I'm 40. I thought that you are much older than me! Already long ago on forums, and on human intonation, I learned to determine life experience. Although in the beginning it was very difficult to overcome the language barrier. You think differently ... no, you build the proposals differently .. It's hard to understand, but it's very interesting for me !! It's interesting to understand people living in the other end of the world ...
I for this too, I want to grow coca. In order to stay indian amazon at least for a little!)))
And this fucking shit, I tried in my childhood enough to understand now that this is a slow death or atavism, if you want !!!!!!!

This is fucking, guys! Now I will talk about the meth. In our country, there is such a service provided by the police, through dealers. On each house paint painted skype. You call there, you talk to the seller, you send money to him on the card, he sends you a SMS, where to pick up the hidden cargo in your area. You find, you take it. The bag is already weighted by a mile: pseudo-epidin / red phosphorus / crystalline iodine. Stir it all in a bottle, warm up, 15 minutes and it's ready! A dose of 2-3 days. In any supermarket, poppy seeds are sold for cooking. AT These packets the police adds a few poppy boxes of opium !! You buy a few packages, then the atsiton or whatever it is .. ready.
Cocaine is very expensive for us. It is used only by officials, police, criminals and expensive whores. Met- for the proletarians! )))))
The dose of meth (2 days) is $ 3, the dose of cocaine (2 hours) is $ 30.
I thank God that I escaped the fate of my peers at that time. They are now turned into a zombie! I swear, they look like a real zombie !!!! There are many, many in our ghetto !!! In the morning 7,15 go to the parking lot behind the car.
I thank God that I escaped the fate of my peers at that time. They are now turned into a zombie! I swear, they look like a real zombie !!!! There are many, many in our ghetto !!! In the morning 7,15 go to the parking lot to the car. They are already moving in groups around the district. Faces, cheerful eyes burn, but go very slowly and limp. I immediately have an idea in my head: it's not Kharkov. It's Rakun City .. it's not my government-it's corpuscle Umbrella !! Mila, сестра, where are you, why did you leave Ukraine, would you rather help us !!! ??
I do not like coffee, only my heart beats from him. My passion is tea. Strong black tea, sweet with lemon. And cannabis of course!)) From morning till night))). Very rarely whiskey with cola, more beer, but not drunk.
))))) Bro, I will not grow so much at home that my teeth rot))). It's exotic for me. The bush gives alkaloids in 2-3 years. The harvest from one bush is laughter, bro!)))) Here it is more necessary to watch, that the bush itself does not die!))
Have you ever tried this?