Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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i do not fuck with cocaine, no matter what form its in

I'm glad that you lead a healthy lifestyle !! I will advise you to do sports !!! I'm pulling up on the horizontal bar 30 times, pushing away from the floor 100 for one approach. I work every morning before work, then a cold shower. I tell you the truth, I'm not joking !! And how much are you ?!

Bro, excuse me, but you're talking nonsense now))))) Cocaine?))) What do you know about the history of America? This is the most valuable energy and vitaminized product! I'm talking about coca leaves now !! From it, make tea or eat! Indians have been eating leaves for thousands of years! If you eat a pound of salt, you say: fuck this salt is poison! And if you still dilute kerosene, then in general you will be worn with huge eyes)) This is a culture, a brother is not a drug !!! Do not confuse!! I'm a grower, not a dealer)))))
In coca cola leaves coca still. Earlier in general from pure leaves did or made crude from alkaloids



In Asia. Where Muslims and the Koran, there in general you can not drink alcohol! They drink a drink from poppies in Russian Asia - this drink is called "kuknar" - it is allowed to drink only adults! Every poppy grows there, the police close their eyes to it! It is a national drink. You can also tell dick this heroin, is not it?)))

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i'm aware of the history of my own country, and just because people were stupid in the past is no reason for me to be stupid in the present.

Interesting philosophy you have. Lived silly did not grieve, came clever, now stupid live in reservations, eat fucking leaves .... That's what you think! They think differently. You essentially insulted your fellow citizens. What for? I do not understand you! I am well acquainted with the guys from Peru. Normal guys. And not stupid at all! And not addicts! Believe me, I've seen many people in my time, good and bad. But these are all people, bro! I hope you understand me correctly, Bro!

And cocaine clever invented in the middle of the last century! And what a nightmare started right away with this clever cocaine! Imagine, the stupid Indians have eaten it for thousands of years. And nothing happened, no one died and did not go crazy, did not jump out of the window, did not sit in prison, did not become a criminal .... But only the smart ones touched it, the blood pressure started right away. Now once again, tell me, bro: who is clever ?? !!

Forgive me, I was mistaken, I still live in the 20th century))), the day before last of course it was taken. I'm talking about cocaine.

Sign of Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
Chapter 1 - The Science of Deduction

Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantel- piece, and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case. With his long, white, nervous fingers he adjusted the delicate needle and rolled back his left shirtcuff. For some little time his eyes rested thoughtfully upon the sinewy forearm and wrist, all dotted and scarred with innumerable puncture-marks. Finally, he thrust the sharp point home, pressed down the tiny piston, and sank back into the velvet-lined armchair with a long sigh of satisfaction.

Three times a day for many months I had witnessed this performance, but custom had not reconciled my mind to it. On the contrary, from day to day I had become more irritable at the sight, and my conscience swelled nightly within me at the thought that I had lacked the courage to protest. Again and again I had registered a vow that I should deliver my soul upon the subject; but there was that in the cool, nonchalant air of my companion which made him the last man with whom one would care to take anything approaching to a liberty. His great powers, his masterly manner, and the experience which I had had of his many extraor- dinary qualities, all made me diffident and backward in crossing him.

Yet upon that afternoon, whether it was the Beaune which I had taken with my lunch or the additional exasperation produced by the extreme deliberation of his manner, I suddenly felt that I could hold out no longer.

"Which is it to-day," I asked, "morphine or cocaine?"

He raised his eyes languidly from the old black-letter volume which he had opened.

"It is cocaine," he said, "a seven-per-cent solution. Would you care to try it?"

"No, indeed," I answered brusquely. "My constitution has not got over the Afghan campaign yet. I cannot afford to throw any extra strain upon it."

He smiled at my vehemence. "Perhaps you are right, Wat- son," he said. "I suppose that its influence is physically a bad one. I find it, however, so transcendently stimulating and clarify- ing to the mind that its secondary action is a matter of small moment."

"But consider!" I said earnestly. "Count the cost! Your brain may, as you say, be roused and excited, but it is a pathological and morbid process which involves increased tissue-change and may at least leave a permanent weakness. You know, too, what a black reaction comes upon you. Surely the game is hardly worth the candle. Why should you, for a mere passing pleasure, risk the loss of those great powers with which you have been endowed? Remember that I speak not only as one comrade to another but as a medical man to one for whose constitution he is to some extent answerable."

He did not seem offended. On the contrary, he put his finger- tips together, and leaned his elbows on the arms of his chair, like one who has a relish for conversation.

"My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation. Give me prob- lems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmo- sphere. I can dispense then with artificial stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation. That is why I have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it, for I am the only one in the world.".......................
For what it's worth, I have tried cocaine in the distant past and I had no interest in it. Same with methamphetamine. I'm in my 50s now and the only simulant I can be accused of using regularly is caffeine.

I wish to live to a comfortable old age and hard drugs are simply incompatible with that goal.

Chewing the coca leaves is said to be much less intoxicating, but it is hard on your teeth due to the lime needed to extract the active ingredient.

I'll stick to cannabis.
I'm 40. I thought that you are much older than me! Already long ago on forums, and on human intonation, I learned to determine life experience. Although in the beginning it was very difficult to overcome the language barrier. You think differently ... no, you build the proposals differently .. It's hard to understand, but it's very interesting for me !! It's interesting to understand people living in the other end of the world ...
I for this too, I want to grow coca. In order to stay indian amazon at least for a little!)))

And this fucking shit, I tried in my childhood enough to understand now that this is a slow death or atavism, if you want !!!!!!!

methamphetamine. .


This is fucking, guys! Now I will talk about the meth. In our country, there is such a service provided by the police, through dealers. On each house paint painted skype. You call there, you talk to the seller, you send money to him on the card, he sends you a SMS, where to pick up the hidden cargo in your area. You find, you take it. The bag is already weighted by a mile: pseudo-ephedrine/ red phosphorus / crystalline iodine. Stir it all in a bottle, warm up, 15 minutes and it's ready! A dose of 2-3 days. In any supermarket, poppy seeds are sold for cooking. AT These packets the police adds a few poppy boxes of opium !! You buy a few packages, then the atsiton or whatever it is .. ready.

Cocaine is very expensive for us. It is used only by officials, police, criminals and expensive whores. Met- for the proletarians! )))))

The dose of meth (2 days) is $ 3, the dose of cocaine (2 hours) is $ 30.

I thank God that I escaped the fate of my peers at that time. They are now turned into a zombie! I swear, they look like a real zombie !!!!

There are many, many in our ghetto !!! In the morning 7,15 go to the parking lot to the car. They are already moving in groups around the district. Faces, cheerful eyes burn, but go very slowly and limp. I immediately have an idea in my head: it's not Kharkov. It's Rakun City .. it's not my government-it's corpuscle Umbrella !! Mila, сестра, where are you, why did you leave Ukraine, would you rather help us !!! ??

I do not like coffee, only my heart beats from him. My passion is tea. Strong black tea, sweet with lemon. And cannabis of course!)) From morning till night))). Very rarely whiskey with cola, more beer, but not drunk.
))))) Bro, I will not grow so much at home that my teeth rot))). It's exotic for me. The bush gives alkaloids in 2-3 years. The harvest from one bush is laughter, bro!)))) Here it is more necessary to watch, that the bush itself does not die!))

Have you ever tried this?
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I'm 40. I thought that you are much older than me! Already long ago on forums, and on human intonation, I learned to determine life experience. Although in the beginning it was very difficult to overcome the language barrier. You think differently ... no, you build the proposals differently .. It's hard to understand, but it's very interesting for me !! It's interesting to understand people living in the other end of the world ...
I for this too, I want to grow coca. In order to stay indian amazon at least for a little!)))

And this fucking shit, I tried in my childhood enough to understand now that this is a slow death or atavism, if you want !!!!!!!


This is fucking, guys! Now I will talk about the meth. In our country, there is such a service provided by the police, through dealers. On each house paint painted skype. You call there, you talk to the seller, you send money to him on the card, he sends you a SMS, where to pick up the hidden cargo in your area. You find, you take it. The bag is already weighted by a mile: pseudo-epidin / red phosphorus / crystalline iodine. Stir it all in a bottle, warm up, 15 minutes and it's ready! A dose of 2-3 days. In any supermarket, poppy seeds are sold for cooking. AT These packets the police adds a few poppy boxes of opium !! You buy a few packages, then the atsiton or whatever it is .. ready.

Cocaine is very expensive for us. It is used only by officials, police, criminals and expensive whores. Met- for the proletarians! )))))

The dose of meth (2 days) is $ 3, the dose of cocaine (2 hours) is $ 30.

I thank God that I escaped the fate of my peers at that time. They are now turned into a zombie! I swear, they look like a real zombie !!!! There are many, many in our ghetto !!! In the morning 7,15 go to the parking lot behind the car.

I thank God that I escaped the fate of my peers at that time. They are now turned into a zombie! I swear, they look like a real zombie !!!! There are many, many in our ghetto !!! In the morning 7,15 go to the parking lot to the car. They are already moving in groups around the district. Faces, cheerful eyes burn, but go very slowly and limp. I immediately have an idea in my head: it's not Kharkov. It's Rakun City .. it's not my government-it's corpuscle Umbrella !! Mila, сестра, where are you, why did you leave Ukraine, would you rather help us !!! ??

I do not like coffee, only my heart beats from him. My passion is tea. Strong black tea, sweet with lemon. And cannabis of course!)) From morning till night))). Very rarely whiskey with cola, more beer, but not drunk.
))))) Bro, I will not grow so much at home that my teeth rot))). It's exotic for me. The bush gives alkaloids in 2-3 years. The harvest from one bush is laughter, bro!)))) Here it is more necessary to watch, that the bush itself does not die!))

Have you ever tried this?
I like tea, no need for cocaine in it!
My wife has a brother, he lives in Moscow. He is engaged in the sale of elite real estate. He is very rich, even by your standards. Was recently in California, gave me your coffee.

I'm sure it's the cheapest. The truth is very happy, before the magnets on the refrigerator gave only)))

I have known him literally since childhood. He was an excellent guy, until millions appeared, and he did not become "smarter" !!! I was starving, I asked him for help, he sent me $ 100, I sent him back !! Then I find out that he gave his new Range Rover to his wife ... Well done !! Smart man, very smart !!
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My wife has a brother, he lives in Moscow. He is engaged in the sale of elite real estate. He is very rich, even by your standards. Was recently in California, gave me your coffee.
View attachment 3942046

I'm sure it's the cheapest. The truth is very happy, before the magnets on the refrigerator gave only)))

I have known him literally since childhood. He was an excellent guy, until millions appeared, and he did not become "smarter" !!! I was starving, I asked him for help, he sent me $ 100, I sent him back !! Then I find out that he gave his new Range Rover to his wife ... Well done !! Smart man, very smart !!
It's too bad that rich people get so selfish.

That is not a special coffee but it is what a lot of Americans drink.

Are those mushrooms?
My mom read his books.



nteresting!! We do not meet this! Until the collapse of the USSR in our country, I did not know about drugs or drug addicts-they were practically nonexistent! -we were shielding the Iron Curtain from drugs. At that time, it was possible to walk along the street with pockets full of marijuana. Even the police did not know what it was like !! All drugs came to us from the west, it's a fact! The Russians always drank vodka! As in the Indians, coca and tobacco, while the Asians have a decoction of poppies and hashish, Scotch whiskey is a national drink, so Russian vodka! The culture of drinking vodka is wild! Pour glasses and drink until they fall! Yes, you find out about this! It's true! But drugs are a product of civilization !!))))
My mom read his books.

My favorite philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his "Human, too human." Favorite writer-psychologist Anton Chekhov - The greatest Russian writer!


Even Tolstoy, I do not like so much as Chekhov. On the photo Chekhov, Tolstoy, Gorky


Such as he is in the world, if ten is typed, it's good !! I tell you exactly that, I read a lot in my life. In particular, the complete collection of Chekhov's works (20 volumes), I read them three times!

Yes, I forgot to say there were no whores in the USSR !!! Rather, they were, but not as a goddess, but in their place, in a kennel! They were shown on the street with their fingers and spat when they walked on their heels and in mini skirts !! I'm telling you the truth now!

At me at school who imitated hippies and raised long hair, at all school the scissors the director have cut off !!


And from this came out people like me. And who will say that I'm underdeveloped !! ??))
Or a slave, or cruel, or a Nazi ..)))))))))))

What is it? I do not understand this!

Clowns or what?

Honestly, .. I'm with these ... I did not even greeted, if I met them !!!






Now my son wants to be so, but I do not want to! It says: Buy me grills. I ask: And what is this? When he told me, I almost had a heart attack)))) This is who you like to be like? I say. He answers me: you do not understand anything, I want to be myself! Then I thought about democracy)))))) ..... In short, I did not buy him these grizzlies! Let him in the police on me declares for it)))) that I violate his "rights" and "freedom"))))
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Тtystikk, Bro, do not take offense at me, if I said something wrong here! I'm not from evil!

Today is the weekend, I allowed myself to relax a bit !! As we say at us
"Na zdorov'ye", Brother!!

To say what the phrase means?))))) "Let's drink and we will be healthy from this."))))))


I drink like an American))), whiskey .. not vodka! Understood?))))

Whiskey cheap, but Scottish)))

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