Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Bro, you do not even imagine a tenth of what was happening then ... People turned into savages. No, we are not savages, just if a person of any nation is placed in such conditions, he will become a savage; this can be compared, for example, with prisoners of Auschwitz, except that no one has conducted medical experiments on them. They just died of hunger!

Is it possible to judge Stalin for one thing !? I personally find it extremely difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, it was a monster who has nothing sacred in life, except for a utopian idea and his own ambitions!!

On the other hand, if we imagine that the USSR at that time would have fallen to its knees before the West, as was the case under Gorbachev, it would not only be the collapse of the USSR, it would be the collapse of Russia, as a Great Power- the country would be torn to pieces and turned into a colony or a banana republic. Then, as now, no one would show political correctness.))) Most likely, it would be Hitler! And then it is not known what would happen to Europe if Germany had such a huge potential of fuel and metallurgical reserves and such a huge number of slaves. But in the end, after his death, he left not scared slaves, but the Great Nuclear and Space Power, with advanced technologies that the CIA was so interested in at the time))) That's all that confirms the paradox and overturned life of your !!! Was Stalin right or not ?! If you take into account not a specific person, but the country as a whole! And if, for example, to compare the sacrifice of those unfortunate people in two skyscrapers with the sacrifice of collective farmers in 30X. And if you compare Stalin and Bush in such situations. One for country or another for profit !! Which of them is more right ?!))) A rhetorical question!

I note that I did not express my subjective opinion, I touched on this question from a philosophical point of view, impartially, appealing exclusively with historical facts.

Unfortunately, Bro, I suspect that my grandchildren will also speak English and remember the wild country as a terrible dream! Because, as an experienced person, I see that now Ukraine is going to hell, not only is it rolling, it is being pushed .. I know for sure now that I will not live to the time when ordinary people in my country will no longer need ...

Let's not talk about sad things. Life goes on. Conscious mistakes make us wiser.))))

Bro, I will help you of course with your installation, and the money you spend at least on materials. Also, I can advise you on the correct lighting and correctly arrange ventilation and microclimate. And if you know how to work with your hands a little, then it will be easy for you to do it. With 16 plants, with the proper formulation of the question, you can get from 4 to 8 kg of dry buds!

Vse yde, vse mynaye i krayu nemaye,
Kudy zh vono dilosʹ? vidkilya vzyalosʹ!
I durenʹ, i mudryy nichoho ne znaye.
Zhyve... umyraye... odno zatsvilo,
A druhe zavʺyalo, naviky zavʺyalo...
I lystya pozhovkle vitry roznesly.
A sonechko vstane, yak pershe vstavalo,
I zori chervoni, yak pershe plyly.

Everything goes, everything goes away and there is no edge.
Where did it come from? from where it came!
And a fool, and a wise man knows nothing.
Lives ... dies ... one blooms,
And the second vinegar, forever burned ...
And the leaves whipped up the winds.
And the lady will rise, as she first got up
And the red dawns, like the first one, swam.

T. Shevchenko. - St. Petersburg, 1841
That looks like it's going to be good! I wouldn't be surprised if the N.S.A. is really tracking EVERYONE...

... Druzhe, I know a lot, for the same reason that the main protagonist of the film of Oliver Stone (I advise you to look completely). Because he thinks unordinary, oppressing prejudices. To be honest, I would be the best analyst in the CIA))) because all the games in which they are playing I solved back at school.) I hope you know that Russians are the best in the world in chess.)) For me everything is so transparent that I'm even scared! And if the CIA agents were caught ме and tortured by pouring water into my mouth, then I would not be silent-I would say everything that I think about them right away!)))
Bratan, Putin is very difficult))), like Stalin !! He has eyes and ears everywhere, where you do not even imagine))) True, Putin is the richest man in the world (secretly, because he does not pay taxes). Аfter Stalin's death, only his overcoat and his shabby uniform were always worn . Have you ever seen a costume Вoss or jeans Lewis Strauss on Stalin?)) Correctly-no!!!)) Because Stalin lived for the country and ideas !! And Putin for his pocket !!! Putin's hands are in the elbow in the blood, and no less than Stalin or Bush or Obama-the oppressed African-American, with his mother in Africa !!!

I'll remind you. what Albert Einstein said about Lenin:

Einstein said: I respect Lenin only because he lived all his life exclusively for the sake of the idea !! Sorry for the translation, but the meaning is not lost !!

So, I'm slipping into thought and before the thought of Einstein's Great Genius because he thought extraordinary, rejecting prejudices !!
Albert Einstein on Vladimir Lenin


"I honor Lenin as a man who completely sacrificed himself and devoted all his energy to the realization of social justice. I do not consider his methods practical, but one thing is certain: men of his type are the guardians and restorers of humanity."
H.G. Wells on Joseph Stalin

“I have never met a man more candid, fair and honest, and to these qualities it is, and to nothing occult and sinister, that he owes his tremendous undisputed ascendency in Russia. I had thought before I saw him that he might be where he was because men were afraid of him, but I realize that he owes his position to the fact that no one is afraid of him and everybody trusts him.”

~H.G. Wells –Experiment in Autobiography

The, moon lit night - , the stars bright above -,
so bright a pin we could find
come out, my beloved, worn out in your labours,
at least for a moment, out side!

We'll sit here together, beneath the kalyna ,
and I'll be a Lord above lords ,
look out, O my sweetheart, a silvery wave there,
rolls out the fog in,to the field.

Don't you be frightened, concerning your white feet, dear,
wetting them in the cold dew,
I will take you, to your home, my true love,
will carry you there, in my arms.

Don't you be frightened, my swan of the cold here,
the warmth, nor the wind or the clouds,
I -, will gather you close to my heart dear one,
it's all a blaze - like the fire.

ancient ukrainian folk
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The, moon lit night - , the stars bright above -,
so bright a pin we could find
come out, my beloved, worn out in your labours,
at least for a moment, out side!

We'll sit here together, beneath the kalyna ,
and I'll be a Lord above lords ,
look out, O my sweetheart, a silvery wave there,
rolls out the fog in,to the field.

Don't you be frightened, concerning your white feet, dear,
wetting them in the cold dew,
I will take you, to your home, my true love,
will carry you there, in my arms.

Don't you be frightened, my swan of the cold here,
the warmth, nor the wind or the clouds,
I -, will gather you close to my heart dear one,
it's all a blaze - like the fire.

ancient ukrainian folk
So beautiful! I am listening to it while I'm getting ready for work. Beautiful.

The, moon lit night - , the stars bright above -,
so bright a pin we could find
come out, my beloved, worn out in your labours,
at least for a moment, out side!

We'll sit here together, beneath the kalyna ,
and I'll be a Lord above lords ,
look out, O my sweetheart, a silvery wave there,
rolls out the fog in,to the field.

Don't you be frightened, concerning your white feet, dear,
wetting them in the cold dew,
I will take you, to your home, my true love,
will carry you there, in my arms.

Don't you be frightened, my swan of the cold here,
the warmth, nor the wind or the clouds,
I -, will gather you close to my heart dear one,
it's all a blaze - like the fire.

ancient ukrainian folk
The woman at 23 sec. Is so beautiful.
Hey Sedan, ho9pe you are doing OK.

Quick question for you, with your drippers, what rate of watering do you use per day?
I like the drain to waste method better than a recirculating reservoir.
Wow! $$$ Putin Is rolling in money! $$$ He should invest some of that money back to the people of Russia.
Yes, Братан, so we live. There is a president is king!

Russia is the richest country in the world, due to the deposits of huge natural resources. Whose property is this ?! King of course !! Fact!

There is his retinue, confidants and lackeys. All the assets of the country belong to a handful of these people. This is about 2-3% of the population. This is the highest class. We have no middle class!!!

The remaining 97–98% are their slaves. These people are in constant concern about how to feed themselves, dress, pay for utility services, pay doctors, pay for the education of children, in fact, base desires. These people turned into robots, because everyday need gradually reduces the mind. Salary is scanty. The only way to earn more wages is to steal it at work or to cheat if you are a seller, for example. Most people do it, otherwise you will not live. Therefore, you can not trust anyone, everyone can fool you with a smile on his face. Therefore: the quality of products on the shelves is low (re-grading, wrong weight, expired products). The quality of service is very low and of poor quality (if you repair the car in service, then you will be deceived and slipped the old part instead of the new one, or the Chinese part instead of the brand)Therefore: the quality of products on the shelves is low (re-grading, wrong weight, expired products). The quality of service is very low and of poor quality (if you repair the car in service, then you will be deceived and slipped the old part instead of the new one, or the Chinese part instead of the brand)

I am now talking about both Russia and Ukraine. Our systems are absolutely the same !! Now imagine who will let such a country into the European Union ?? !!! The only weighty argument for the people, during the "Maidan", was that they promised that Ukraine would join the European Union immediately !! It was apiori .. metaphysical, if you want, a lie !! Fact!

I am a fact driven person also. Give me the facts!
Another fact: during the USSR (70-80- what I remember), any person from the village could come to any city of the USSR .. any !!! If he possessed some kind of knowledge and intelligence, then he could enroll in any university of this city, or any other educational institution. If he successfully passed the exams, he was allocated a room in a student dormitory for free. He was awarded a scholarship. After graduation, listen carefully: the government, based on your abilities, found you a job !!! though it could not be in this city. My mother studied at the University of Economics in Kiev, and she was assigned to work in Zaporizhia. And again: the government allocated to my mother a room in a dormitory near the plant. After five years of work, my mother was promoted. She was given a more responsible position and transferred to the Kharkov Aviation Plant. Also, the government allocated a FREE one-room apartment to her, where I was born and spent my happy childhood. All my troubles began with the collapse of the USSR, and do not end until now ....

The woman at 23 sec. Is so beautiful.

Bro, I am a discreet person in this regard, because I don’t want to let demons into my soul .... But I’ll say all the same: when you come to Kharkov and go out on a busy street at rush hour, then you will run up your eyes. When I visited France once a long time ago, I was stunned .. I will not continue, so as not to offend anyone.)))

What strain/s of cannabis are you cultivating? If you don't mind?
I am not a breeder, I do not understand much about it, Bro))) My head will boil, if I’m still going to delve into it.))) Therefore, I’m afraid to pile up nonsense.))) My friends are doing it. All communicate exchange experience and material. I know that there is genetics from Uzbekistan, from India, and from your edges there is also something. These are all hybrids. A couple of years ago, they sent me Landlace from Greece ...

Hey Sedan, ho9pe you are doing OK.

Quick question for you, with your drippers, what rate of watering do you use per day?
I like the drain to waste method better than a recirculating reservoir.

Glad to see you, My Friend!!!

Where had you been?

I remember you recently!!))

I get about 20 liters of water or fertilizer / 200 liters of soil at a time. Dripping around for 2 hours.
Yeha I keep busy growing weed.
Quit smoking cigarettes too, so feeling a bit healthier these days.
My grow is expanding, and growing costs money, but I remembered your drippers.
And it seems like a better compromise than having to mix a fresh reservoir every day to avoid the quality of the feed going down as the plants get watered over days. I will likely do coco, it is easier to clean up than soil, hydro is working out quite expensive, nutrient wise.
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