edit: nailed it, thundercat.
Thats why I would be torn on this issue... but socializing is the only thing I got done in school and I SUCK at it lol, its like a system set to mould you as soon as you enter the world.
We dont need school to be kicked in the nuts by life, she will make sure the kid realizes life aint lemon drops. But being with peers is important... then again if I had a kid I would trust the average slime ball with him or her for 8 hrs a day, theres also an issue with the system disconnecting you from your parents at an early age when they are the ones that have your back more than anyone else,,, usually.
My kid will probably not go to homeschool, but it doesn't mean she has to get shots.
I am gonna look into this.
But the kids dr already gave em both the HPV vaccine
HPV is scary scary scary in terms of what it can do to you as a result of the vaccine.
I honestly cant remember the last shot I got.
Bobo I was on the coffee too when I ranted! lol "the coffee"
Jig, g may be onto something, the sour d I did in hydro was off to the side and I got over an ounce from a tiny plant... Next run all sour d up to the light had tiny buds, power in numbers, but still. I think you'll be fine, try not to stress too much. got pr0n? <<< needs to be a t-shirt.
The coffee!! Some strong shit, dat coffee

And yeah, it makes me rant lots, too. Sorry
Quick Fact: A personal beliefs exemption shall be granted upon the filing with the governing authority a letter or affidavit from the pupil's parent or guardian or the person seeking admission if an emancipated minor or adult, that such immunization is contrary to his or her beliefs. In 2011 a new law was passed which allows minors 12 years old and older to consent to vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases without the knowledge or consent of their parents. This includes HPV vaccine. Cal Family Code § 6926. Medical exemptions are also allowed.
"The law allows parents/guardians to choose an exemption from immunization requirements based on their personal beliefs or medical conditions. For children with medical exemptions, the physician’s written statement should be submitted. Schools should maintain an up-to-date list of pupils with exemptions, so they
can be excluded quickly if an outbreak occurs. "
Exactly. You can do anything if you really want to. They can't force you do shit.
You can send them to school without vaccines, but you have to sign a waiver. They do much more harm then good. People get the term vaccine confused with immunization, but they are not the same thing.
Ding ding ding ding
required to go to school, and school is required.
Unless you home school?
My daughter got pertussis (whooping cough)
They said, "you should have gotten her vaccinated"!
She was vaccinated, and she still got it and it lasted over 4 months.
Vaccines are a waste of time if your intent is to not get sick.
The county Heath dept and CDC were calling me several times after her confirmed positive diagnosis.
They said no way she was vaccinated if she got sick.
Well I have the yellow shot card from her at that time 10 yr pediatrician.
I realized then that these 'Vaccines" are a joke and a scam.
She wasnt allowed to go to school for several weeks, then suddenly there was a minor epidemic that my daughter might have been the source of.
They said finally after me calling them several times that there might have been some mix up or flaw with the batch of vaccine.
Anyway I think home schooling is in order to avoid vaccines.
Alright, last fun fact, and then I'm going to leave this alone. I don't want to thread highjack too much.
There was a study done at Kaiser San Rafael in 2011 (I believe, but could have been 2010) on 132 cases of Bortadella Pertussis. Of those 132 cases, 80% had received a FULL SERIES of TDAP vaccines (that's 4 total shots, btw). 11% had received a partial vaccination series. 9% didn't get anything at all.
Same year, different state-- Washington. 70% of those infected with BP had received a full series of shots, 20% received a partial series, and 10% received nothing.
There have been numerous articles written about this in other countries (an Italian court just ruled this week that the Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine
is linked to Autism this week), but we don't see that stuff here. They'd never want you to know that the flu shot made you more susceptible to getting the flu.
edit: Argh, fak. I guess that article was bound to get pulled down at some point. It said that a study was done on mice who'd been given the flu vaccine were found to be more at risk to getting the flu, and when they did their illness was far worse than the control group that did not get the vaccine.