Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

That would be correct. It was coined by Bobotrank.

I started working on the new room I'll be constructing in the back yard. Cleared all the plants and trees from the spot. We are going 12' x 16'. Makes an even 6 boards for the flooring. I'm going to start pricing wood soon and break out a shovel or two. Before things go too far I need to draw up some plans.

I'm looking forward to making stem walls... I've never done that before. Exciting times.

EDIT: No, this is not a room for growing. Sorry to disappoint. It will be a home office/ get away.
Time is both flying by and moving slow. I'll take it though. Days when wife is worried go by very very slowly. Days when there are no worries fly by.

Had a very un-nerving dream. I killed a dude. Wasn't even like he was trying to hurt me or my folks. It was just some shit... don't even remember but I just like didn't want the dude hanging around. I don't remember much details but I got rid of his body real good. And I cleaned the scene good enough that when the po looked it over they didn't see anything to arouse suspicion. My dream was a few days long so I was sweating them finding something. They figured dude killed himself or something and let it slide. I remember thinking in my dream how long the statute of limitations was for killing someone.

Damn I'm glad that was a dream.
They say a death dreams baby being born get ready bro i had a dream like that when my sister was prego and two days later bam........ Good luck homie and congrats
Argh :( Sorry to hear it, Jig. It's been rough over here lately, too. Chin up fella. Anything we can do to help?

Anything we can do to help?

Sure... take all my cats, all the yard waste, and get my cars fixed. :) I'll have another list after that. :) :)

Life's good... just pissing me the fuck off. Hope things chill out over there.

And hope the little one feels better TC.

I just can't get out of my own way lately. Every thing I try makes everything worse. And anytime I think I'm making progress in one area it completely FUCKS another area. Makes me want to go to sleep... so I can' mess anything up.
Well let us know whats going on if you want to. My heart drops whenever I come in here seeing frowny face posts, as long as the three of you are okay!


Edit: Ok everything is cool then lol. I hate having those days, I'll stop to do something nice and simple and through my astounding stupidity I manage to waste the entire day just to fuck up more shit lol. Makes me want to smoke a bowl bongsmilie
In that closet you'd probably be really happy with a 400. I'd probably go for a 6 tho and 250 is way outta my mind :)
You guys are missing the point. But it's ok. :)

Wife had a funny story from the grocery store. It was in a nice part of town where she has an office. Somewhere around the flower aisle two white guys around 50-55 both wearing shorts and both with pulled up socks start yelling at each other. She heard something like "Get outta my face" .... "No, your face stinks" .... "You wanna take this outside buttface" ... at which point they went outside to yell. I guess the guy who "started it" left. But the guy who didn't want it to end stayed at the store as his wife was still checking out.

Poor wife. (his not mine)

Security shows up and tried to get the guy to calm down at which point he starts attacking the security guard. They leave him be (i guess no one else wanted to get hit) and he comes back in the store to find his wife, the whole time yelling at any employee that walks by talking about "You guys are pussies not letting me defend myself. I didn't start that shit, he did and you pussies wont let me stand up to him"

His wife was saying "let it go"... dude wasn't having it.

Lol... wife said they then got into their car with a hadicap sticker.