Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Nemo Museum


roof of the museum


This museum presents scientific expositions, the achievement of science and technology with a long ancient history. On the roof of the museum is a recreation area at high altitude. Not so long ago there was a case when a young Frenchwoman of 17 years, bought a hallucinogenic mushroom in a smart shop, climbed up to the recreation ground, which in the Nemo museum, imagined herself a bird ... and flew! After this, a ban on the sale of hallucinogens was introduced and marijuana was sold only in coffeeshops. In kiosks that are located on the street, now sold exclusively souvenirs with a taste of cannabis, but without THC, very often, tourists do not know what they buy there and are disappointed. But we were warned about this guide immediately, where to take the bars of marijuana.

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Bers van Berlage

is a national monument located in the heart of the city. At the moment, the building is used for social events.


If you are a resident of the city of Kharkov (Ukraine), then involuntary associations arise

railway station Kharkov (Ukraine)


Even with an unaided, cursory glance, the restraint, austerity and modesty of the facade decoration of the building Bers van Berlage is striking. This is even noticeable in comparison with the Kharkov station. This has its own reason, it was postponed not only on the architecture of Amsterdam, but also on the mentality of its citizens. But let's not run ahead, everything in order.

And this is what the train station in Amsterdam looks like


"Magna Plaza"

The former post office, now here is the supermarket "Magna Plaza". We see with what pomp the mail building is built. This confirms the fact that in the 16th century, as now, Amsterdam was the world capital of sea, postal cargo transportation.


Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum.

nearby Dam Square is a branch of the famous London Wax Museum Madame Tussauds. Recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger came there .. stick out, smoke a quality marijuana. Either he put it so, or he was paid for it, and Arnold stayed in the museum for a long time, playing the role of a dummy, and when people passed close, he came to life. One man felt sick. After that, at the entrance appeared a warning sign stating that people were not afraid if the exhibits suddenly come to life. Most likely that person sued.

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Begin Monastery Begejnhof.

The quietest and most picturesque corner of Amsterdam is the building of the former Beginskiy monastery Begejnhof.

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The monastery was founded in the 14th century by ordinary Catholic women who did not accept a monastic vow, they could have business and get married.


The monastic yard is a green lawn surrounded by houses.


There is also a small church on their territory.


But nevertheless the main kind of their occupation was charity. The last of the nuns - Sister Antonia died in 1971, at the age of 81 years. She was buried in the territory of the monastery. Only it is not clear why it turns out that on the grave of Sister Antonia tourists trample their feet. If we take for example, the Orthodox direction in religion, then such an act is blasphemy.


And one more amazing feature in the mentality of Amsterdam: ancient customs are still venerated. In the building of the monastery now live single women, disillusioned in life, and voluntarily doomed to a lonely life. Accommodation is subject to a nominal fee. But if one of the single women marries, she is evicted, and there is a waiting list for the vacated place.
And of course on the roof of the monastery are mounted hooks for lifting loads, this is not taken away from Amsterdam.


Among them is the oldest Amsterdam house from the surviving ones - Houten Huis. It was built in 1420, when there was no ban on the erection of wooden buildings. After the fire of 1521, the wooden houses were no longer built.


Museum of Amsterdam.

another attraction of the city, is the Amsterdam Museum. In this building, until the 60th year, the orphanage of St. Lucien was located. The building was built in 1580th year. Orphans here could get shelter and the opportunity to study in urban schools, and later, get a job. Orphaned girls were trained in a shelter for gardening and household. Now the museum presents exhibits telling about the life and history of the city.


This cover in the museum of Amsterdam was laid by workers in the 16th century and nothing happens to it. It is unlikely that now there will be a master who can repeat this.

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Here that is interesting: to a museum the covered street the Gallery of the City Guards-a unique street conducts. It is a covered art gallery. This is one of several free galleries in the world. On it you can see works of art of 1530-2007.


The building of the University of Amsterdam.


A'DAM Lookout.

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The most fascinating and cognitive attraction in Amsterdam. The highest swings in Europe. The cost of the attraction is 5 euros. At the height of a bird's flight, you hover over the city, below a hundred-meter-high abyss. This attraction is exclusively for courageous, not everyone decides to ride on these swings. The attraction is located on the roof of the A'DAM Lookout. The site is located a little lower, on the 20th floor, it is all glass. You can see the view of the city of Amsterdam 360 degrees, from 100 meters high ...

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Finally, waited! Now we turn to the most fascinating part of our journey through Amsterdam. Let's brush off the face of boredom and despondency and plunge into something for which, in fact, the city of Amsterdam was filled with crowds of unintelligent tourists, illegal immigrants, beggars from all over the world. And most importantly, most of them come to Amsterdam just for drugs. I do not mean marijuana now, because I do not think marijuana is a drug, I mean heavy drugs. With money, little knowledge of the language and an idea of how heavy drugs look and what they taste, you can easily acquire any drug at once. Also, on the same street of Red Lanterns, if you have a passport, you can absolutely legally get the opportunity to feel the vice in its pure form. For every taste, even the most "refined". Because sometimes, what is behind the glass, it's hard to call a woman. And the Russian guide immediately warns not to go there, there is no lady from the magazine playboy, there is something that absolutely do not understand the Russian people. Because in Russia these women do not pay attention to these women and these women are ready to pay the money themselves to the man. Well, there are attractive women of course, not without it.
Well, let's not run ahead, start with the most pleasant and positive for us:

The Museum of Cannabis.


It was founded in 1985, in 2012 it was updated. Now in the Museum of Cannabis you can learn only about hemp, as such, without its use. During the inspection of the museum's expositions, you can find out the thousand-year history of cannabis from the industrial side. Its application in agriculture, textile industry, etc. The aim of the museum's creators is to show people that cannabis is not only for consumption inside, but also beneficial in everyday life. Also in the museum are paintings that depict scenes from Coffeeshops that existed back in the 17th century, when they were called Smoking Homes. In the museum you can buy products from hemp T-shirts bags etc.

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The medical exhibition is one of the largest in the museum. Here you can see all kinds of medical vessels with medicine (some still retain the original contents) and ancient medicine kits, which included extracts of Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa.

Cannabis College.


This institution does not pursue any commercial goals, the entrance to it is absolutely free. The goal of the college is to carry the true culture of marijuana into people, this applies to both industrial and medical use, and the correct use of marijuana for stress relief or relaxation. All this is explained in the finest detail. If you do not regret and pay 3 euros, then you go down to the basement, where specialists conduct in-depth lectures with you, you pass a conditional exam, you get a diploma about the termination of Cannabis College - this is a certificate that you have fully mastered the culture. Another interesting fact: also in the College are trained salesmen and employees of coffeeshops, because they, too, must have in-depth knowledge about marijuana and its correct use.
here you will see everything with your own eyes. Taken from the Internet, because not everywhere you can take pictures

This institution does not pursue any commercial Another fact that can plunge a pious man into shock, and which causes a feeling close to revulsion.

Cathedral of Oudekerk (Old Church).


It was built in 1213, on the place of the cemetery of noble townspeople. In this church, the great Rembrandt baptized his children, and here, under the cathedral, his wife was buried. Now the most interesting: Oudekkerk its facade goes directly to the street of red lanterns. From the windows of the building you can see coffeeshops and showcases with prostitutes, where in the evenings crowds of drug addicts beggars, illegal traffickers of heavy drugs, homeless people and others are gathering. All this is in the very center of the city with the complete connivance of the authorities and the police.

Red light district.

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The main part of the coffeeshop is located in the Red Light District.

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In the daytime, this is the most common street in the center of Amsterdam, its feature can only be determined by semi-closed windows with prostitutes. People, tourists, youth, children are walking. By evening, this quarter is changing, as if at the command of some dark forces. The red lights are lit, the quarter acquires a special shade, there is something diabolical in this. Dark people creep out into the street with bulging eyes, they stand in handfuls and study the passers-by closely, which scares the skin. Here you can easily lose your wallet, here you can sell powder instead of cocaine, here you can be offered a stolen bicycle or mobile phone, here you can buy a drug as you wish. A little digression, I know drug dealers in Ukraine, who import their goods directly from the Red Lanterns quarter. Hey, gentlemen! How it's called? Do not just say that this is European freedom and democracy. No, you are not right, this is not democracy, it is a hotbed of evil, crime and vice on a global scale! In this quarter, a decent person to go terribly, especially a woman, he is very narrow and there can hardly be missed with a handful of unintelligible people with bulging eyes. And you can not take pictures there, because dealers immediately scold you, pimps and prostitutes pull up the curtains and swear at them, they will break the phone and they will beat until the police arrive there, which is plenty there. Then all of you together are taken to the station and you have to pay a fine for hooliganism! That's how the system works. Everybody knows perfectly well that the same police are covering the dealers, it's clear to the fool. As for prostitutes in the windows. I was horrified with the stories that were told by eyewitnesses. In these windows, not only ordinary prostitutes, there are still very often encountered stabbing young men who make themselves an operation for sex change, and then in the windows they perform a woman !! There were cases when the clients who had got a grip had a nervous breakdown and were taken to the hospital. What is it? And as it's called, it's hard to explain! The oldest prostitute with the Red Lanterns retired (in the Netherlands, a prostitute is as formal a job as a cook or seamstress). Now she is 78 years old, and the most important thing is that regular customers do not let her go and she has worked part-time yet!


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Another prostitute retiring from business, more specifically went on promotion, now holds a post in the trade union organization of prostitutes, for her own savings she made and installed in the center of the city a monument made of bronze, ie. a monument to a prostitute is called comically Bell (beauty). This monument is located right next to the church, under which Rembrandt's wife rests.


t is inscribed: "Respect sex workers all over the world." No, it's called differently: "Respect sin, vice and lust all over the world, near the church or in it itself most boldly." There should be no other inscription there !!! But to my delight, the installation of the monument caused a wave of indignation of the townspeople, especially the older generation, especially women. One elderly frau arranged a grand scandal and almost a picket near the monument. She was disgusted that under her windows there is a monument bl ** and! Correctly, I also do not respect bl ** her, no matter how hard their work was not, I very much understand this woman, the townspeople of Amsterdam. The monument was defiled more than once, it was more accurately cleared, but nevertheless, near the monument there are always fresh flowers. The same prostitutes, going to their hard work, always laying flowers at the monument of that woman who does not watch her figure, and appears in people especially in the form of a monument, ashamed. And let him not lie, that it is in the style of Rembrandt, it's laziness and glut. Any self-respecting prostitute should keep herself in shape, no matter how hard she was.
This is not all, my friends, there is also an alternative and not one. Not far from the Red Light District, the so-called symbol of "Pathological disease, sin, lust and vice." I'm about a deviation from the norm, actually a disease. This disease, as it does not paradoxically sounds infectious. Under the influence of drugs, an innumerable number of young guys were seduced by these kind uncles who were given complete freedom of action! After this, a young man turns into a kind of hermaphrodite and it is transmitted on a genetic level. One can imagine what the city of Amsterdam will become in a couple of centuries, what will happen to its gene pool under the influence of drugs and undisguised sin and vice. There you will see the highlight of the blue lights and you can meet a 50-year-old couple, in all the charms, painted and cute kissing in a suck! Although it can be seen and not necessarily only there. Also here are regular geyparady.
A little further, purple lights, but we will not talk about this, I'm sure that you have fully realized this integral aspect of Amsterdam's life.

Now, at last, let's talk about the townspeople and the indigenous inhabitants of Amsterdam. To my great surprise, the indigenous people of the Netherlands are the highest nation in the world. The average height of the woman is 1.75 m, and the male is 1.85 m. And this jump has occurred literally over the past 150 years. The reason for this, it was not established by me, but rather, it was a kind of harsh factor. The secret can only reveal a deep knowledge of the history of the Netherlands, to which I regret, not very much. Such indigenous people, in fact, there are not many in Amsterdam, most of the population has long been confused with a multitude of nationalities and religions, from the flooded country of emigrants, illegal residents and slaves brought back in ancient times. Therefore, on the street you will see an Arab or a Chinese more often than a tall native inhabitant.
Amsterdamers are mostly cultured and polite people, but unfortunately, unfriendly. Apparently, the reason was that most people do not like the fact that Amsterdam has evolved from the capital of Cargo Transportation, into the capital of drug addiction and debauchery. At night, in the center of the city, you can easily see the sleeping homeless, right on the sidewalk, and this does not bother anyone. For example, in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine) no one is sleeping on the street in the city center, he will be kicked out by the police. And I understand that in Amsterdam, homeless people and beggars are either illegal, or those who do not want to work either as an alcoholic or as a drug addict, and they were given the right to lie in the middle of the city on the ground and frighten local residents. In Kharkov, all the beggars and beggars are monitored by the police, the police take them from beggars (a share from their profit from begging), and does not allow homeless people to molest or disturb the peace of ordinary citizens.

So about the mentality that I mentioned above. What immediately struck me was the excessive stinginess of the Amsterdamers. There was a case when a Russian came to visit a wealthy resident of Amsterdam, for some reason. It was necessary to wait a long time. The woman invited the guest to eat when he was hungry .. Brought a cup of tea with biscuits. Still time passes. The woman offers to eat .. and again brings a cup of tea with biscuits. The guest, when left from her very hungry and first of all went to a cafe to eat. The Amsterdamers in the order of things, when you are invited to visit, you must bring food and drink, at least for yourself! If you come with empty hands, then it will be a bad form and you will be hungry. The reason lies deep in history. Once upon a time, Holland was torn apart by greedy neighboring states, which led the state into decline and the economic crisis. For a long time the country lived in economy and poverty. Saved on everything, even on construction materials. As a result, it seems that it was driven by the mentality of the Dutch.

A vivid confirmation of this is that

Monument to the Queen of the Netherlands Wilhelmine.


as we see, it's more like a bust than a monument. On the pedestal, they saved, in Wikipedia it is written that the statue is bronze, and the guide claimed that this is a lie, there is no bronze there and it is hollow. Another interesting fact is that Wilhelmina was a full woman, and the statue is depicted as thin. This is also saved.

Here is an example of a monument to Queen Catherine II of the Great (it was also called bloody) in St. Petersburg

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below shows her retinue.


Because of the crowded streets, most of the townspeople ride bicycles.

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A bicycle is a hard currency. Even a taxi at them bicycles 1 euro 3 minutes.

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If a little asleep, then you no longer have a bicycle. One company included in the cost of the bicycle insurance. This company very soon went bankrupt, although bicycles with blue tires still go around the city. In any part of the city a man can approach you and offer to buy a stolen bicycle. The police in Amsterdam can not do anything about this and have actually dropped their hands.

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What can be remembered from the cooking of Amsterdam, then this is an unmatched French fries. Always for her turn, and in line both tourists and townspeople, everyone wants to feel the taste of the famous Amsterdam French fries. And of course the famous Amsterdam herring, it can be bought in the style of a hot dog. But, I will report to you, this hot dog is not to the liking of a Russian person. Another thing I noticed is their transparent attitude towards beer. Amsterdamers do not consider it actually for alcohol. First of all, when many of them come to work at eight in the morning, they first open a bottle of good old Heineken.
We come back a bit disappointed

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PS: It was the impression of one tourist from a wild country, in which there is always war and hunger, about the cultural European city of Amsterdam.
Someone says and claims that Russian uncultivated savages. I assure you this is a mistaken opinion.
Hello, friends!

I apologize for not writing for a long time on the case. But I can not live with stability. From time to time I am shaken by all kinds of life problems, absolutely in different aspects. Only you overcome one problem, and only you level the life, as immediately, from nowhere, the next one pops up. After the Maidan, life became worse, at least twice.
But let's not talk about the bad, now I have finally stabilized life a little, and we continue praying.
Now I will show you how to properly defolate plants, and how to properly tie them in the installation, so that the cones were a solid carpet and the same throughout the plane:

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Plants a little starved, so far I have not come fertilizers from Russia, from our common friend, who himself makes them. But they promise to deliver on Tuesday. Then I will try of course and share with you my impressions.
And now I have a little Viva from Valagra, and GHE Flora, too, a little, as before Tuesday, finish.)))
And while the plants did not water from Sunday, the bottoms turn yellow, today water, tomorrow I'll start feeding


to be continued.......

My friend from St. Petersburg.


He rejoices in his garden from Sedan Sidse!))) I decided to please the photo! Now nothing makes me happy, as people's gratitude! Believe me, this is true joy!

Now, after a long pause, back to our garden.
At the moment, all plants are defoliated and tied up according to the principle of the Silo Grow Method. I got fertilizers, rake up a little with the problems of my life, and now I’m ready to tackle plants precisely ..
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These fertilizers are made by my friend and partner from Kazan (Tatarstan, Russian Federation). Later I will tell more about these fertilizers.

To ensure that the working volume of the grid of the SDU Pegasus is completely filled with the same buds, we perform such manipulations ...


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Now in order:
It is a sativa plant, it is squat, but it spreads its branches very far and wide, and grows thickly in the internodes.

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I don’t quite like this plant, namely, how small branches are tied, after the technology of “Fishing Rod”.
But this plant has hurt a little recently. I went out and hope that I will quickly correct the situation.


With these two plants, everything is ideal and they develop exactly as I intended.

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Well, this is the highlight of the program.)) That plant, which Elsa had nibbled, and it refused to grow for a very long time. I already thought that genetics, but no)), it turns out that stress was too heavy, and it was on the verge of death. But the caring attitude of gardeners))), did not allow the plant to die, and as we see, it looks quite cheerful, and it has already begun to overtake its healthier twin ...


Now the most interesting moment comes. We see that the plants are bald now because of the artificial defoliation. It seems that they are very weak now ... We will observe ....

to be continued....

PS: I have just finished working on my article on the artificial defoliation of cannabis in closed ground. I raised this question as deeply as I could. In the near future I will certainly show my article. It will also be translated into English!

Disheveled heads, mouths sewn.
All coupons punctured.
We are very far from the top.
Terrified and waiting for trouble.

We release the moment between the fingers.
Hydrometeorological centers will lie again.
Plankton will not dare to play the game.
Do not flaunt servants on the carpet.

Let's take a couple of thoughts on your account.
Manulu needs a forest, he will live there.
Some idiot from my cup is drinking.
And I hit my head, getting in the stomach.

My dirty robe - I'm from the people.
Spread something out on a bit.
But now is not up to the top, then that is a misperception.
at Travis Scott on repite losing

We will make history.
Yes, we will fly on all four sides!
We will repeat the story again.
Come, then, we will finish. See you later!

Well, take everything that is from me!
Sorry for not taking anything.
What has grown - you can eat ...
Only carefully - do not get used to it!

A little bit realized - drooping.
Entirely realized sight at once!
Though you beat him with a log.
He will not return back ...

Come out with me! On the window ...
I want to be honest with you extremely ...
What fills us with fiber.
It feeds and feeds for some reason devils through tunnels!

Fool, do not believe your eyeballs!
If you open them for at least a second.
Here in the bustle of giants and dwarfs.
Soon something levels us all!
Levels us all up!

We will make history.
Yes, we will fly on all four sides!
We will repeat the story again.
Come, then, we will finish. See you later!

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Now my last bush, the one that occupies the revision opening.

In the photo, I turned on the Vega mode on my lamp. You see that red was added, but the light is not the same as in the Carlson, it is pleasant to look at it, it is as alive. This is even from the photo you see. Then you look at your hands in daylight, and they are of a different color, brighter and brighter))) .. in the eyes for a long time the lights flash colored)))

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to be continued...
I will translate in parts, it is hard for me to translate such a text.


If you decide to act - close the door for doubt.

Friedrich Nietzsche.




Preface from the author.

As there are no limits to perfection, there is nothing definitively understood and studied in the world of science. Also in our case. The technology of growing crops in Indore, both in the amateur segment and in the professional one, is still very young and not studied enough. It turned out that what we used to know and accept as dogma in outdoor cultivation is not always, even often, as time has shown, inapplicable, and in exceptional cases, even contrary to the principles of cultivation in Indore.

The Sun is a Divine Gift, presented to us by the Creator in return for our ingratitude. As well as medicine it is impossible to bring out the elixir of youth, or scientists can recreate the human brain in electronic form, so in our case, no matter how hard you try, but you will not be able to imitate or replace the sun in full, with artificial lighting.

But the restless Humanity, in its essence, is always in search, this process is usually called Evolution. Also in our case: people, like plastic surgeons who created ugliness instead of youth, which nevertheless became popular and fashionable, as well as researchers of plant growers, through long and painstaking research, created technologies at the genetic level, which significantly facilitated the cultivation of marijuana indoors. Technologies also covered all aspects of the growing process: this concerns both creating an environment and a microclimate similar in nature to its natural environment, as well as all sorts of technologies related to the placement and supply of light so as to compensate for the shortcomings of artificial lighting. The results exceeded expectations. If all the rules and regulations are observed, in Indore, a literate person, you can get a result, according to the parameters: area / power of light / weight, is noticeably greater than the result in open ground. Yes, these are not exactly the plants that grow in natural conditions, but in the era of progress, it doesn’t surprise anyone as a matter of fact, because we’re so used to it that we don’t even notice those products on supermarket shelves that are grown thanks to technology, it is ingrained in our lives, especially in the life of big cities.

We will talk about one of these technologies today - this technology has recently found its use in full and in the cultivation of cannabis. The technology is called "Artificial Defoliation".

Part 1



to be continued...
He who believes is free
That moves is even from submarines.
And always will be.
And no matter how hard they try, they don’t judge.
They are just people,
And these sentences are just sounds,
They do not hold down the mind, handcuffed.
The system is purely an umbrella against a crazy blizzard.
Here for freedom will shine more than once shabby Luger,
So keep the tail of a gun, sir.
And for the crazy behavior here I will not throw:
No maz direct me confusion, so everything in the edge of running.
How many innocents are handcuffed?
And let this syllable scatter on Earth
Mongolian arrow, brother, archer.
The fate of separation, but the years will pass and they will meet,
And go to the son of the father's whip.
Others, to enslave, are ready to adapt a third of the palace to the dungeon,
But from the hearts they do not erase the creator.
And I'm free until that star twinkles,
While I inspire faith in my heart.
It is stronger than raw opium.
Above the constellation Taurus.
Let the brother be released and the doorman will open the door in front of him.
Why weight when there is clean air?
For freedom, if someone does not understand, we started a hob here,
And not for empty promises.
If I, my brother, will, I would fall asleep for bream,
Because there was a lot of promise,
And then all over again.
And, it is too early to see, disband Guantanamo.
Despite the wounds, yo,
I am for freedom to melt,
Like a desperate Geronimo,
From morning and forever, like Constant, yo.
No, do not pull the wheel out of my hands
Free to be written to a slave
Gingerbread or carrot, freedom is at stake and therefore
I trust units, I do not believe anyone.
Freedom as an old artist who went backstage
Waiting for an encore, but alas, the audience dispersed
Freedom passed through the gastrointestinal tract
Hard, yes, but you yourself signed this contract.
And without the weather forecast, the severity of the forecasts is clear.
We are bred and reduced as a bridge to Vasilyevsky Island
Someone's freedom is paltos and is called coconut
Someone has a place on the Forbes list
Let this track fill the camp hut with the warmth of the sun
And even in dreams you rush home at full speed
Brother, freedom is like a dream dream, alas
Which we see when we sleep but interferes with sleep PSP
What is left is sold out from under the hammer
Selling a conscience which will get a rollback?
Previously joined the gang, now in the party
They are glad to all, even outright fall
From impunity, they do not scorch about the alibi and fawn
But do not remove the feet from the pedals in order to have time to bounce to Italy
They do not care that the country is waiting for the fate of Titanic
But Titanic, dying after him, will pull them
Honestly, from this shit, baby shaky but
Life hardened me and I am a type
And let us here nothing shines except the sun and the moon
We live with faith in the best days, the free world.

Man is the most dangerous animal
Only a man can make himself like that not free
Mind sly, fox muzzle
Today you are an exemplary citizen and tomorrow is a donor
Criminal hungry bloodsucker in search of fresh blood
On weekends and weekdays, an endless process
Hunter-victim roles are painted
Heads are forgotten by paranoid thoughts.
Heavenly Father, where is that fair share for every brother
If from the very childhood we were turned into sociopaths
Hinting that it is better to gang than hunchback for the sake of salary
Freedom, we found it in our own rhymes
These verses let the wings spread
We fly over the bustle of urban labyrinths
Of course it could be better here.
Well, yes it is insulting
Free in heart, free as the wind
The feeling of freedom is what I want to pass on to my children.
And you stay free
In spite of everything stay free

Part 1


As far as we know, the technology of artificial defoliation has been used in agriculture for a very long time. In 1930, the US first applied defoliant on cotton plantations. The defoliant is a chemical reagent that speeds up the leaf fall of mature plants for the convenience of harvesting. It is sprayed over the fields, a few days before the harvest.


We see that the technology of artificial defoliation, initially had nothing to do with hemp, and was used exclusively for cotton, grape and some other types of cultivated plants. And it was used solely for convenience at harvest.
Just a few years ago, all the advanced growers stated with confidence that, based on scientific canons, artificial defoliation for hemp is not only unnecessary, but also harmful. And when I, a few years ago, made a fateful decision for myself, to devote my life to grovinga and culture as a whole, then involuntarily, I had to delve into this aspect and study it more closely. Indeed, in fact, one of the main problems in protected ground is the lack of space and uniform illumination over the entire working surface of the growbox. Namely: large leaves shade young shoots that are under them. Immediately the question arises: What will happen if these leaves are cut off, thereby illuminating other areas more inaccessible for illumination? This is the question I asked my Master. The answer was categorical: this can not be done in any case, especially for large leaves, because as far as we know from the lessons of botany: the larger the surface of the leaf, the more light the whole plant receives. If we cut off the largest leaves, then the plant will have nothing to perceive the light, and it will not grow. Yes, that's exactly what all progressive growers thought, and it was simply impossible to convince them.

Part 2

Errare humanum est.

Experience is the son of difficult mistakes. This is exactly what the poet once said, which served as a preface for the scientific television program "The Obvious-The Incredible," which was broadcast on the central channel of the USSR.
As always, the thirst for experimentation and experimentation has prevailed over conservatism and stagnation. Both now and then, people were absolutely confident in their knowledge, and burned at the stake because someone dared to say that the Earth is round. Now it's even harder with that. Science has armed itself with all sorts of technological devices, equipment which, in their words, cannot be mistaken. Progressive and sensible people find it harder and harder to break through the wall of obsolete or erroneous scientific and technical findings and evidence.
Probably because the cultivation and use of cannabis, in most countries is forbidden, this was the reason that the technology of artificial defoliation of cannabis in the green field asserted itself as quickly as a fundamental element in the plant growth cycle.
This happened for the simple reason that most growers do not have specific knowledge and do not have on hand any special literature. Everything happens by word of mouth within the Internet. And most importantly, people first of all pay attention not to the scientific degree of Grover, but to his practical results, and immediately adopt his experience. Thus, the artificial defoliation of hemp, despite all the laws of botany and biology, gained momentum and gained strength.

Part 3

Justified necessity.

Artificial defoliation is applicable to any method of growing hemp in Indore. Whether soil, hydroponics or passive hydroponics (coconut) - it absolutely does not matter.
When using the technique of artificial defoliation, you need to comply with certain conditions. First: you must have the necessary experience in groving. To a novice gardener or a grower, without sufficient experience in cultivation, this technology is contraindicated.
Using defoliation several times per cycle, we stress the plant each time. With defoliation at the vegetative stage, the root system for some time slows down its growth, which can cause an imbalance in the plant. Therefore, proper and balanced nutrition is very important, otherwise the plant may not fully recover. It is also very important, when applying the technique, to make sure that your plant is completely healthy, otherwise it may die.
When using artificial defoliation, I recommend not to use any tools, such as scissors, but to do everything exclusively with your hands. After defoliation, I recommend turning off the light power for a while, or defoliation before turning off the light in your box at night.

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You need to be sure of the seedbank where you purchased hemp seeds. Genetics must be stable and stable. If you are not sure of your sidbank, then defoliation is not recommended, it is very likely that hermaphrodites will appear in your garden if you use feminized varieties or auto flowers.
And one more important moment of the process. It was not without reason that I began my narration with a quote from my favorite philosopher. If you are an experienced gardener, you have healthy plants, and you feed them correctly, then deciding on the use of this technique, you must be absolutely confident in yourself and your abilities. You should have no doubt, no matter how barbaric it may seem to you. Fearing the unknown, very many Grover produce a partial or inconsistent defoliation; this is wrong! Your actions should be clear and confident, and I assure you that this technology will make an impression on you, and most importantly, will increase your result by about a third.
For auto flowers the technique should be applied more tolerantly.

Part 4
Artificial defoliation technique for hemp, indoors.

Vegetative growth stage:

The plant must be healthy and have a height of at least 25 cm. We remove only the largest leaves, thus leaving enough young foliage to allow the plant to continue photosynthesis, as well as process nutrients.
In addition, by reducing the density of the leaves, we maximize the light energy that will come to lower areas, improving the ventilation of your garden.
Defoliated plant will grow for some time more slowly, because we stop the process of its growth and it must be restarted again. If we do everything right, then in a few days we will have dense foliage again.

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The number of defoliation for the vegetative period depends, in fact, on the length of the vegetative period that you have outlined. As soon as the plant collects the initial density of the leaf cover, we repeat the procedure, up to the transfer of the plants to the flowering mode.

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The first three or four weeks after the transfer of plants to flowering mode, defoliation is strongly not recommended !!! At this time, the plant is rebuilt and we can disrupt the imbalance, which can lead to the fact that the plant will end up underdeveloped or stop its growth, or die!

Flowering Stage:

At this stage, we will defolate the plants twice: For the first time after 3-4 weeks of switching to flowering mode, when the plant has fully started flowering. Remove all the big leaves. If you do everything right, then in about 3 days you will see the foliage gaining strength again, and after 7-10 days you will have a dense leaf cover again. Approximately two weeks after the first defoliation in the flowering stage, we produce the second. This is the last time, because at this age during the flowering period foliage stops growing, only buds grow.

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Before defoliation, make sure that your plants are restored and begin to grow again and so every time before pruning. If you do everything right, you will see that the buds have increased or new leaves have grown. Our task is to facilitate the access of light to all buds, especially on the lower part of the plant.
When cutting leaves at the flowering stage, we stimulate auxins (a plant hormone that takes part in flower growth and causes ripening). Thus, after the plant is restored after defoliation, the kidneys grow rapidly, swelling dramatically.
The goal of defoliation of the tops and bottoms is that the plant focuses its energy on the kidneys. Thus, we lay dense inflorescences and additionally stimulate the growth of buds over the entire surface of the bush, and not just the top. The result is to obtain a high-quality final product with dense and uniform inflorescences over the entire working surface of your growbox.
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