no one drove and did not pursue, bro! They probably were rich? The whole top of the party were Jews! Lenin is a Jew too! This yes-all the rich fled abroad, fearing looting!

Then it was so, if you are not worker-peasant origin, you are garbage))))))
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