So, yesterday at the barn was a blast. We picked up my buddy in the morning and headed over. First thing we did was pet the cows. They let you in a big pen with them. There was 4 of them. Buttermilk, Grace, Faith, and Vegan. We petted Faith the most, but my favorite was Grace, she looked cute with her little cowlick hairdo. When you walk in the pen they give you big brushes you can use on the cows, or you can just pet them and hug them.
Next we went over to the horses. You could buy a bag of carrots to feed them, my friend really enjoyed that. I liked the pony that was there, Bonzai, but she was shy and hung at the back of her pen. All the others couldn't get enough carrots, I didn't have any and they kept looking at me like "What's your problem buddy" The tall dark horse that reached over the fence at us was my favorite one I got to pet.
We got to hear a little speech from the founder, she's pretty cool. She said a stat (not sure how accurate) that if one person stops eating meat (adopts a plant based diet as she put it) it would save an acre of forest a year. Me and my wife still ate Turkey at the restaurant 10 minutes after leaving the place.
Then we all went into the big pen where they have lots of goats, lots of chickens, some roosters, a few turkeys, few pigs, two llamas, one peacock, two sheep, and there used to be an emu, but it wasn't there this time. The pigs were huge, not sure how many pounds, wouldn't surprise me if they were 800 pounds... but I'm horrible at estimates. Either way... they were huge. The goats were cute as were the chickens. I really liked the look of the roosters. The turkeys were pretty cool. They are really interesting birds. The males heads change color with mood and they have weird little skin things on their neck and head, kinda freaky looking. They are fun to pet.
Pig hair feels like a wire brush almost, it's really odd. And pigs don't sweat, that's why they roll around in mud, to cool off and for sun protection. Oh, it was pretty cute. One of the turkeys fell in love with my friend. He was petting it and it wouldn't let him get up. Then it kept following him. When others tried to pet it, the turkey walked away and want to my bud. Was funny.
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Giant Pig Ear !!!