You'll get no argument from me. Patton wanted to turn east at Berlin and drive to Moscow but Truman wouldn't let him. Imagine how the world would be different today if he had.Today in our country the Great Holiday-Victory over fascism !! 1941-1945 .... 30 000 000 dead Russian Ukrainians of Belarusians ....... through the fault of the Germans, tortured, killed, raped, burnt, destroyed in four years !!! Who is seen in the world !! ?????????
You probably are annoying, but this is my life, my homeland, my grandfathers died for freedom! Our freedom is alien to you, and this is our happiness, comrades!
You'll get no argument from me. Patton wanted to turn east at Berlin and drive to Moscow but Truman wouldn't let him. Imagine how the world would be different today if he had.
What do you mean here? I don't understand.Bro, there are a lot of black spots in history. The main thing is that people remember how good and bad to objectively assess the situation! Otherwise, this is not a history of history - a fairy tale somehow)))
What do you mean here? I don't understand.
A big problem with many Americans is that if someone comes to them with an unfamiliar idea or perspective, they feel threatened.There is a country! There is her story! I wanted people to not believe that everything is good there. This does not happen! It's more like a Hollywood movie! As in man there is no ideal or saint, so there is not in the world created by people, nothing like the ideal ..... Jesus !!! We must understand that people all over the world live, they are not the same, they just grew up in a different environment and have their own mentality. Otherwise, all the brothers are the children of God !!! One God, not ten, not nine, not eight, one God! If you to them with the peace, they too will respond with peace !!!!! Believe it !! We are pierced with foreheads, for the sake of political interests! All!
РС Sorry for my English! My son knows English well, read my posts ..... laughs))))
I'm going to shock you:
My father.
It is not we the people who want war in the world. WE want peace. The power hungry and the industrialists are the ones who will stoop to the use of force to advance their selfish aims........
So I thought, why such a keen interest you have to our country.))) At first I was even surprised! Because I did not expect to hear from an American from Colorado, such profound information about Ukraine and Russia .... objective information! Usually Americans say something completely different about us))))
Yes, I know about the US uranium enrichment program! I will say more, five miles from my house is the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology. Under the USSR, the territory of the Institute belonged directly to Moscow!
Such great scientists as Physicist theorist, Nobel Prize winner.
Landau Lev Davidovich
The creator of the Russian atomic bomb Kurchatov Igor Vasilievich
Niels Bohr came to Kharkov in 34 to a scientific conference.
In the photo (from left to right) - Landau, prof. Niels Bohr, Rosenfeld, Bronstein.
«I am glad to get opportunity to give expression for the feeling of great admiration and pleasure with which I have seen the beautiful new physical-technical institute in Charkov, where the excellent condition for experimental work in all branches of modern physics are utilized with greatest enthusiasm and success under most distinguished leadership and closed collaboration with brilliant theoretical physicist.
22-5-1934 Niels Bohr »
In the institute there was an atomic reactor. In 2010, all of the enriched uranium was taken from there.
Now, on the basis of this reactor together with the Americans, different experiments with depleted uranium are being conducted. Americans have invested money in this institution ....
I am pleased to hear that your father contributed to the cause of peace !!!!
Yes, Bro, the world is very small !!!!
And I'm very glad that we understand each other !! I did not expect it to be honest!
The Magic Glade
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It is not we the people who want war in the world. WE want peace. .
Of course you'll want a reflector for the lamp, to direct all the light onto the trellis.
Nice work!